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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Dano

    Bike for sale

    Dang Reiny, that's a downgrade, not an upgrade! Dan
  2. Indy is only 25 miles, but I gotta have time to get me & the bike out there...... Dan
  3. Thanks Tim, will check this out tonight when I get a chance to take it apart. What would be proper cable for the jumper? Twisted pair or? Dan
  4. So if the trailer I just bought is a 5 wire, and if I change the bulbs to LEDs, can I just wire it into the harness back under the trunk? Dan
  5. Hmm, guess I'll have to beat everyone in Indy to this one.... got a little track about 25 miles from me...... Dan
  6. Hope you can help. My factory radio (purchased and installed by me) has a mostly intermittent right speaker. I know it's the big blue connector for speaker output, as I can pull everything out, plug in the connector and it works. I tried shimming up the connector in the bucket to make a tighter connection when installed, but it's a crap shoot as to whether it works or not. Also, would like to make up a cable from CB to amp, got a factory cb without the harness. Or should I just go with a J&M? How much are they? Gettin' tired of yelling at these guys when we're on a ride! GREAT thread here guys, keep it going! Dan--- who is a Master Electrician but can't figure out those little circuits and gizmos!!!!
  7. So sorry to hear about your friends grand-daughter, Bob. Prayers for he and the family going out from us. Dan
  8. Heck Dan, I thought you already had them ground off! They must not know you too well! Dan
  9. You should be able to take the broken bolt to a good hardware (NOT Big Box) store and they can match it up for hardness and size. It should be exact same diameter so it fits snug back throught the mounting hole. If there is any play, the movement of the shock and links will eventually break the bolt again. Good luck, Dan Big Dude, just noticed you're down there by North Vernon, should be able to go to your local hardware guy and find it.
  10. Hey Earl, I got the easiest way for you to work with them. Real easy. Send them to me and I'll put them on my bike! Look at all that work I just saved ya! Honestly, I'm looking for a left side black grill, just found out my tabs were broke on that one. Dan
  11. I go up this way, then turn right for about 100 miles, then turn left and sweep up left for about 50 miles, then straight north for another 50 miles, turn right for about 20 miles, then turn left on Hawley and turn in at the second driveway! Skinny Squidley returns!
  12. And you were still being easy on it! Glad it was an easy fix. Now onto more important things, like, maybe riding! Dan
  13. Dano

    Highway pegs

    Here's the set of standard 60 dollar pegs I put on mine. I'm 6'2 with a 34 inseam and these are fine for me. Dan
  14. Congrats Cindy, another nail in the coffin! Dan
  15. That's why I've got a vboost in the cabinet to go on the bike one of these days.......
  16. Possibly coming from the clutch push rod seal, you'll have to remove the slave to see in there. Have you cleaned the area yet so you can see any new oil coming out? This may help in diagnosing. It would be that or the shifter shaft. Only other place could be the neutral indicator switch. It's all in the same area up in there. Good luck, Dan
  17. I bet he just went down to the public library and used theirs!!!!
  18. Dave, use a long pair of needle nose pliers to get in there and install your caps. Use the same clip rings to hold them on. Works for me! Dan
  19. Hey Spyderguy, I'm just outside Indy on I-74, only about 10 miles south of 70 at Mt. Comfort Rd. exit. I ride and 84 with a Saddlemans Travelcade seat, plus I still have the factory seat for comparison. Wish I would have seen this earlier, could have hooked up with you this past weekend. Perhaps we can meet up next weekend. Send me a PM if you're interested. Whereabouts you at? Dan
  20. Some guys have all the toys and problems, don't they?!!!
  21. Dano


    I feel your pain as well, laid my 15 year old German Shepard to rest last fall. Dan
  22. I've got the vboost already, just gotta get those pesky cams..... Dan
  23. If you rode a 1st gen, he wouldn't be able to clock you at all! I'm just sayin'!!! LOL Dan
  24. As far as I know, it's been running fine since about a week after that. I believe one of the knuckles was stuck.
  25. That was great, thanks for posting it! Dan
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