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Everything posted by Dano

  1. I at least went out and started it for a good warm-up and gas movin' thru the system, but it was late and dark..... So today I get up and there's 6" of new snow layin' out there! :snow:
  2. The son has already moved both bikes out to the shed or I would in about 14-1/2 hours......... Even tho it's cold out too, first ride of the year out of the way!
  3. Happy New Year goes out from Rose and I to you all on here on VR! ESPECIALLY to you all down under!
  4. Done, Merry Christmas to him and you for this accomplishment
  5. Sorry to hear of this Annie. Love and prayers go out to you and Alan
  6. Maybe I could make a little extra $$ for my services to friends like Jack out on the road when they need my help......(been WELL paid back for that!) Oh, I'm just NOT like that..... I bought my brace for the long gone 1st gen from Jack because I know our members make an excellent product, just like the "Diamond cut", front chrome grills for the 2nd gens, Squeeze and mine starter clutch replacements (oops, self-serving ad there!!) and all the products made available from our members here since all they want to do is help others out because of the rarity and difficulty in finding GOOD parts to put on their bike.....
  7. Saw this poem on Facebook Ventureriders, copied it and sent it to a couple of friends So GREAT to read! Thanks! And Merry Christmas to all my riding friends out there!
  8. Happy Birthday Carl!
  9. Sounds like a good road to follow, Gary. I'd like to see it lined up against a new bike and then run a quarter mile...
  10. Just PM me when you want to get it done, takes about a week to get the parts in. But, if you let me know a week before hand, let's say, they'll be here ready to go when your rotor arrives..... $325 is what is needed for the job, just so you've got something to head for..... LAST time you'll have to do this. The mod was made by a buddy for a guy who had bored out his VMax from 1300 to 1700 cc's, burnt out three of these starter clutches a year till Squeeze came up with the mod 4 years ago and it STILL works in the 1700!
  11. Folks would HIT you again if'n you're out in a snowstorm with that thing! They'll claim they didn't see ya!!
  12. Glad you finally got your new playtoy over there, might wanna just borrow the front ski steering hardware from the "ice sleds" sitting there and put them on Red Baron for some winter fun!!:cool10:
  13. Thoughts go out for you guys on the upcoming surgery, hope it goes well.
  14. Seems we're not allowed to watch down here....
  15. What was the question???:confused24:
  16. Uh, put a DC ammeter in line on that fuse and see if it draws any AMPERAGE That will let you know if there is a load or if it's just a replacement fuse (backup!)
  17. Of course you know how to ohm out the stator, do it while it's still in the bike. If you pull it out, it may lose it's grounding-out point then. Just crank the bike (of course TCI unplugged) and read the ohmage across the lines (2 at a time) and see how they read compared to the other 2 connections to the three wires. Also do an ohms test to ground from all 3 lines separately, just to check that too. Heck, that's ANOTHER evening out in the cool air now!!
  18. I will talk to the guy who definitely helped me overcome, I am sure he will be glad to do the same for the Warden! All ya gotta do is ask!
  19. At 1000 r's, 13-13.5 is good. Does it ramp up with throttle or just snap to 14.3 at 3k? Going to 14.5 is because the coils aren't having to fire, lessening the amperature needed.
  20. Welcome to the roost, Yammer. Been there, done that......
  21. Sure wish you guys were closer.....I'd be there too!
  22. Very happy to see you and Al again this year Annie, wish it was more than just that weekend... Glad you're home safe and sound but VERY tired!
  23. Sorry for your loss Bob, we did the same a few years ago with our 2 shepards
  24. Somebody's had a great thought and developed it out on this one! Whodathunk these two would go together so well!:rotf::rotf:
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