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Everything posted by jimmy99

  1. All 4 diaphragms have the 4 holes poked in them. The jets and screws were loose in a couple of the carbs, and one of them had the main jet just laying in the bottom of the bowl... The needle e-clips were in a couple of different positions from carb to carb. The pilot needles were 0.5, 3.5, 1.75, 1.75 turns out. From what I can find in the parts diagrams, all the jets are stock EXCEPT the pilot air jets. Stock is supposed to be 170, mine are 150. I made a front bracket that will do the job for now. and i am going to try the plasti-dip method to repair the diaphragms. I will order new diaphragms and install them later. The priority right now is to get it running well and put some miles on it without spending too much. I am really glad I looked onto these carbs. Jeff
  2. well, took the carbs off my new to me 88 Venture. First discovery is... the front bracket is missing!! Second discovery is... somebody put holes in the diaphragms!?!?!? Seriously? Why would someone do that? There are 4 holes all 90 degrees from each other, someone had to make them. I haven't gotten that far on the other 3 carbs but doubt they will be any different. Third discovery is... the needle E clip is in the bottom groove, raising the needle, helps explain why it was running rich. Anyone have a spare front carb bracket? What needle e-clip position would be a good starting point? I never rode this bike, only heard it run a few times and I knew I wanted to get into the carbs to clean them and look into why it was running so rich... and wouldn't idle very well... and son on. Hope I don't make too many more nasty discoveries. Hopefully whoever did the carbs on this bike never got into the motor. It doesn't appear to have been apart though. Jimmy
  3. A motorcycle, like any machine, will "talk" to you and let you know what's going on. You just need to be "tuned" in to it, lol. If you are used to the way it normally runs, any abnormal sounds or vibes will stand out. Learning what might be causing the strange sounds and vibes can be difficult at times. Jimmy
  4. Now they've done it. Have these guys not seen the terminator movies? Pretty sure those guys that kicked that robot will be the first to be terminated once the robots figure out how, lol.
  5. thanks for the info guys
  6. How do you switch the modes? High, low, flash. Do they cycle thru when the power is applied? I would prefer to set the desired mode and then be able to just turn them on/off without the mode changing. Jimmy
  7. I am going to put heated grips on the 88 VR and am interested in the showchrome 17-385. In the pictures it looks like they come with a throttle tube. Does anyone know if these will fit the first gen? I am also concerned that they might be too short. Any suggestions would also be welcome. I like the thicker grips as the thin ones tend to make my hands cramp and I am pretty sure I don't want the peel and stick ones that go under the grips. i had grip puppies before and they were ok but I had non-heated grips similar to the 17-385's and found them very comfortable. Pic of the showchrome ones These are a little spendy, but I will have them for a long time and they will provide great comfort. Jimmy
  8. Thanks for all the kind words and tips. I will skip the ignition relay for now. I am very handy with the tools and have a a great understanding of mechanical things. The carbs will be the first thing i work on. My goal is to have it be a reliable daily rider beginning as soon as i can get it running nice and get the safety check, insurance and plates on it and ride it deep into the fall. I work long hours and 6 days a week for much of the year. I can't justify putting insurance on a bike unless i can commute to work with it. The Venture will suit my needs perfectly with good weather protection and lots of storage space for rain gear and work gear. I can't wait to get it on the road and begin putting the miles on. My previous street bikes were a Honda V45 and a Suzuki Bandit 1200. Both good bikes in their own regard but neither suit my needs. Sold the V45 years ago, the bandit is "almost" sold. Jimmy
  9. Have to get the seat repaired or replaced.
  10. It seems to be pretty much all original and unmolested. Now the fun begins. Jimmy
  11. My trailer is full of motorcycle and there is only one in there, lol.
  12. Oh, already sent a pm to prarriehammer with the VIN for his database, lol. Jimmy
  13. Well... an 88 VR followed me home on the weekend, i got a deal i could not refuse. It is in pretty decent condition and was ridden last year by PO. I have a few things i want to do right away to help ensure reliability like the starter motor mod, fuse box upgrade, and ignition relay mod. I will also be making a list of things for next winter, clutch spring upgrade, shift cam upgrade (pin holder), possibly starter clutch upgrade, de-link the brakes, progressive springs, and whatever else I find. Immediate issues are it runs rich, the radio is non-functional and the seat has a rip in it. I'm planning on getting into the carbs for a good cleaning and synching, and then getting it ready for it's safety inspection. I don't see that it will need much or anything, the tires and brakes are good, all the lights work, etc. Jimmy
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