Well... an 88 VR followed me home on the weekend, i got a deal i could not refuse. It is in pretty decent condition and was ridden last year by PO.
I have a few things i want to do right away to help ensure reliability like the starter motor mod, fuse box upgrade, and ignition relay mod. I will also be making a list of things for next winter, clutch spring upgrade, shift cam upgrade (pin holder), possibly starter clutch upgrade, de-link the brakes, progressive springs, and whatever else I find.
Immediate issues are it runs rich, the radio is non-functional and the seat has a rip in it. I'm planning on getting into the carbs for a good cleaning and synching, and then getting it ready for it's safety inspection. I don't see that it will need much or anything, the tires and brakes are good, all the lights work, etc.