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Everything posted by jimmy99

  1. ^^^This is exactly what I was taught to do when I took an MSF course years ago. Having the revs up and slipping the clutch while riding the brake makes the bike quite a bit more stable. It takes a little practice. Basically you hold the revs at something of a medium speed (differs somewhat by bike, ie sport bike maybe 4k, touring maybe 2k - accuracy not important), hold the clutch at the slipping point, and control the speed with the foot brake. Linked brakes are less than ideal for this procedure but it will still work. I was amazed at how much better my slow speed control became once I learned this trick, and it applies to bikes of all sizes. For those worried about clutch life - I asked the instructor and he said they had never replaced a clutch yet on the little bikes and they have students learn and do this to them all the time. I remember thinking those bikes likely have their clutches slipped for at least 30% of the time they are running.
  2. Cool house, thanks for sharing.
  3. Best description of a "tuner" installation, ever. Being a gearhead myself, I'm pretty sure I could install one now.
  4. That is unreal. I don't know what the world is coming to anymore. Where does this guy get off? I mean, he would know that he can't just take a corvette out of a car lot because his kid "really like it and wants it", so he knows it is not right to steal but does it anyway. It seems more n more people feel they are entitled to do whatever the eff they want and have very little respect for anything, laws, peoples property, etc. I'm sorry you had to deal with this douchebag. It probably put a real damper on decent ride.
  5. I had several conversations with my daughter's principal when she was in grade school. Keep notes regarding each meeting you have - date, time, list of people present in meeting, general notes of discussion. Pretend like you might need your notes in the future for court and you should then be in the right mind to capture the right information. Even make notes during the meeting if you like, but if not then definitely right afterwards. During the meeting keep your cool. No hothead, no cursing. Be direct and to the point, don't embelish or assume anything. Present the facts of what has been happening and let them work out their solution(s). Then follow up. Get the school board, trustees involved if the results are not as desired. Your notes of each meeting may become important depending on the school, principal, policies, politics, friends of friends, etc. Sadly, I did not follow this advice and the problems persisted for my daughter well into high school. We almost lost her at one point but things are much better now. Try to keep good communication with your daughter without being pervasive or judgemental. Just be open, accepting, and supportive of anything she wish's to share with you. Our family doctor was also very helpful with treatment options including a wonderful therapist. I wish you and your daughter all the best regarding this. Jeff
  6. This needs to happen. Better yet, the cops should get to smash the phone right there on the side of the road with a big hammer. It would be fun enough for the cops so they would want to seek out the people using them n get smashing, lol. I drive truck and every day I see so many people drive and behave badly on the roads and at least half of the people that pass me are texting while driving. I love riding a motorcycle, it is one of the few things that I do purely for me. It calms me, exhilarates me, and just lets me be me. I find myself lately having thoughts of giving up riding, and I never thought that would happen. Jeff
  7. Not gone. Looney and Tooney are still going strong here, and I heard they are thinking of replacing $5 bills with coins as well. Our pennies are gone though, stores won't accept them anymore and everything gets rounded up or down to the nearest nickel. Debit and credit card purchases still charge the correct amounts.
  8. Best of luck to ya. A career change can be very exciting indeed. I did a 180 a few years ago in sort of the same situation. Industrial sales, downsized from one place, let go from another and couldn't find anything else. I went to truck school and drive for a living now and really enjoy it. Only drawback is that I work much harder for my money now, but I also have much less stress in my life. Career changes can be very successful, depends on what you want and the effort you put in.
  9. Motorcycle Frog Toggs is the best I have found so far. I bought the jacket in hi viz yellow and a size large enough to fit over my mesh MC jacket. I like hi-viz when its raining. For feet, my boots are waterproof but in heavy rains I have a pair of Harley Davidson rain Gators (boot covers). Tried other brands but HD ones work the best. For hands, I bought a decent set of MC gloves that are waterproof. I wear em when it rains or if it's cold out.
  10. Thinking good thoughts here Carl. I hope your meeting goes well and you are able to address the concerns the neighbor has.
  11. Wow. He got some air before he went down.
  12. It was carb related. I had to open up carb 3 and re-secure the needle tube. The screw that holds it in had come loose. The bike is back to running on all 4 all the time. I also adjusted the carb needles moving the clip down 1 groove to richen the mixture. The plugs were a little light looking.
  13. Well, the carbs are out. I took the air filter out n looked inside and saw that the needle tube on carb 3 was out of place. I got it set back in and tightened the holder screw and have the carbs ready to go back on the bike but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Have to work early tomorrow n must get some rest. Hopefully this his will solve the problems
  14. My venture started running on 3 cylinders a few days ago. The fourth on "kicks" in around 4000 rpm intermittently and it runs solidly on all 4 above 4600 rpm. I tried replacing the spark plugs with new ones but it made no difference. I'm not sure if the problem is spark or carb related and am even having trouble deciding which cylinder is the problem. I am heading out to the garage to once again start it and try to figure out which one warms up the slowest. If anyone has experienced this before I would be very interested in knowing what solved it. Jeff
  15. Mine is $360 for basic coverage and I have never inquired about anything else since I only have about $1500 into my Venture. Company is called The Personal and we get group rates through work. Its bundled with my cars which also helps the rate.
  16. Thank you both for the years of FD service. Sad to hear of his condition
  17. Hahahahaha, watched the whole video - problem found and solved.
  18. Glad you got it together correctly. after 25-30 years the scars on my knee are hard to see but I still walk funny, or maybe I always did, lol. A locked or stuck throttle is never fun on a bike, but that YZ250 flipped over in 3rd gear wide open so fast I didn't stand a chance.
  19. Very jealous. A very similar trip to this is on my bucket list as well... someday.
  20. If the rpm comes up a little when you turn the bars to full lock, then the cables don't have enough slack. I'm not sure about second gen but there should be an adjuster either under the hand throttle or somewhere within the cable itself. The adjuster basically expands or contracts the sheath, and in doing so adds or decreases slack in the the system. You want some slack.
  21. Something is not quite right there. The butterflys should fully open when the grip is twisted all the way. Double check your throttle cables, the pull and return. Do you have some "slack" at idle? - meaning there should be some free play and you should be able to twist the grip a little from idle before the cable starts to pull the carbs. You definitely want to be sure there is no binding and all is working properly before attempting to ride, a suddenly stuck throttle while riding is never good. And I have the scars to prove it, thank you to Yamaha YZ250 when I was 17.
  22. Very sad. Good that everyone made it out, sucks about the kitties. FYI, a 20 lb BBQ tank will knock a house off its foundation.
  23. How many are playing?? oh yeah, just one. That guy is very talented. That is also likely the best that old piano has ever been played or sounded.
  24. Might as well take the carbs off and clean them out just to be sure they are spotless and when they are apart you can blast carb cleaner through all the passages. It really is the best way to know what the condition in there is. On mine I found some loose jets and other issues. The hardest part I found was doing the throttle and choke cables.
  25. The guy at the shop was right, that bike is junk. You should send it to me, lol. It looks like a real beauty that was obviously loved at one point in its life considering all the extras that have been added. As you have discovered there is a ton of information here and an awesome bunch of people that have been through every problem or issue you could ever have with this bike. You will get used to the weight of it, and I find it rides similar to the Honda V45 I used to have. Just larger and heavier. Congrats n have fun.
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