I just ordered some OEM ones along with those stupid square cut 0-rings under the main jet. The main problem with the carb's was they were pretty gunked up from sitting and when I started on them the middleman was very worried about parts and prices. Those are the kind of people I seem to get to rebuild stuff for. Anyhow, I told him the o-rings were proprietary and needed to get the correct size(s) and in some cases that could not be done using aftermarket o-ring suppliers and I wasn't going to be doing them twice because of a "close enough" o-ring. Anyhow, when I pulled the first carb apart I though that was enough to give me an idea of the minimum o-rings I needed. That was my first mistake. The first carb came apart ok aside from the brittle o-rings on the fuel transfer tubes and the usual ones inside. I didn't know about the "square cross sectioned o-ring" under the main jet but read on another forum where they said they didn't see why a regular round cross section would not work, so that is the only one I cheated on. Mainly because they are $5.00 each x 4 and are very tiny. But when I started tearing apart the other 3 carbs the seats were stuck so bad I ended up using pliers to get them out. I didn't hurt the inside and thought they would be ok but I told the guy I would really like to replace them. He said lets just see if they work. They leaked. I had replaced the needles with K&L parts as they came FREE (in my mind) with the bowl gasket kit I bought from ebay from a most reputable seller named George. The gaskets for the bowls were also K&L. Anyhow, I found the best deal I could after 8 hours of googling and bought the parts...all OEM.