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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. The program has Vista requirements on the back and I matched them all. It's Guitar Hero III. For requirements, XP 1 GB RAM for VISTA 2 GB RAM. I got this comp to be my gaming comp and take the old one to the office as a internet comp. Really starting to hate Vista though.
  2. Vista
  3. Thanks for the help Buddy, it's a Toshiba Satellite A200/A205 . Supposed to have 2G RAM, but won't run certain programs.
  4. Any computer people out there? Can you have more RAM added to a notebook? If so, how do I do it or do I have to take it somewhere if it can be done? I know how to do it on a desktop or tower but not the laptop. Thanks in advance. Wolfie:)
  5. My .38 stays in my car at all times....may be empty right now cuz I used up all my shots on a rattlesnake in the driveway that I finally had to get a .22, used all the shots on it, then got my 20 guage shotgun to kill it. Don't laugh it was a BIG snake. But I do carry the gun. Guess I better buy some more ammo.
  6. Can I trade the one in my wallet for that one??? I actually looked almost human in that shot. :rotf:
  7. Brad and Lonna, you guys are in my prayers and am so thankful it was not any worse than it was. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help, we're only a phone call away. Take care of yourselves and we love ya. Sending yall a big hug.
  8. I had Avast, Ad Aware, Norton and Webroot internet essentials. That's how I knew how many and what type of viruses I had.
  9. Man, oh man, I have learned a VALUBLE lesson. I will never open an attached thread from any e-mail or posting from anywhere again. Rednecks computer lost EVERYTHING including his desktop to a very bad virus night before last. I just about did today, only thing I had left was the desktop, but couldn't go to anything on it, and my son was able to do a system restore after doing the viruse scan, so I basically have a brand new computer, nothing was saved, I lost EVERYTHING. Was bearly able to find you guys again. Be carful when on the internet, I had 99 bad viruses and at least 6 Trojan viruses, and several worms. They are mean and the only way to get rid of them for good is a total system restore (if you catch them in time). Have to send Redneck's new computer back to Gateway and see if they can do a restore, he has Vista, so he took back his old computer to be online, when he gets back home. Good luck out there, just wish there weren't so many bad people that would make these stupid worm and viruses to attack computers. BTW they can attach to photos, videos and music files also. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.
  10. Check out this 3 year old on his ride. Really cute, the kid will be in a race car before long. (Sorry, if I was the Mom or Dad I would move the car) [ame=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3701683581647802372&sourceid=searchfeed]Fishtailing and drifting in a dune buggy[/ame]
  11. Wolfie


    You telling me there are more channels than just Big Tracks 49?:rotf:That's all I listen to..... I may crash if I try to change it.
  12. Jeff, thank you for the update. We are all thinking of your dad,you, and your whole family. This is a very bad time and we are pulling for you all, for strength and healing. May God hold y'all close. I know he don't want visitors but are cards okay? And if so, where can they be sent? My prayers are with all of you.
  13. How about at 1 pm Canadian time, we have a moment of silence and reflection...then post our condolences. This would be for those unable to attend her funeral, maybe feel like we are there with all you that are seeing her off on her final journey. Sorry...Just a thought.
  14. So sad to hear this. My God hold Leslie in his arms and give Gary and their boys strength. My prayers are with Gary and his family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
  15. She's got a really BIG family here, I put in my vote...she is soooo cute.
  16. Just got my "Handy Throttle" in from Cabela's today for my 4 wheeler. Put this on and you twist like a motorcycle instead of pushing with the thumb. I have small hands so I have to stretch with my thumb to even reach the throttle. My hand would ache and my thumb would hurt. Tried an extension, seemed to put it even further back. Found this at Cabela's and hope it will work. file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Owner/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg Excited to try it out. Let me know if ya have tried it.
  17. At what age do ya let your kids out on a motorcycle??? And what do you inform them of? I don't want mine on any until they take a safety course. And then no CROTCH ROCKETS, this is what happened to a fellow student and band member of my youngest son. http://www.kwes.com/global/story.asp?s=7186157 By all means, if ya want your kids to ride, teach them not to be foolish for one thing, this was all the riders fault, now the driver of the car has to live with his or her friend being killed buy them, even though it was not their fault. I don't think teens should ride unless they go through a course, get validated and be known to be safe, I really don't think they need to ride crotch rockets. All the time the rockets pull up next to me, take off before the light goes green doing a wheelies for several blocks. Sorry, just another useless death..
  18. This is copied and pasted from a Freebird post or thread. Go Cowboys!!!! I am and always will be a Cowboys fan. They haven't given me much to cheer about for a few years but I'll stick by them. Tonight sure isn't starting off good though.... They still have a lot of work to do before they are a top team again. I also just don't think that Romo is their future. __________________
  19. Cowboys now 5-0, BTW Texans are also 5-0. Do I see a Texas Super Bowl??? Excellent last two seconds of the game, Folk makes one 53 yd field goal to get called back then makes the second to win the game. Way to go Cowboys. Don, can you banish Redneck from watching anymore Dallas games??? He always roots for the OTHER team.:rotf: And Redneck
  20. I have a Siren 4 gig no video or pic just shows songs and artist ect. I don't want to have to buy full CD's, just individual songs. What you posted is a monthly thing kinda like a BMG or Colombia House thing from the mail. I don't want that....I just want one song at a time, cuz sometimes I don't like all the songs on a CD. That's why I went with MP3. I choose what is on it and don't have to tote around a lot of CD's
  21. Wolfie

    Sad News

    So sorry to hear this, I will be praying for his family and of the youngster that is at fault.
  22. And I forgot one important question, can they copy what songs I already have and warn me if I try to buy one I already have? Guess I'm asking too much with that huh? I better find a better memory for me. Wish I had a 4 gig memory.:rotf:
  23. Don't kill me, I know the question has been out about songs...they would be helpful, but I need some other guidance. I just bought an MP3 with 4 gig memory, I loaded all the songs I want from my CD's I own but ain't even touched 1 gig. There are alot more songs I want but don't want to buy full CD's at 14 bucks each just to get ONE song. Is there a place to get them that is trust worthy? I thought about getting a card from Wal-Mart, but all they had were Itunes and Napster. And got different reports from my teenage sons on those. Any suggestions?? And if this is a repost from someone else's question, I am sorry. Thank yall :bighug:group hug.
  24. Ron check E-Bay, your bound to find something there or check out the Trader mags or on line at http://www.cycletrader.com/adsearch.html. Good luck, you'll find one.
  25. Charlie, did you use a dog for bait???? :rotf:
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