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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. Wish I would have realized that back then.
  2. Just wanted to give yall a big ... being at this rally has really made me feel what a family this is. I felt it on my first in Eureka Springs, then again in Fort Collins...and this time at the HUB. Everyone treated me as a family member even though I don't ride at this time. This is the most wonderful family anyone could want to be a part of. The friendships that are started online are family for sure when ya meet face to face. You talk to people like ya known them for years. Thank you Don for this site and thanks to all the committee members for this rally, You guys did a FANTASTIC JOB. :thumbsup2::clap2:
  3. Yes, it twas I that had the cookbook adVENTURE. I had posted that I had lost everything in a computer crash. Not only did I lose my computer that week, we lost three computers. I was stupid and did not have ANYTHING backed up...not the cookbook stuff, email or even my pics. So I lost a lot and I was...yes Rocket...Chickenlittle, but not about chicken recipes (but maybe that's why I don't like chicken now), but I hated to ask for them again. If you guys want to try again let me know. I now have a flash drive...or I did till my son took it...I'll get another...anyway, if yall still want it, I am game just let me know. Now I know to always..BACK UP. I do have a new email addy. I sincerly apoligize again for the mishap with the last one. We are leaving the HUB in the morning and I can start back on work on it as early as Monday. Just let me know if yall still want one or not, this time I won't let ya down. Sorry Again. Wolfie.
  4. :doh:I only said you have more toys than a child has.:banana: But now ya got me thinking...Yep you are right. And I think Redneck would be a darn good volunteer for your dinner fun for the kids. Now where is that thread?
  5. I is a guessin' pin the tail on the donkey is out????? Dern it all, now we is gots more thinkin' to do. I figgered we could use Ole Snarley and then the kiddo's chase 'em down and punch a tail on 'em. Whad do ya say there Snarley? That work for ya? (hee hee hee)
  6. Think its the same here. Even the criminals don't go for this type of ****...or poop, he won't last long. I think Cindy and Dale handled things very well and I applaud them for keeping their cool and letting the authorities handle it. I have to say I would have lost it along time ago and I would be in jail not doing anyone any good. Bravo on both of you for the way you handled the situation. Keep the Faith, God is with you.
  7. It's time to celebrate. I am so happy for y'all. :clap2::thumbsup:
  8. I too love and use Firefox,(no problems), now how do ya stop the stupid pop ups for IE8? I ain't used IE for a couple of years and never on this computer, but I can't make them stop. Can someone please get them out of my head????:crying:
  9. Cindy, that is GREAT news. Prayers are with y'all, and pray that y'all can finally put this terrible mess behind you and start to live again. Looking forward to seeing y'all at the HUB.
  10. Hope all goes well for you, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  11. I think something is missing or my computer is more screwed up than I thought. There is no pic or link.
  12. Hey Bill, try this, not sure if it is correct but, in Lewis' page he has this as being the place to reg. hope this helps. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=115&day=2009-08-12 Go to the bottom of all the people that are registered and there are boxes to fill out for registration.
  13. here are some of my shots
  14. Here's the latest http://s679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/wolfie67_photos/grand%20canyon%20az/
  15. Here is a new album, most are of Sedona AZ and the last are of Mead lake, and west entrance to Grand Canyon. Didn't do the Skywalk, as we had the dogs and they wanted us to kennel them, then we would have to have taken a bus to the skywalk. We didn't drive this far to take a bus. But got a few shots of the helecopters. We are now at the South entrence into Grand Canyon and will be here till Monday morning to avoid weekend traffic. Think Redneck will have plenty of places to go on his KLR. http://s679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/wolfie67_photos/sedonaAZ/
  16. Redneck, Chris and I are now in Flagstaff RV park. Gonna take the Jeep and the motorcycle to get more shots of Sedona for a couple of days. When you get to them you will see why we can't leave just yet. http://s679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/wolfie67_photos/vacation2/
  17. Thank yall. Think I got it now.
  18. Here is the link to my photobucket, hope it works. http://s679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/wolfie67_photos/ will try and update as often as possible. Wolfie
  19. I made a photobucket account and was able to get one pic on but can't figure out how to get my whole vacation folder on. Can someone please help me???? :bang head:
  20. Great pics. Are those dogwoods?
  21. Sherry, I am so happy for you. Congratulations. You know the rules.....PICS
  22. Awesome, so glad you finally got some good news. We are praying for you. This scum bag needs to be put away.
  23. Raider is such a cutie. How is housebreaking going for yall? Have you began any type of training? I can't even get Lil' Bit to sit still little less learn anything. She still don't comprehend the word NO. I Bet Raider is a born learner. He sure is cute. Babies are great ain't they? Good luck with Raider and keep us up to date.
  24. What do you girls think of this bike? Ain't it pertttttttty? It's a Honda Rebel 250. Just thought it was neat.
  25. Not an actual movie, but the one that makes my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much is "Bill Cosby Himself". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFMVeZyhagI&eurl=http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A0SO8ZsfH3BJeDMAbx_6w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrbXQ5dm9oBHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZANW [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ysFvUizRj8&feature=related]YouTube - BILL COSBY HIMSELF[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBqY6cJD3CE&feature=related]YouTube - Bill Cosby- Dentists[/ame] :rotfl::rotfl:
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