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Everything posted by cortalan

  1. cortalan


    From the album: bikes, me, and my girl

  2. I've read alot of comments about chirping and whining. I have an 03 RSV with 70,000 miles....I've noticed the whining and chirping, but never really gave it much thought...I just figured it was normal for this bike. My question.....is the whining or chirping a problem? or is it just an annoyance? Like I said....I have 70,000 miles....have I been doing harm all this time or do I just have a great abundance of tolerance??? Input is greatly appreciated.
  3. My vest has my family crest on the back, an eagle above it, and my sir name under it.....no location, territory, etc, I assume I'm safe?
  4. well in defense of the cd player.......while the sound quality lacks in comparison to that of an mp3 player - I like that I can change the songs without having to take my hand off the grips.....and I don't have to look down and be distracted. Having said that.....maybe there's something I don't know. Is there a way to change the song selection from the control button?
  5. I spoke to my dealer today. What's new on the venture? They added a CD player, raised the price $800.00 and have two new color combinations.......red/black, and Seashell/black. I'm disappointed.
  6. I went to the site......does anyone know how to go about find out the cost or possibly ORDERING THEM???? I couldn't find a price list or an order form. Help please. Thanks
  7. just reading it makes my toes cold!
  8. I test drove a goldwing.......SEVERAL TIMES last summer...... The mechanic at the dealership has a venture - and told me I'd regret riding the wing. He was ALMOST RIGHT......except that my legs cramped up on the wing....the riding position just wasn't right for me.....even though I have short legs. I really like the wing......but I really like my venture too and didn't want to part with it - and I have to say i was happy that my legs cramped up. It made my decision making process alot easier. That said.......I still find myself stopping and looking at them every time I drive by the dealership.
  9. I did this once while "checking" my top end. I was buzzing along at about 110 - give or take - and suddenly the bike just lunged fwd, and I lost all power. Put the fear of God into me.......thinking I had just blown my engine. I rode for the next 30 seconds or so with a sick feeling in my stomach.....was about to start cussing myself.....when I noticed the kill switch had been bumped. I don't know HOW it happened.......but I sure felt alot better once I noticed it.
  10. my trailer has a 4 pin wiring harness as well. I went to ARNOLDS AUTO PARTS and bought a 5 to 4 wiring harness. 5 wires for the bike...............4 for the trailer. Works great.
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