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Everything posted by cortalan

  1. AH! Gotcha. Thanks.
  2. I'm confused.....I just plug my mp3 into the stereo auxiliary jack with a male to male media cable. Is there another/better/more efficient way that I don't know about?
  3. Yeah....and she likes to use the stebel alot. But she looks pretty cute with her biker pug behind her on the bike. If I knew how to post pix here, I would.....but I don't want to take the time to learn. Lazy...yes......plus my bike is calling my name.
  4. What is black chrome??
  5. I saw an ad on ebay a few months ago that offered a pair of chromed wheels for $700.00 with a trade of your stock wheels. Not sure if that helps any.
  6. thank you!
  7. I have nothing to add. I just don't know how to save this thread without posting, and it may come in useful for a friend of mine in a few weeks.
  8. Wow.....the more I read, the more I feel like I belong here.
  9. cortalan

    From the album: bikes, me, and my girl

  10. cortalan

    From the album: bikes, me, and my girl

  11. In the first week of march I went down to florida for bike week with a buddy from work. We took his diesel pickup and his toy hauler. I normally scoff at trailering....but it was cold, and the weather where I live is pretty unpredictable that time of year. Anyway....his truck averaged 8mpg - 2400 miles round trip....$3.85 a gallon. It came to about .50 a mile. After that trip - the 3.50/gallon for the 5 or 6 gallons in my bike seems like NOTHING. My bike is my only hobby....in fact, riding is almost a religion for me. I'll give up cable, turn off the heater/ac, stop mowing my yard, and stop driving my car before I stop riding my bike.
  12. I took my aluma, fully packed, (crammed FULL is more like it) with more gear on the top of it, and extra gear on my luggage rack, bags fully packed, and a kid on the back, on a trip out to yellowstone in 2009. I didn't weigh the trailer, but it was pretty heavy, and I definitely noticed a difference in the handling. It tried to push me around corners and turns, and definitely caused some major drag. I averaged about 25mpg - and was barely able to make 50 mph on one occasion (climbing a hill/mountain) BUT - I'm pretty sure it was no more than 500 lbs. Not sure I'd pack it that full again. On the bright side......ya know when you put a warm up donut on a ball bat, and then the bat seems alot lighter and easier to handle once the donut is removed? The bike was the same way once I dropped the trailer. I'll follow this thread.....I have a bobber I wouldn't mind taking along on a trip to the dragon this July....so please keep us updated.
  13. I'd ride it.....not very far....but I'd ride it. If you GAVE it to me, I would own it....but I don't think I'd make payments on it. Kinda looks like a praying mantis.
  14. cortalan

    From the album: bikes, me, and my girl

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