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Everything posted by MrRadi8

  1. Me too. Fell in love that is. Change out the front tire to the smaller MT90-16. BIG difference in handling. Big. Huge. Mucho bettero. Do it, do it now. Can you tell I'm loving my smaller front tire? Steering head may be loose. Look in the 2nd Gen Tech folder for how to check/tighten. Will make life better as well. Changing bars/risers will help your position, but the head and tire will make a world of difference. She's a beast at some 869# wet without your weight. She'll take some getting used to and practice in the parking lot. After you change the tire out, careful! The dynamics have changed and you have to get used to the new ride. But it is worth it. There is some tranny noise due to the shape of the gears. Makes them stronger but a little nosier. Changing to synthetic has helped some, and changing the clutch basket has helped others. The basket is covered as well in tech, or search I-basket.
  2. Having had a gutted set on my RSV when I bought it and changed to the HD cans, I'd say I completely agree with your assessment.
  3. Do an early Christmas. I have the same setup and the rear is bright enough the people behind me need shades when I hit the brakes. The brake board is a 5 minute job. Signals take a bit more time but are well worth it. I have the dynamic clusters from customdynamics in mine and love them.
  4. I get the temp repair to get through the weekend and I'm perfectly willing to drop the pan and do a good repair later. Hell, while I'm at it maybe I'll do the clutch basket and get rid of my whine.
  5. I JUST WON! WHAT'S DUMBER THAN GOING TIGHT INSTEAD OF LOOSE!! "Thank you, thank you. You like me, you really like me..."
  6. Right now I'm in the emergent repair mode. The oversize sounds like the way to go with a full tap repair after that. I've been a wrench for way too long to have done something this stupid. Brittney at the VMA's is looking better than I am right now. Oy.
  7. Tried one that was to be a 1/2 size over. It never tightened up or stopped dripping. Yippie. Rubber one I got was too big and the store closed as I left. Life sucks.
  8. Have you done this? Just a stinking boneheaded move I can't believe I did.
  9. Never, NEVER, work on your scoot when you are mad at the freaking world. I have a ride this weekend and was going to change the oil. Spent over a decade in the USN as a dang knuckle dragger so you'd think I would always know righty-tighty lefty-loosey. Over torqued the drain plug and she's stripped. Now what? Options??
  10. MrRadi8

    2000 Mm Rsv

    Millennium Edition. 1,500 of these lovies were made and I've owned two of them. Guess I'm in a rut.
  11. I feel so much better. Now to add chrome to the hole. Thanks to all for solving my dilemma.
  12. THAT'S IT!!! Now I just have to find that one and add it. Thanks. And the pics were't too crappy. I can see the mount easily.
  13. That sounds like it. Good, I'll get one and get rid of the hole.
  14. http://customdynamics.com/yamaha_turn_signal_retro.htm Dynamic clusters. Easy to wire in and replace and a hell of a lot brighter on the rear when combined with the LED taillight.
  15. I meant to have them seal it up when they did the paint. Somewhere in the month that it took for my "three day paint job" I missed that part. Until I put it back together.
  16. I just had all the pieces off to get the paint restored. The only was they fit is in the other holes. This looks like it had something like this installed; http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelsscitem500/5/4/83/404/2007/all/102/0/main/0/itemdetail.aspx but it had a mount in the front of the fender.
  17. No, it's there. This hole is between that and the stock fender trim.
  18. My front fender has a hole in the very front of it. I figure there was a chrome piece mounted there that used a mount in the very front. Anyone have this or know exactly which one it was? I'd like to get on and cover the hole. This is not the hole that the factory chrome sits in and is bolted on the sides. The hole is just above the factory chrome piece.
  19. I haven't had a new one but I've changed pipes on a few and they do increase a bit over time as things build up in them and, I guess, make it through faster?
  20. And this would differ from everyone else how? Not really wanting to but we have no idea where the profits from the oil we buy is headed, nor how much oil from his country is in the Shell/BP/Whoever fuel we purchase.
  21. What? Couldn't resist.
  22. I tried a simple Kenwood off brand kit iPod hook up. Didn't work but also didn't kill the system. I'll try one with a brainbox next and see what it does.
  23. That's my problem; all are hooked to something and without taking off the tank and seats I can't follow them all. I REALLY don't want to do that. Edited to add: It's green! Found the silly thing hiding under the radio. 1st try with hookup failed. Will try another method later.
  24. I have the fairing apart and am looking for the plug in for the CD player. There are plugs color coded with red, white, blue, yellow, and gray. What is the plug for the CD player? Or is it somewhere else? Or has this one had a CD player installed and still has the wire and it hasn't been removed?
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