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Everything posted by MrRadi8

  1. See? It has its +'s and -'s already! Not sure it's much different than opening your regular door in the blowing rain if you both get out at the same time. Lose some weight and stop running over stuff!
  2. Do the auto closing doors on the mini-vans have anything? The tailgates also close now. Looks like it might go internal vice external. If not, just riding on wet roads would coat the interior of the door.
  3. And if not, then you have the option for a new one.
  4. You just honk your horn and somone comes to give you a jump...no, wait. No juice = no horn. Crap.
  5. This is cool as hell. Wouldn't be much fun in a pouring rain, but otherwise would come in very handy. http://www.disappearing-car-door.com/
  6. Was watching Paula Dean cook with her son and at the end of the show her son shared a saying they have. "We love ya, we're not above ya, but we've had enough of ya."
  7. Leave the stock cans alone. I had completely gutted cans on my MM when I got it. As described so eloquently on here somewhere, it was like a mouse farting in a tin can. I have stage IV RK cans and it is in no way loud. I leave the neighborhood at 6am and nobody gets bothered. It has a decent sound when I get on it. I'm on the hunt now for some slash-cut cans to enhance the look.
  8. I loved them before I rode in downpours last weekend. Now I'm exclusively attached to them. And that smaller front was a great change.
  9. When is the deer sausage going to be ready? LOL That's one hell of a way to start the season. And keeps them off the road for the safety of my vehicles. PS - You must change that yellow sig. My eyes...
  10. 78.9% of all statistic's are made up...
  11. Having both the wife and I lived the other side of it, I'm a good tipper in the 15-20% or better range for service that deserves it. I neither desire nor require you to kiss my ass or jump though hoops, but I'm out to have a good time. Don't bring your issues to my table and I won't give you mine when I'm conversing with you. And I don't hold the server accountable for what happens in the kitchen. I'm not a jerk at the table though. They are my server, not my servant. I also make it a point to speak to management when it is terrible. If the manager doesn't know there is a problem, then they can't fix it. I also make it a point to tell the manager when I've had fantastic service. They always hear from the complaining customer so I feel it's nice to give them accolades when appropriate.
  12. Thank you for putting that into prospective.
  13. I was debating the grips vs. gloves issue. Haven't bought either yet but have found that if I'm riding with the cruise on I'm not gripping the throttle. I slide my hand back and rest it on the weight to prevent stopping the throttle from moving. So I think I'm resolved to getting gloves and seeing how they work out instead of the grips.
  14. We can only hope. Which would free up the roadways for us to ride!!!
  15. Yesterday in Finland a kid shot up a school and killed 9 and himself. Meanwhile millions of other students/teenagers didn't. If you are of a mindset to lump all who participate or fit a profile together, you always will. The thoughtful and kind do not make the news. The idiot portion of a community always do. That's what sells papers and advertising space. What is that old adage? 10% give the other 90% a bad name?
  16. Over a decade as a USN nuclear bubble head with another decade working at a uranium enrichment facility. Radi8 = radiate.
  17. And once again is appears it had nothing to do with the skill of the rider, but the inattention/stupidity of the cager. They want to add rider training all over the country. What we need to do is take the cager back for training and KEEP THEM OFF THE DAMN PHONE!
  18. I'd love to have been in class that day! :cool10:
  19. It's inflation. It's the same thing that happened to her bum. At least that's the answer the wife gave me and how I replied. It only took 5 days for my swelling to go down...
  20. Good luck to you. And plenty of "won't" power.
  21. Longer mirror arms? What are those and where did you get them?
  22. If she had shot them with a gun, it would be murder. Instead, she sent over a ton of steel in their direction with disregard for established traffic laws. A ton vs. a few grains. Which is more deadly? Accident? No. She put the events in motion by not paying attention to the task at hand, or disregarded the potential that driving entails. Having lost other friends through the same type of action, I say it's murder/manslaughter.
  23. I've run a modulator for years. I have had dozens of people comment on how they know it's me, or tell me I have an electronic issue. Nobody has ever said they thought my signal was on. The girl is looking for an excuse to not paying attention and killing. I would bet good money she was on the phone or reading/sending a text at the time of the murder.
  24. Which makes it even more amazing she didn't "see" him.
  25. This is my worst nightmare; that I survive and my rider doesn't. No, my worst would be the same result and it was my own fault. However, it was at 4:30pm that the wreck occurred. Another mid-day wreck. Did he run a modulator? I am NOT saying the outcome would have been any different, but I am saying I swear by mine. I can see the idiots who I just KNOW are going to pull out in front of me become memorized by the cycling light. It may not have helped them out. If that driver was busy yapping on her cellphone rockets shooting out with spinners wouldn't have made a difference. But maybe, just maybe, it can help someone else. During the daylight hours the motorcycle used to be the only headlight on the road. Now we are lost in a sea of DRL's. I bought mine after meeting a line of cars one morning and not seeing a co-worker riding with them until I was almost past her. I run the brightest damn light I can, on high beam, with the modulator. I encourage you to do the same.
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