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Everything posted by MrRadi8

  1. Anybody go this route? http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/759/index.html I have the risers on already. They state no change in cables. Not sure how well that works.
  2. That's why a lot of senior citizens get married in the church but not at the courthouse.
  3. So where's the pic? Us MM's have to show off.
  4. If you are going to do the shield cut you won't need any clamps other than what you take off. Assuming you are doing what is in the 2nd gen tech section on here.
  5. They should be free when you cut through. Might have to fish them out with a coat hanger if they don't fall for you.
  6. I remember reading on a Delphi forum about a guy that had a bird do a direct hit in his. Shredded it all over him.
  7. I received a lovely email from a "good Christian women" who wished me "love in Christ" as she was telling me how she was wanting to move her millions out of Angola or somewhere if I would only help. Said she got my "name" from a list. Funny, she didn't mention my name at all in the email... Also note how many people when they are arrested are wearing a cross. Guess they forgot to look down before they killed someone/robbed the bank.
  8. Close but not loud enough. Only 118 dB Stebel is 139 dB.
  9. No, it's not true. It's more IRS spending $42 million on rebate reminders http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/08/tax.letter.ap/
  10. You get over here on my side of the state I want to hear them. LOL
  11. I have the completly on/off pods in the front and the dynamic clusters for run/stop/turn in the rear. My signal is a bit quick, but not horrific. And everything still works.
  12. I use it all the time. If you get used to it, it's natural and not a problem. Also, doesn't mess up the toe of your boots/shoes you ride in.
  13. I'll give him a shout. Thanks.
  14. The one in my pic WAS available near Indy last year. Love the color. They pop up on eBay or Cycletrader every now and again. Edit: Nevermind. Looks like you did about as good as I did on my 1st RSV (which I should have never sold). Congrats.
  15. Decided I need the chrome wide clamps. Anybody got a good place to get a great price on them? Thanks. Edit: Ordered from Rick at Buckeye today.
  16. Thanks. I read that about the lens ring so it's on my list (if I don't lose it as well). I've still to do my amp mod so I'll have the tank and seat off. Sounds like a good time to do them all.
  17. Using the same clamps? That's where I'd like to put mine.
  18. Not the one's I'm remembering (I think) but they look like they'll work! Thanks.
  19. Thanks for your discussion. My buddy in Indy has been looking for a mesh after he used mine last summer. They have the yellow he's been wanting in his size.
  20. I had it and lost it. Somebody posted about some lights they were looking to buy and mount down on the front fender like the PIAA driving lights. Only they were much cheaper. Somehow I've deleted it. Anyone remember the posting? I like the idea of the triangle effect and being away from my signals.
  21. I might be wrong. That might be the Millennium. I was thinking of this one; http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h51/Vondan/Indian/indian_03r.jpg but it's a Centennial. This gal says hers is the ME; http://motorcycleviews.com/pictures/f1692w.htm but it's a bit differnent on the color? And this is just WRONG! http://www.bikerplaza.com/image/bikers/2000_yamaha_royalstarstar_venture.jpg
  22. That should have been their Millennium but it's the Silver Cloud. Always did love the look of that one.
  23. It is not an ACCIDENT. It is a failure to control the vehicle and yield right of way. Not bothering to look properly is not an accident. It is gross negligence that results in death. Not so very long ago the same ACCIDENT attitude was attributed to drunk drivers hitting other people. That changed, as this "driving without due diligence" should change. And if the pedestrian was hit in the cross walk where they had right of way, there are plenty of people rallying for the driver's head.
  24. She was an illegal alien not a senator.
  25. They pull out in front of me in my Suburban. They aren't looking period. And they don't care.
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