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Everything posted by MrRadi8

  1. There is another style of bracket that is not the hockey stick looking one. It is just angles. I guess you could just do the measurements and figure out a piece but was wondering if anyone knew where the drawing for the other one was? I've seen it but can't make it come up when I search.
  2. At least now you know the answer to the question "Can I?"
  3. Safety chrome I call it. Gets their attention when needed. And I love the comagination combo. Nicely priced and I've never had a lick of trouble from the equipment. They ship quickly too.
  4. I've almost been hit by people turning fast in off a road instead of waiting. They were IN MY LANE after the turn! Modulator is simple to install and worth the time.
  5. I keep a copy of that section in the trunk in case of clueless LEO meetings.
  6. http://www.comagination.com/modBike.htm If you can plug in a lamp you are qualified to install the headlight modulator. Unplug your headlight, plug in modulator, plug bike into modulator plug. Done. Run the photocell along the wiring on the handlebars and zip tie into place. Brake you take off your seat, split the brake wire and install the brake mod in the middle of the split. Then run the green wire from the mod to the Negative side of the battery. Done.
  7. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are NOT out to get you.
  8. That's why I got a modulator for the bike. String of cars coming at me and I didn't see a co-worker's bike. Sold me on the purchase.
  9. Several comments spring to mind...
  10. Wish they made it in MM colors.
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