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Everything posted by MrRadi8

  1. Sold. Congratulations and condolences are in order. Thanks.
  2. She had all the freedom and money in the world. Perhaps too much. Had she been required to work 9-5 maybe she'd have had a better idea of the world and responsibility. And loyalty. As for him, I am just going to keep my thoughts as thoughts...
  3. We had our ups and downs. Then she decided to live a double life, being single while I was at work/out of town and married the rest of the time. Fooled us all for months. If she'd put as much effort into fixing us/her that she did in her affair, things would be different. But they aren't and that is just how it is. I've joined the percentages now. Bike not an easy decision, but the right one of the time.
  4. Neither did I.
  5. It was 23-years. But I guess in reality the last 6 months didn't count. Family just didn't know it. That's life. There's light at the end of the tunnel. Right now it seems to be an oncoming train. People tell me things improve. I see it all around me. Just have to change some things and ride out the bad pavement here. Lotto or sound decisions I'll be back in the saddle one day. Just won't work for now.
  6. Now if someone would just buy it for that. LOL It is #469.
  7. Thanks. I think she's worth it. Just boils down to the actual cabbage someone is willing to part with.
  8. You and me both. LOL I've had people calling to trade. Um, it's listed for SALE, not trade. Then another wanted to know "what's your bottom dollar?". Well hell, why don't I just give it to you instead of being silly and selling it. Sigh.
  9. Well, the part where she went screwing around with the stoner hippy pretty much ended that option...
  10. Lucky for me I'm not in Louisville. They got 7" in an hour. Yikes!
  11. Everyday is something different. It will never be the same, but people keep telling me it gets better. Thanks.
  12. Wish it weren't, but can't afford both the divorce and the scoot. My RSV is in the classifieds if anyone is interested or knows of someone looking. Thanks.
  13. There is a write up on here under the 2nd gen technical for Lowering the Front End. Basically you take off the fairing and slip the triple tree down on the forks.
  14. That looks easy enough. Familiar with those (duh) since I used them on a car many years ago. Just got done rerouting my cables. Still doesn't return on their own on hard turn. And I can't ride it yet to see if I have them adjusted correctly. But she's lowered fore and aft!
  15. Have any pics of those pucks? Installed, not just new pucks. LOL
  16. Thanks for the pics! I finally got off my kiester today and installed the kit. Took it for a short ride since I don't have my fairing back yet, but it felt great!!
  17. There is a write up on the Delphi Forum start page, down at the bottom for RK mods; http://forums.delphiforums.com/vrider/start Also, here on the forum there is a write up with pics if you want to do some mod work from the stock cans; http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=507
  18. I am a WWW enabler.
  19. LOL. I've had such an issue before. Thanks for the pics. Helps out.
  20. That's the biggest thing, safe mode. Some malware gets in and won't let Sypbot or AdAware get it out without running in safe mode. And some will prevent you from getting to run in safe mode. Just locks up. If you hit a problem again, update the files for the programs, then run them from safe mode. 99% of the time that will take care of a bugger that got in. I've been running Avast as my virus program for 5 years after giving up on Norton. Too many things were getting by it and were a royal pain to get off. Since then only had one instance of a hard to kill problem.
  21. Why, yes, yes I do! Get them. Much better.
  22. Get that pic up will ya? LOL I have the kit at the house and still havn't done it.
  23. What did you do with the BUB set?
  24. Stinking bubblehead squids... I resemble that remark. I've had two Millennium editions. The first one had the exact issue yours has on the antennas. My second one does not. With the looks of the rest of the first bike, I was amazed it had the issue. Glad to see they are replacing it. SUBMARINERS ONCE!
  25. Diet is "die" with a "t". My mother was diganosed as a diabetic. Put on the diabetic diet. More food in a calendar day than she'd eaten in YEARS. The weight fell off of her. That convinced me; you have to EAT to lose WEIGHT. Studies are showing eating a good breakfast and breaking up the daily meals into 4-5 vice our typical 3 are helping. That, and getting those getoffyourassandall pills... If you have the machine at the house (look under the cloths) put a tv in front of it. I watch some same shows all the time. Now, I watch while walking/running. I also took a good look at what I was doing with my time. A lot of it involved in nothing. Quote I remember from somewhere; "You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." My recovery from gall bladder surgery over, I'm going to attempt all that stuff I just said. Good luck to all of you attempting as well. The goal is to make my scale quit saying "Go Jog Fatass" when I step on it.
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