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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. I carry. Anyone who can legally process a firearm in Texas can legally carry while in a motor vehicle or going to and from the vehicle, no permit required. That does not mean they can carry it into a business, it must stay with the vehicle.
  2. Meth lab go boom, fancy wheels on a crappy truck kinda point it out to me. Also, most likely, the LPG tank would not have blown, but melted the line and caused a flame thrower effect. Very, Very, Very rare to actually rupture a tank. Firemen would probably just let my place burn then with the ammunition inside!!!
  3. I personally don't like the disc style springs. In a V-max, Im sure it's fine, but a V-max weighs about half of a venture. The Venture doesn't use the same RPM range as a Max. The Venture uses the torque of the motor to take off and I don't believe the disc spring is tough enough to last in a Venture. The disc style spring also weakens a lot faster than the coil design in the Barnett, which uses 6 coil springs, which can also be changed out with different weights of springs so you can find the ones that suit your needs the best.
  4. If money were no object me and I planned on keeping the bike a damn long time, put the Barnett in it and add the extra disc. It's not really an extra disc, you just get rid of a "half" disc. Trust me, get rid of it. Barnett + 1 disc. The Barnett clutch is very popular with the Roadstars and Warriors because they hold the torque of the V-twin better than the wavy disc style spring that Yamaha uses on all of their street bikes.
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/304-Stainless-Steel-Square-Tube-1-5-x-24-120-W_W0QQitemZ110215598334QQihZ001QQcategoryZ117512QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. I'm sure the 98% humidity doesn't help either!!
  7. OR maybe, if someone knows they have a heart condition, they shouldn't fight the police and get tazed. The tazer is a tool, like the gun, the police car and pepper spray.
  8. About 6 years ago I had my ole 82 XJ1100 tooling along in 5th gears turning about 8300 rpm. I had no idea how fast that was, but it would bury the 85 mph speedo in 2nd. As I was coming around a curve on the interstate, the handlebars starting wobbling pretty bad. I was wearing a tank top, shorts, and sandals. It took 2 lanes and part of the break down lane to stop the wiggle. My butthole was pretty puckered up during the incident. After that, I vowed to only go really damn fast in a straight line!!!! I have since then broken that vow many times!!!
  9. Tazers are a great thing. I'd rather be tazered then shot any day of the week, but unfortunately, there are many videos of LEO's who use tazers only for compliance with no threat of a physical altercation. Yes, some people may die as a result of being tazered because of health conditions, but guess what, they probably would of died if they had been shot with a gun as well. A prison/jail situation is definitely different then a traffic stop and tazer use should be allowed more in that situation. There is no room for physical altercations in such a situation.
  10. A Tazer should only be used in a case of an actual physical altercation with an officer, not as a tool for compliance. Since there are no details about what has happened in this situation, I'll reserve my judgment for a later date.
  11. If it's never been serviced and has more than 75,000 on it, don't touch it. The new fluid will break up all the varnish and other crap that's built up and plug up the valve body. I had an 89 Buick with 265,000 with the original trans and it had never been serviced. Hell, we didn't put spark plugs in it until 235,000 miles!!! 3 of the plugs had no ground left and the other 3 had the electrode burnt done into the porcelain. The car had a miss and the new plugs didn't fix it, it was a bad coil pack.
  12. You should check out Shooter Jennings and Hank 3. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=ts2TjN6uatc]YouTube - Shooter Jennings - Walk Of Life[/ame] [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=zc7MraaUb8M]YouTube - 4th of july[/ame] [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=F6B-X6EEiHE]YouTube - HANK WILLIAMS III - Country Heroes[/ame]
  13. I rode a little over 1800 miles with a 90 pound bag strapped to my genuine Yamaha trunk rack and had no cracks develop.
  14. I would assume you have to take the glass out of the headlight and remove the bolts behind it. I could be wrong though as I have never had my headlight out, but now that I have typed this, it will burn out tomorrow!!!
  15. You can also use V-max rims on the Venture. and here's a custom rear wheel http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Polished-Wheel-Yamaha-Royal-Star-1300-15x4-Rear-NIB_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35601QQihZ016QQitemZ260140360330QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1VQQtrksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247
  16. I'd like to see someone hold up a bike while riding while firing a 50 cal. Sudden lane change!!!
  17. 5 lights could net ya a ticket from Barney Fife. There is a limit on how many you can run in many states and the amount of light they emit. You shouldn't have a problem during daylight hours, but at night, I believe you'll have a problem if you keep them all on with oncoming traffic.
  18. Link to the actual published article http://www.fredericky.com/images/dumb.pdf
  19. That was an article ran here in the newspaper in Amarillo. OH NO!! Not another Panhandler. Buncha bums around here!!!
  20. I have a Freebird Center Stand. Had it on for 3 days. I took it off. It scraped the same time the mufflers did when I turned. I'd sell it for 85 shipped.
  21. Is that a good Transformer or an evil one?? I shouldn't pass judgment until I ride one. Have fun with it, let us know how it is!!!
  22. Local dealer here charges 40 bux a wheel to change a tire if you buy the tire from them, but that's bringing the bike in. 20 bux if you just bring the wheel in.
  23. Your insurance settlement might be enough to pay for the 8500 dollars in taxes on it!!!
  24. I don't think it's the switch, maybe a bad ECU or ignition coil. My switch is bad and it wont light the dash or headlight up. I've wired around and may not even worry about changing it. Did it sputter, kick, or something similar as it was dieing, or was it like it just shut off?
  25. That sounds like a good reason to put 200+ miles on the bike a day to me!!!
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