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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. While you're in there, swap out the bulbs for Sylvania Silverstars. They make a world of difference.
  2. I would use an open trailer. That way if the bike starts to fall over, you'll notice it in the rear view. If it's inside, you won't notice it until you're already there and the 2 bike have been laying on each other for the last 1000 miles.
  3. +1, the first time I took my clutch apart and worked on it, the handle was stiffer than a 16 year old boy in a porno store. Bled the clutch and all is good now.
  4. $32.50 a gallon from this site. http://lubricationspecialist.com/front/shop.aspx?catid=6&parentid=0 I really like the fact that it doesn't boil until 370 degrees with NO PRESSURE!!!
  5. Amarillo? Nothing good ever came out of there.
  6. I have no idea, but I'm sure the answer is in quarts, or possibly even pints.
  7. well anywho, to answer the original question in this here thread, The amsoil is Propylene glycol. Personally, I would run a 60/40 mix of Amsoil to distilled water.
  8. Right on Amsoil's site.
  9. Trucks use a steel cylinder which is pushing into the cast iron block and sealed with rubber o-rings. Most trucks now use aluminum radiators and have many aluminum engine parts. A motorcycle engine is aluminum cased with steel cylinders. The aluminum case has nothing to do with cooling on the Royal Stars. It is used only for weight savings and ANY proper antifreeze mixture from 30/70 to 70/30 will be fine in ANY engine for cooling purposes.
  10. Any brand of Green Ethelene glycol antifreeze. I don't use the red, orange, pink, organic, safe, premixed stuff. I'm also a diesel mechanic for Class 8 over the road trucks and have been to school were the general agreement was the 68/32 was a perfect mix, but 60/40 is recommended for ease of use. If you want MAXIMUM protection, go to a waterless coolant. http://www.evanscooling.com/main27.htm
  11. P0069 Manifold pressure (MAP) sensor – barometric pressure correlation MAF sensor, mechanical fault http://www.lostkjs.com/forum/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=279490&sid=827f80457d36a0977d07094d5913ac2c Here's a dedicated Jeep Liberty site. Maybe they can help.
  12. Actually Squeeze, you're wrong. Antifreeze is also a coolant, no just an agent used to keep the water from freezing. The IDEAL mix of coolant is 68% antifreeze and 32% water, that gets you the absolute lowest freezing point and the highest boiling point. I personally would run 60/40 though for ease. Also, if you coolant is dirty or murky, put a 1/8 cup of cascade of electrasol in the radiator and ride 10 miles round trip. Drain the coolant and fill with water. Ride around the block to help flush it out. Drain the water. Fill with a 60/40 mix of antifreeze and water. USE DISTILLED WATER!! Do not use tap water if at all possible.
  13. It's gone.
  14. How about we follow the Constitution have have ZERO income tax. The income tax was originally a temporary tax to help WWI and was to be ended with the ending of the war. The only Constitutional tax that the Federal Gubberment can collect are uniform duties and tariffs on imports and exports.
  15. Midland/Odessa area? Big flat bed with oversized front tires? Rosie O'dennell's appetizer delivery truck!!!! or possibly to haul oil rig parts.
  16. nope, I'm a purdry fart smeller!!
  17. The ground is located under the tires, unless your bike is on a lift!!!!
  18. One thing to take into account is that your bike is a Royal Star and Goose's is a Venture. The Venture is going to get blown more in a side wind.
  19. Meh, it's ok. It's not a power cruiser, just a cruiser. Coming off of a FJR, I think you'll be missing the power.
  20. I split fairing and saw how my passing lamps are wired up because when I turned on the lamps, my headlight would dim. It is just merely tapped into the low beam headlight wire. Look at what gauge that wire is. It appears to only be an 18 or 16 gauge wire. It's not that big. If you want true maximum output of all the lights, then you need direct power right off the battery through a heavier gauge wire then tapping into the factory wiring. Also, changing out your lights to Sylvania Silverstars will make a HUGE difference. They do not draw anymore amperage then the factory lights.
  21. Just Imagine.... http://leindiemeister.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/lennon.jpg
  22. I like the brakes on the Venture. I don't know what the problem is.
  23. I use the burner off my Propane Turkey Fryer.
  24. An ELECTRIC Amish fireplace??? That's like a Jumbo Shrimp or Sensible Government.
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