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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. good job, sounds like you got everything. Now here's the great part, the 200 bux you just saved on labor is now to be spent on the bike buying goodies!!!
  2. I couldn't find an article about installing a speedohealer on the site, but right on their site is an article. http://www.speedohealer.com/your_pics/royalstar/sh_install_royalstar.pdf
  3. The Roadliners will hold a 240mm back tire with only a wheel modification. Send your wheel to Kosman Specialities or Cycle Image and have them mod the wheel to an 18 inch 240 and you'll have plenty of choices for tires. http://www.fxstein.com/blog/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=31&blogId=1 http://www.fxstein.com/blog/resserver.php?blogId=1&resource=fxliner.240.nobags.jpg&mode=medium
  4. TRUE DAT!!!
  5. Nope, didn't measure the wheel. I wouldn't be too worried about "approved rim widths" though. I've seen some fat tires mounted on skinny rims and have never seen one roll off the bead unless tire pressure was way too low.
  6. Couldn't you build one out to fit your hitch? You'll need some 3/4 inch square stock if you have a receiver on your bike. Build your cooler rack and then weld up some 7/8 square stock on the rear of the trailer and pin your rack back there when you pull the trailer. It doesn't have to be on the tongue of the trailer.
  7. yes the metz is available in 130/90-16. I just bought the Avon for 99.95 shipped in 130/90-16 of eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/AM41-AVON-VENOM-130-90-16-MT90HB-16-FRONT-TIRE-2805012_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35578QQihZ004QQitemZ140219447753QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW here's a Metz in that size for 109.95 shipped. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/METZELER-ME880-130-90-16-FRONT-TIRE-FOR-HARLEY-DAVIDSON_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35578QQihZ017QQitemZ270222353272QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  8. yes, please keep putting on Metzlers and Michelins that have been proven to come apart and blow out even with regular maintenance. The bike rides fine in a straight line and rear brakes only lock up now if I stand on the pedal. Turning is different, but every turn is getting faster and steadier. I'll have much more experience tomorrow.
  9. Yep, it's a little shorter. I also purchased a speedo healer and will install it tomorrow.
  10. As the pics show, you can fit a wider tire then the I put on. This is a BFGoodrich T/A Radial 155/80R15. There is a good 1/2 inch of clearance between the tire and driveshaft. If I ever wear this tire out, I will go wider. ADDED : If you have a sidecar or a Voyager Kit, this is a must do mod. ADDED EVEN MORE : Current mileage is 74265
  11. Carwash recycles most of it's water instead of using new water. Also, what do you do when you're caught in a rainstorm? Do you stop so the bike doesn't get wet? These bikes are made to get wet. Just take it to the carwash.
  12. flb_78

    Car Tire ??

    Dang it!! I thought I was going to be the first one!! I have one on order and I'm just waiting on the delivery. I also ordered a BFG 155/80R15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=007&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=170203201575&rd=1 Glad to see it fits with room to spare.
  13. Actually, Fuel injection is easier to play with if you have a laptop and a Power Commader 3. I know plenty of Warrior riders who tweek their fuel settings pretty regularly and it only takes a couple of minutes. I too thought that carbs were the only way to go, but with what I've seen with Injection, I believe it's easier and faster then carbs. The cost is initially more, but you can really fine tune your fuel map for your exact configuration.
  14. The ONLY things I would like to see changed are Fuel injection, Radial tires, and a better stereo. A real stereo with a all in 1 head unit, similar to a harley setup.
  15. My yoke fell down as well when I pulled my shaft....he,he,he,...pulled my shaft.... anyways, It's just a matter of getting the yoke centered again. You'll need a long, skinny stick, or a car or CB antenna will work.
  16. http://www.carbtune.com/colortune.html It was right on colortune's site. Well poop. There's a couple selling cheap on eBay, but they are 14mm.
  17. What size are the threads on the spark plugs? Im wanting to get a colortune. I believe they are 14mm but would like confirmation.
  18. Oh, and at 2700 miles, I'd just plug the tire and keep on riding.
  19. For 80 bucks, you could just buy the machine and do it yourself. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=34542 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=42927 and here's the bars to use. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MOTORCYCLE-ASSORTED-TIRE-IRON-IRONS-LEVER-SPOON-CURVE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43996QQihZ025QQitemZ380008425887QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  20. I assume that the Ventures use the 14mm colortune?
  21. 28 miles per gallon, give or take.
  22. yes, I'd replace it myself. The prices are different for and 08 vs. a 99 shock and part numbers are different. the 99 shock part # is 99999-03500-00 at a cost of 395.99 before shipping.
  23. any input will be appreciated.
  24. Ok, I've given up on my dream for an affordable rear shock for the 2nd gens. Part # 4XY-22210-10-00 The best price I can find on a rear shock is $348.02 + 17.50 shipping for a total of 365.52 from www.motorsportssupercenter.com from www.motorsportssuperstore.com , it's 375.77 + 5.95 shipping with my RSW discount. from www.yamahasportsplaza.com , it's 343.32 + 19.32 shipping , total of 362.64 So come on all you cheapskates, find me the cheapest shock. Im pricing the 2008 model shock, it's different then the 99 model. Hopefully it's more gooder.
  25. EEK!!! It's aluminum, you don't paint it, you POLISH IT!!!
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