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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. What engine is in it?
  2. I've had as little as 8K on a rear set. I was a heavy rear braker for a while after acquiring my 99RSV, the front master cylinder felt "notchy" to me and I didn't want to rebuild it. Later, I did a flush and fill on the brake system and the "notchiness" went away and now I use the front brake more and the rear pads last quite a while longer.
  3. You'll have to remove at the front fairing. From there, you just loosen the pinch bolts on the upper tree and remove the caps off the top of the forks. Please remember to have the bike supported by a jack before you remove the caps. You can then pull out the old springs and drop in the new without loosing very much oil, just what is clinging to the spring. Personally, I would remove the forks, disassemble them, replace the seals and bushings, and replace the oil with at least a 10wt oil, the factory oil is only 5.
  4. OMG!! you're still on facebook?!?! Haven't you read the warnings? Zuckerwhoever sells all your private info and first born to spammers and aliens and Nigerian princes suck all the money out of your bank accounts and the government puts microchips in your brain while you sleep!!! It hasn't happened to me yet either, but I just thought you might like to know.
  5. Maybe he just thought about thinking..
  6. Twigg, Why do you keep coming back into this thread? The OP has clearly stated that he is interested in purchasing a used low windshield and does not wish to cut his down. You speak of being civil, but reply with posts like To me, that does not appear to be a very helpful comment. In fact, it appears to be very antagonizing. It would seem that you are trying to elicit a negative response just so that so could then scold him for being negative.
  7. Does it push the driver forward like most other mustangs? I had one on my Roadie and loved it except that my nuts were on the tank.
  8. The definition of Ultralight is very different between Canada and America. I was actually looking at some online today.
  9. Hmmm...that 10" smoked shield looks pretty nice....
  10. I have SnapOn, Mac, and Knipex snap ring pliers. Ive had no luck with Craftsman or Harbor Freight.
  11. http://www.autozone.com/autozone/accessories/Mr-Gasket-2-to-3-5-PSI-42-GPH-electric-fuel-pump-for-import-carburetors/_/N-25jp?itemIdentifier=732036&_requestid=714033 Mr Gasket 42S
  12. http://venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=380679&postcount=13
  13. It's only about 3-5 PSI. There is an aftermarket Mr. Gasket fuel pump that many have used. I'll do some searching.
  14. EBC Rear Brake Pads Yamaha Royal Star Venture S 99-10 EBC PART NUMBER: FA123HH He beat me to it.
  15. You can use a center stand off a 1st gen after you manufacture these brackets. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1427
  16. It's not terribly powerful, it is only a 2 cylinder.
  17. If you notice, he has a sidecar. A car tire is a great idea for sidecar bearing motorcycles.
  18. At least those bikes are justifiably high with carbon fiber doo dads and fancy titanium parts and not because Senior and Junior need to expand their line of T-shirts and put Mikey through rehab again.
  19. Yamaha does not offer engine assemblies for motorcycles, at least not for retail purchases.
  20. 2000 Royal Star Boulevard http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/photos/2000models/2000models-Yamaha-RoyalStar-Boulevard.htm
  21. Another great Yamaha design, the spring is built inside the shock on the early Royal Stars. There is an adjustment. There should be a spanner wrench in the factory tool kit and you can adjust the preload on the shock. http://pinwallcycle.com/ebay/bike2583/181.jpg
  22. The earlier Royal Stars have their own suspension. It's very different from the RSV/newer RSTD and it's different from the RoadStar's. It's not an air system.
  23. Im wondering if a set of lower fork tubes off another bike like a VMAX or a XS or even a VStar would work? That would COMPLETELY eliminate the anti-dives.
  24. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=24
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