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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. I run the SuperTech 80W140 regular oil now.
  2. If it's not warped, I wouldn't change it out unless it's really thin.
  3. Channel 29 is fairly popular for motorcycles.
  4. Well, to me, it looks like the training wheel is just on a spring and you shove it down with your foot, so you're still holding up the weight of the motorcycle with your leg so now you can roll around a little instead of duck walking it. It's also way to close to the ground for me. No way could I take some of these turns around here at speed as low as that thing sits.
  5. The Yamaha Raider comes from the factory with a Bias rear and Radial front. I wouldn't worry about the bias vs. radial thing too much.
  6. Bad ground and it's back feeding through the other filament.
  7. The fuel tank has to be removed to access the pressure cap. Under the seat, there is the cap for the overflow tank.
  8. Any off the FL series. Only the left one has the converter in it. There should be no ill effects from running a converter on one side, but it may sound "funny". no, the backpressure comes from the restrictive headpipes, not the mufflers. I would assume that if they're still being advertised, that they're still being made. You would have to contact the seller.
  9. All tires need to be scuffed in when mounted up new, even car tires. You should be glad you have a dealer who actually worries about their customers.
  10. I smoke a custom mix from the local pipe shop once in a while.
  11. In the Texas panhandle, I was lucky to get 30mpg on my 99 RSV, but here Kentucky Im averaging in the high 30's with a new high of 39mpg on today's fill up. It's the first time I've ever ridden the bike 200 miles on the same tank of fuel. Maybe it's finally broken in with 101,700 miles on it. About this time last year, I was complaining about not getting 160 miles to a tank of fuel!!
  12. Only if you put a 400 watt amp to power them on the bike.
  13. They already have the Strat Deluxe. It's almost "venture-esque", Add a trunk and some lowers and a taller shield. Im sure it would be cheaper than building an entire new bike from the ground up.
  14. It was still there this morning and just a few minutes ago according to one of my contacts, because I would never download anything without it going through the proper channels.
  15. http://www.radiofreetexas.org/ is also a good site for listening to Texas based music online. As for illegal downloading, it's illegal and I condone using Miro and The Pirate Bay....
  16. I have a Joe Rocket Phoenix 5.0 I bought it from New Enough a while back. It has a zip out liner that I just leave out all the time. I can't compare it to anything else though, but it has plenty of air flow. It also have armor in the elbows and shoulders. It also came with a armor plate for the back, but I removed it.
  17. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIbkLjjlMV8]YouTube - How to stop cats pissing on your car, The best cat video ever! - Craig Turner[/ame]
  18. flb_78

    CB Mic help.

    yes, there is a mic designed for use on Harleys that will work, but they're hard to find now. Plus, the Venture's PTT is built into the left side controls. I don't know about the Harleys.
  19. flb_78

    CB Mic help.

    you cannot use a standard CB microphone on the Venture. The mic on the Venture only uses 2 wires. The other wires are for your headset speakers in the helmet.
  20. http://www.balesupply.com/products/delmhorst-f2000-hay-moisture-tester-10-probe-deluxe-package $372.25 USD
  21. Yup, we just kicked up a hornet's nest I'm afraid. He'll be a martyr now and they'll use him to rally more support against the US.
  22. yup, lugging an engine is hard on the pistons, connecting roads, U-joints.
  23. So where is everyone buying their lights and how much are they costing?
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