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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. He didn't take the brakes off and then hop on the bike to go get new ones I hope....
  2. 32mpg at over 70mph doesn't sound too bad. In Texas, with 70mph speed limits, I was only getting 28mpg. Now here in Kentucky with 55mph speed limits, Im getting 36mpg.
  3. I can tell you from personal experience, that 4-5" difference will make a huge difference on your passenger.
  4. So far it's just the Vstar 950 and 950 Tourer.
  5. NO, dont buy it. Instead, please give me the information of the person who is trying to rip you off so I can tell them that they're bad people...
  6. Yup, call the police now. Don't wait until he comes back.
  7. I have no idea considering the tank is vented to atmospheric pressure to begin with.
  8. Sounds like a carb overflow from a sticky float.
  9. Ive gotta 99 model with 105,000 on it I'd let go for $3500. Clean title. It's not the prettiest girl at the party, but she's been ridden a lot... umm...wait a minute...
  10. A 9 volt battery on a cig lighter plug with the key left turned on while the battery is changed works as well. Just remember, tip is positive on the cig lighter plug.
  11. SuperTech 85w140, change it every other oil change usually. Final drive only holds 7oz, that's less than 1 cup of oil.
  12. Thanks for the update.
  13. Whoever the vendor is for the Flanders bar offers the throttle cables in +2 inches. Im sure he could get them in the standard length.
  14. Plenty of pictures here, just click through the gallery. http://galleries.statesman.com/gallery/wildfires-burn-across-central-texas/
  15. 2oz isn't that much weight. DynaBeads are an internal balancer made of ceramic beads. Many people swear by them. I've never used them. If the mechanic was truly worried, he should have broke the beads down and rotated the tire 180* on the wheel to see if the weight moved.
  16. Plenty of vids on Youtube about these fires. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bastrop%2C+tx+fire&aq=f
  17. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wELdKgk80e8]Forest Fire crosses freeway in Bastrop, TX on Sept 4, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
  18. Instead of spitting oil into the airbox, it'll spit it where ever that filter is.
  19. If you already know the part numbers, https://shop.zanottimotor.com/ has been the least expensive place for Yamaha parts for me usually.
  20. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/321362_10150373148440864_721245863_10011131_5951669_n.jpg Photo taken by a TWTexan member around 5pm today outside Bastrop, TX. There are a couple members on that board packed up and ready to run and others who are taking in those who have lost everything. http://www.twtex.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63847
  21. Under the left side cover under the seat.
  22. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=53981 This thread has the TSB numbers you are looking for.
  23. Backrest is needed. If your bike has the pillowtops, you may want to look into getting the older style of seat that was firmer. I couldn't take the pillowtop my bike had on it. Too damn soft for me.
  24. If the valve stem points out the right side on the rear tire, won't it point right at the brake disc?
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