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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. If I remember correctly, the transmission is replaced with lower gears or the final drive is replaced with a unit with a lower ratio. I could be wrong though. The max towing speed is only 20mph. It's enough to get the vehicle out of the way. http://www.comingthrough.se/main.php?lang=UK&page=pro
  2. I don't even run an antivirus anymore,.
  3. Im enjoying how some of you are belittling this guy for riding with a Voyager kit when you don't even know his situation, but yet you stay silent on those who ride trikes.
  4. You can also use and the mouse wheel at the same time.
  5. At least there is usually an effort to come across as slightly educated on this forum and most forums that I frequent. BUT... Some forums are just unreadable because of the people who type like they text. I can't stand that on an internet forum.
  6. Dang, you don't have to use the good stuff just to knock holes in paper. 9mm for around $220/1000rds shipped to my front door nowadays. 308 for $400/900rds shipped, milsurp.
  7. It happens twice a year, once in April, the other in October. It's only $10 to get in the gate.
  8. Here is some footage from the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot last night. Fast forward to about the 50 second mark to skip the safety talk. I was lucky enough to be against the fence behind the shooters, the front row. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-UffaVss64]100_2652.MOV - YouTube[/ame] And here's some footage I caught of a Mini-Gun being shot during the night shoot. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gWs_Rh3g7g]100 2653 - YouTube[/ame]
  9. The book is even better.
  10. Good Lord... Those truck wheel/tire combos are HEAVY!! Really heavy and when they're moving, they have an incredible amount of energy behind them. I worked in a truckstop for 9 years. I can tell you why the wheel fell off. It's completely on the shop that mounted that wheel.
  11. Nope, that's a mistake. Take the Ohlins Part # YA753 and it crosses to the XVS1300A VStar 1300 on Ohlins website, not the Venture. Cruiser Customizing has it listed wrong.
  12. Oh yeah, because The United Kingdom has been doing so great lately.
  13. If it's leaking out of that fitting, that's a major problem because that is an elbow for the AIS and it has nothing to do with oil. Instead, oil probably is most likely coming off the valve cover and blowing back onto that fitting.
  14. I don't think it's a ripoff. The pricing is up front and honest. If someone is dumb enough to buy it, that's on them for not researching. It's not like it's a $2 part with $25 shipping and handling fees.
  15. I'll sell ya my 99 Venture for $3500. It needs a wash and waxing. It's over 105,000 miles now. http://www.kytwisted.com/forums/index.php/topic/1198-1999-yamaha-venture/
  16. It also has the smaller carbs on it, so with the lowers and the fairing, the throttle is probably being wrung pretty hard.
  17. Too bad it's fake. Check out the website at the bottom on the picture.
  18. Just flip the front wheel around and wear out the other side of the tire now!!
  19. So smooth asphalt roads, chipsealed roads and brushed concrete roads will wear a tire at the exact same rate?
  20. Yeah yeah, thanks for keeping it boring..
  21. That's very odd and stupid expensive. $850 for 250 rounds of birdshot.
  22. That Stratoliner front wheel really looks great on the RSV/RSTD's.
  23. It's been my experience that the loudest supporters of the "Harley only" mindset is that of those who do not ride. I went to Scooters in Amarillo 1 night. Including mine, there were 3 bikes in the parking lot. I go inside and almost everyone is in bandannas, chaps, vests, Harley shirts, riding boots, yada yada yada. I think I had a coke and left to go riding.
  24. 1 1/16" is the same as 27mm.
  25. Many folks here will never run a Metzler on the rear of the RSV. Too many reports of catastrophic failures on the RSV.
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