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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. PB Blaster is goooood stuff.
  2. It doesn't bother me. Im too busy riding my bike instead of looking at it in the driveway, and if someone happens to notice that the rails appear to be about a 1/4 of an inch off when I pass em, at least they noticed me.
  3. you may wanna see if someone is local to you and borrow their seat. My bike came with the pillow top rider seat and I changed it out for the older style of seat, much more gooder than the pillow top for me. I just sank in the pillow seat and it felt like I was sitting on the frame.
  4. they might be worth 40 bux if shipping was included. You can get em on ebay for around 50 bux shipped if you wait for the right time.
  5. not necessarily, hypothetically, if youre running in 5th at 3100 rpm at 70 mph, you're throttle position would be 50%, but now with the higher rpm's, you're utilizing more of the horsepower curve and only using 30% throttle.... now that I read that, it doesn't make sense, but in my head I know what I meant.
  6. that's funny right there!!! good luck passing this 2nd gen, I dont like to follow the speed suggestions out on the open highway put out there by the gubberment.
  7. 3 different ventures in the same video. 2 2nd gens and 1 1st gen.
  8. You use anti seize or never seize on the thread of the steel plugs in the aluminum heads so when you remove the plugs, the aluminum threads stay in the heads. Anti seize is a very thick, heavy lubricant that won't cook off or boil out of the threads like motor oil or ATF. I always use it on spark plugs for the bikes. If you use a clicker type torque wrench, yes, you should set it on the lowest setting when it's not being used. I personally use a German made torque wrench called "Gudentite". I torque 'em down till they're good 'n tight.
  9. yes, you can charge it through there, but the key would have to be in the ACC position. The plug in on the hand side of the fairing behind the handle bars.
  10. I personally wouldnt trust many electronics from H/F myself. I think you're best bet is to put a voltmeter on it with it off and then with it running. Sounds like the charging system isn't working properly. Ive seen it in big trucks that when the batts go bad, they can take out and alternator.
  11. driven off the rear hub.
  12. The dyno runs will most likely show a LOSS of horsepower but a gain in TORQUE, which is really what these engines need, more TORQUE!
  13. 5/16????? so your new spark plugs are just 1/16 larger than 1/4 inch?
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=016&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=260138179814&rd=1&rd=1 here is a set. cheap, dirt cheap. I came across these yesterday and contemplated buying them, but my wallet kicked me in the butt and said no. I just figgered I'd pass it along then.
  15. yep, my Icom Dual Bander has a Fuse on the Positive and Negative sides fer JUST IN CASE...Lil bit of overkill if you ask me.
  16. +1 he NEEDS to put a fuse in it, if it shorts out and the insurance company determines that he installed it wrong (without a fuse), they can deny payment. Just 12 volts, huh, have him take a piece of wire and jump any 12 volt battery and he how long he can hold onto it.
  17. http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/
  18. I run it till cutoff and she runs good. youre not going to hurt it by pushing it.
  19. nah, let em pull part of the way, that way you can save gas
  20. here's a fairly popular one... http://www.kisantech.com/index.php?cat_id=2
  21. get one of those "green light triggers" and put it right in front of your tire and it'll pull all the nails up off the ground and they will stick to the magnet...
  22. I just recieved an Email and I should mention that only the rider seat was changed. My bad. Now that I read my own ad, it reads as if it was all 3 pieces. I will change the ad to just the rider's seat.
  23. I already fill my tires with 78 percent nitrogen... I dont see any real benefit, and I work in a tire shop.
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