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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. everything you could want to know about the gears is right here... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12800
  2. If your doing a complete flush and fill, any coolant will be fine.
  3. I weight as much as you and your wife put together.
  4. If youre worried about warranty, the only person who can answer that will be your dealer. You may have to buy the mufflers through him and pay him to install them to keep the warranty.
  5. nope, the restriction will come from the head pipes. No need to dig into the carbs.
  6. Im forwarding this in an email to your wife's work!!
  7. ethonal, time to rejet, just a suggestion.
  8. Iridium plugs are junk. Ive seen a couple sets that burned the electrodes right off of em. I only average around 30mpg as my RSV.
  9. Is there a thread on this, my clutch is getting tired after 70,000 miles.
  10. you need an oversized clearview with a vent in it, like mine. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300137429464
  11. whoops! my bad... how about this? apparently Subaru uses a Clarion head unit with a c-bus connector. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=521811
  12. will this help? http://www.ultrajosh.com/tubeamp/2006/05/clarion-c-bus-ipod-saab-ng900.html
  13. I had the left side floorboard fall off my Roadstar. It was still on the bike by the linkage. That was fun to ride.
  14. havent had mine long enough to thing of anything yet. Forrest, N9OHM
  15. also, "oil of wintergreen" is an excellent penetrent as well. Getting hard to find because of how toxic it is in pure form, but it works wonders and smells good.
  16. and just exactly how do you duplicate rusting conditions for a standardized test? I know WD-40 is worthless as a rust penetrater because its a water diplacement...I use PB-blaster at work. I do believe that atf is a fine penetrent. Ive seen old, seized up motors break free with atf poured in the cylinders. "WD-40 stands for "Water Displacement, 40th attempt", a name which came from Larsen's laboratory notebook. Larsen was attempting to concoct a formula to prevent corrosion by displacing water, and arrived at the formula on his 40th try.[1] A common myth is that "WD" stands for "war department". WD-40 was first used by Convair to protect the outer skin of the Atlas missile from rust and corrosion. The product first became commercially available on store shelves in San Diego in 1958."
  17. I was wondering if someone was going to catch that
  18. I just ride the bike till the tank is dern near empty, about 20 miles on reserve. Put half a can of seafoam in, fill it up with cheap gas, pick the bike up and shake to mix it up good and ride off.
  19. I would try a differant mic first if you have one.
  20. nope, its a fuse problem, probably popped one while installing the trailer harness, I did it too. check the fuses in the lowers.
  21. I dropped mine twice the first day I had it, no damage, just slowly laid it down on the crash bars. Did it 2 up. I blamed the passenger.
  22. Be careful when you pick it up, it's heavy and you might hurt yourself!!!
  23. Has anyone tried removing that blasted air box and installing 4 individual K&N style filters? When I changed my plugs, I looked at how deep the air box is and looked at the cutout in the tank. Me thinks there might be enough room for some small stand up filters.
  24. Gonna get rid of your warrior are ya? I don't blame ya. I've got a 99 venture with 69,000 miles on it. Granted, I've only owned it for 2 months and put 7,000 miles on it myself, but no problems that I'm aware of. When I first read your post, I was wondering why you were asking about the reliability of a 2nd Gen because Ive seen you post plenty of times, then I noticed your join date and realized I recognized your handle from the rswarrior forum.
  25. Are you 100% positive that you're actually bottoming out. I weigh 380 lbs and I dont bottom the shock out. You should find a member who lives in your area and have him test ride your bike and you ride his to feel the differences.
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