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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. Just bring em to the tech day tomorrow and we will figger it out for ya.
  2. That "free" health care ain't so free. Gotta come from somewhere. Hopefully, the U.S.A. squashes Billary and Obama stance of tax the rich and give to the poor.
  3. You put it that way and it almost seem crazy to ride a motorcycle.
  4. according to Obber's website, I'm using the best oil filter on the market. Purolater Pure One PL14610. Get em at Advanced Auto for 6 bux. "This is how an oil filter should be made. The anti-drainback valve is double the thickness of any other here, and obviously seals very well. The media is the best available, and there's a lot of it. The bypass valve is made from a laser-cut piece of stainless steel, and just can't bind or jam." I believe that all the Honda, Suzuki, and Yamaha filters are made by Denso and are all the same. I'll just keep using the Pure One filters.
  5. Can I have them?
  6. Well that's no fun, go hit the rev limiter in the first 3 gears and see just how fast this beast is.
  7. What does this accomplish? Does it do something? I can't see the advantage of these? But then again, I'm pretty dense.
  8. I heard that they've got a recall, but when they're in my shop, I have to get them out. The oil pan in plenty deep and there's lots of aluminum. I can't believe that the plug is only 4 threads deep. I drill it out with a 59/64 drill bit and retap it to a Cummins plug.
  9. I dont know what the conversion is, but my Venture will run 98 MPH in 3rd gear.
  10. Ive drilled out oil pans before and retapped for a larger drain plug. Ive done it on the new volvo D16 motors twice now. On Caterpiller motors, Ive used ReCoil kits. Drill the threads out of the hose, retap and install a new thread coil, exact same thing as a helicoil. On Cummins motors, Ive drilled the threads out, retapped, installed an oversized bushing adapter, and went to a smaller drain plug. But, for this situation, with the aluminum pan, I think an oversized, self-tapping plug would be good. Since the new 1/2 size over plug did not work, I'd go up 1 whole size from the NEW plug.
  11. ewww....you touched a liberal....go wash your hands.
  12. Because the HD pipes sound deep and mellow while the venture pipes sound like a mouse fart in a coffee can when they are drilled out.
  13. Ive looked into this and the ONLY tire that Ive found that is close to the dimensions is a BFGoodrich T/A radial in 155/80R15. It's actually a specialty tire that they build for T-bucket hot rods, but I think it'd work good on the back of a Venture.
  14. Damn, if you think the Bub's are too loud, you should hear a set of Baron's Nasty Boys. Mine are wrapped (by the previous owner0 pretty tight. I think they're too quiet, but I'm too lazy to take em apart and redo it. I'll just wait till they blow out. I was told tonight that I sound like a NASCAR on the highway when it's almost on the rev limiter. I passed him with wide open throttle around 80 mph in 3rd gear. He was in his Dodge diesel pickup.
  15. the one under the windshield or the 2 "whiskers"? I think the whiskers are just stuck on. The one under the shield is needed.
  16. There is no "best" oil. The responses will vary from YamahaLube to Rotella T diesel oil to Mobil 1 motorcycle oil to Mobil 1 car oil to Castrol to Amsoil. In just the last 4 months, Ive used Mobil 1 car oil, Chevron Delo 400 and Amsoil. I most likely will use the Chevron from now on.
  17. my front master cylinder was sticky. I'd have to really squeeze the lever and it was jumpy. I pulled out the bleeders and just let the fluid run out. Refilled with Valvoline Synthetic Fluid and let 1/4 quart just run through. Reinstalled the bleeders and left em loose. Filled the master cylinder and let it gravity bleed for about 5 minutes. Tightened the bleeders. Filled the master cylinder again and bled the front brakes. I now have normal operating front brakes and some incredible nose dive.
  18. The 1100 virago's were bad about losing 2nd gear, much like the early ventures and the XS1100's. If he's having to kick it, then it sounds like a bent shift fork.
  19. the pad is really small and it DOES NOT fold out of the way.
  20. You should put a wheel chock on it and load a bike up on the trailer and pull it around town.
  21. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000GIVEII/ref=ord_cart_shr/103-8067190-7744663?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance]Amazon.com: Purolator PL14610 PureONE Oil Filter (Pack of 2): Automotive[/ame] 2 purolater pl14610 filters for 5.88
  22. 20 inch is going to be way short. my baron's are 30 inches.
  23. Where can one get the parts to rebuild the front master cylinder? Has anyone does this? Just exactly how much of a pain in the ass is it?
  24. Purolator Pure One PL14610, that's what I use.
  25. I always thought of my bike as a way to get away from everything, not drag it with me.
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