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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. Wire nuts? On a vehicle? NO, NO, NO!!!! Im a mechanic in a truck stop and about half my work is redoing trailer wiring that has been hacked up by people wiring in extra crap and doing it improperly. I use heat shrink splice connectors or solder shrink connectors. You simply crimp these on and then heat em up with a mini-torch or cig lighter and it completely seals itself against the elements. DO NOT USE WIRE NUTS!!! If you like your electrical system, trust me on that one. You can find this style of heat shrink connector at most auto parts stores. http://www.allproducts.com/manufacture13/uta/08-window_butt_splice.jpg
  2. And this is why I do my own maintenance. I don't like motorcycle "mechanics" mainly because they just got out of high school and dont know crap.
  3. flb_78

    Insurance cost

    Im 29 and full coverage on my 99 with a 250 deduct is 341 a year.
  4. When did Roadkings get stereos?
  5. He should of hooked up the Harley tank to the tank under the seat. It would hold a massive amount of fuel then.
  6. And yes, you have a 2004.
  7. It was built in 1995 and sold as a 1996. Every manufacturer, whether it be car, pickup, motorcycle, atv, semi's, does it. That's why right now, in 2007, you can go buy a 2008 vehicle. I forget the month that they switch the year but I think it's around June.
  8. ive had mine around 120 indicated on the speedo.
  9. Sounds like Harley Road King pipes fit your description. The Kromewherks are suppose to be pretty loud, the Baron's are loud, even if you wrap the pipes, the Bub's aren't as loud as the Baron's but the chrome peels. You could also drill out the factory pipes and have a mouse farting in a coffee can!!!
  10. Yep, it's a TowPac kit, and there's one for sale in the classifieds on this very site right now. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/770/cat/7/limit/recent/date/1156239845
  11. But regarding the original intent of this post, there is a difference in the 404's. I forget his screen name, but there's a fella out of CA who is on a quest for the holy grail behind the "404 scam". Apparently there's a 150/80B15 and a 150/80HB15 and the HB's are the "good" ones, but it's almost impossible to find them. I just reread your post, and if I'm reading it correctly, you've ridden over 7000 miles since Aug 13th?
  12. I wouldn't put Dunflop 404's on a wheelbarrow. I had a set on my Roadstar and they cornered like crap and wore out way too fast.
  13. Good lift, bad wheel chock. I believe that's a Harbor Freight lift. Picked all the bikes up very easily. Damn I need a haircut.
  14. That's not a MTC Voyager kit, it's a different brand, but alot of folks need em if they wanna ride a motorcycle this size. I do know the Voyager kit will come off in about 10 minutes.
  15. Problem is in the driveshaft design. The "fat" part of the tire has to ride in the dipped part of the shaft cover. The closest tire Ive found to 150/80/15 is a 155/80r15 bf goodrich T/A radial.
  16. DAMMIT!!! I just checked it out and it was on a Zuki 1500... poo...
  17. Dont suppose you could get a picture of the tire on the bike? I'd like to see the clearance between the tire and swingarm.
  18. I personally would never buy a new bike. I bought my 99 used for 7500. These bikes are bulletproof.
  19. Maybe you should check into a set of pillowtops then But seriously, I like the standard seat with a Diamond R backrest. Most comfortable setup I have ever ridden with. I have a Sabblebums sheepskin cover for the pillion. It was originally for the front seat on my Roadstar with a Mustang seat, but it's a very close fit for the passenger seat on the RSV, and she loves the sheepskin. The skin doesn't have any gel in it, it's just a skin. I know that's not the answer you were looking for, but it's as close as I can get.
  20. I just installed a Harley touring license plate bracket on Jerry W.'s bike and it makes a BIG difference.
  21. I think the first thing you should do is dump the pillowtops. My bike came with a pillowtop rider seat on it and it killed me. I bought a standard seat and it's much better for my fat butt. You may wanna see if there is someone in you area that might switch ya seats for a ride to try out.
  22. Unfortunately, that's a good way to get yourself killed nowadays. If you were to be mugged and had no cash in you wallet, chances are, you're going to get shot, stabbed, or beaten. I always keep at least 40 bucks in my wallet. It feels weird to have no cash on me.
  23. Use steel pipe and after its screwed together, go over the seams with a welder.
  24. I raise your bump with a double bump... bump,bump...
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