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Everything posted by flb_78

  1. I've not seen a "true" 4-4 exhaust. Not enough room with the saddle bags. Baron's makes a slip on that's 4-2-4. Baron's Nasty Boys. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yoa2anM9ZM]Barons Nasty Boy - YouTube[/ame]
  2. That's the way to live.
  3. So it's better to have a bunch of cards you're not using just laying around? I mean no one ever has their identity stolen and retailer's and bank's online security is absolutely bulletproof so there's no way that anyone could get ahold of a credit card number that hasn't been used in 5 or 6 years.... Close the damn accounts and QUIT USING CREDIT CARDS!! The only thing a person should have to borrow money for is a house and even then there are limitations and rules on how to do it properly. It's amazing how much you quit caring about your credit score when you quit using credit and only buy things you can afford.
  4. You may also want to check out a Yamaha Raptor 660 fuel valve. A little googling shows a couple applications where various Suzuki folk change out their diaphragm style fuel valves for the Raptor ones. You could probably even buy one locally and return it if it doesn't fit instead of dealing with someone online. http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/3667/img0960a.jpg
  5. This was my first thought as well. Get rid of the screen and use an inline filter. That way small pieces of rust will not plug up the screen.
  6. I would bet the Ruffy was looking in the parts fiche.
  7. My bad, I read it wrong. I grew up in southern Illinois. I remember the dog days of August.
  8. no, Illinois is a wet heat. Same as Kentucky heat. I think fish can crawl out of the ponds around here somedays.
  9. You've actually seen this? I "hear" lots of internet lore about claims, but no evidence.
  10. Hydrate hydrate hydrate. and not with alcohol.
  11. Most likely, Purolator offered up a couple gajillion filters at a price lower than the SuperTech supplier. I haven't heard of any problems with any SuperTech filter.
  12. The speedo will still be the normal 8% or so off. It reads the teef of the the pinion gear.
  13. It's going to explode.
  14. Time to trade in that weed whacker for some weed and grass killer!! http://www.tractorsupply.com/gordon-s-reg-pronto-big-n-tuf-41-glyphosate-weed-grass-killer-2-1-2-gal--4201103
  15. In the battery department in most Walmarts, there is a 5 watt panel. Also, most auto parts stores carry 12 volt panels in their battery section.
  16. I have HughesNet. It's better than nothing and nothing is my only other option. Im allowed 250mB/day and it can roll over to a max of 500mB/day. They also give 1 free reset token a month. Apparently, there is a new Gen4 of HughesNet that will allow for a 10meg connection. My current plan is advertised at 1.5meg and costs around $50/month.
  17. That would be a mess to change the CB frequencies. Literally millions of CB's would become completely worthless. A little google search doesn't show any proposed frequency changes.
  18. Don't go by their stupid online thing, It said it wasn't available where I live either, but a salesman showed up one day and showed me it worked. I signed up on the spot. Find a dealer and have them do an actual test.
  19. I had someone give me a set of takeoffs, but I had to pick them up. Cost me $50 in gas.
  20. Since you are English, what are you referring to as the "gearbox"? I would assume that the "gearbox" is what we call the transmission. If it is, the transmission runs in the engine oil. It is not separate like on a Harley.
  21. http://www.nadaguides.com/Motorcycles/2005/Honda/TRX500FGA5-FRMN-RUBICON-499cc/Standard-Equipment It's hard to beat a Honda ATV. I personally think a 500cc 4x4 is an excellent choice. The bigger ones (800+cc) aren't much faster, but they drink a lot more gas and weigh a ton.
  22. You could check to see if you can get Clear where you are at. I had it when I lived outside of Amarillo. It's not terrible. Is there no cable internet where you live now? http://www.clear.com/
  23. If they have the tips on them, they're worth more than mufflers off the Ventures.
  24. You should have looked into a PODS or Conway shipping service. So much easier.
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