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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Wired as follows: Signal stablizer unit to flasher connector - function 1. black to black - ground 2. blue to brown / red tracer - power with key on 3. brown & purple (2 wires) to brown / white tracer - turn signal output I tested with both brown and purple by themselves and it still functioned the same as it did with both wires attached. Rather then leaving a single wire hanging I attached both. I took out the terminals at the connector, soldered the controler wires to them, and then reinserted the terminals back into the connector. Leaving a nice clean connection. Larry
  2. The swaying you mention is NOT normal for any trike if properly set up. I suspect that the rear axle was out of alignment, thus causing the rear end to track side to side. Harleys due to their drive belt setup probably have a slider/axle adjustment that will align both the axle and drive belt. I could be wrong on this thou. Even a drive shafted independant or solid axle like the Hannigan & Tri-Wings use have to be aligned to be squared up. If you have the chance to do another test ride on a different bike it may make all the difference in the world to your preceptions. Once you have a few miles under your belt with a trike you'll really enjoy the stability and ease of riding. Trikes with a raked front tree will also handle easier and track better. Good luck to you, Larry
  3. Good news there Don. Let's pray you done got rid of that pesky stuff for good. Larry
  4. Or a very strong pair of snap ring pliers and of good size as well to remove that snap ring holding the drive pins in place. Larry
  5. Your experince is a pretty good example of being on 3 wheels is good. While I haven't had to do any evasive manuvers like this I do know I could stop in a much shorter distance if need be. I did a test once and dilberately stomped on the rear brake at about 45 mph. Yep those big discs and extra rubber screamed stop right now. Anyhow your experince shows one must never take what other drivers do for granted cause they just might do the unexpected and put you in harms way. Thanks for sharing and glad nothing more happened than a scare to you & the Mrs. Larry
  6. Sorry to disappoint ya there Brian. Larry
  7. This weekend I finally got around to remeding the fast flash of the led lights I have on the back of the bike. I had tried a couple of the load balancers in the past without success except for the last option I tried yesterday. Anyhow I ended up using a Custom Dynamics Metric Signal Stablizer -- http://www.customdynamics.com/loadequalizer.htm#Metric_Signal_Stabilizer I put the stablizer under the right side cover and attached the wires to the flasher. Works great now with a flash rate that is much more normal and consistant with the 4 ways and stock flash rate. There is one drawback to attaching it there and that is you lose the self cancelling feature. I can live with that since I usually cancelled the lights anyhow. Old habits are hard to die. Larry UPDATE: Today I realized that the turn signals are indeed self cancelling after all.
  8. Sure hope Annie Bear makes it to the international rally. She's got some traveling to do to get there on time. Like less then two weeks. Larry
  9. Thoughts and prayers for your Mom. Hope the Doc's do a successfull operation and she has a full recovery from whatever is causing her trouble. Larry
  10. Nice restoration on the scoot. Girl friends sure looked happy in the pics too. But ya know with her checking out your ride you jut know she's already got the itch for a bit bigger ride now. You'll surely recoup your money I'd think after the renovations now too. Good luck on that. Larry
  11. There is a grease fitting that's accessible thru an opening of the drive shaft cover. Look for a silver plug just under the left cover below the riders seat. Also what you may think is the u-joint noise may be just the splined shafte going into the u-joint needing grease. that's been my case as yamaha is pretty stingy with their lube. You'll need to pull the rear tire and differential assembly to remove that shaft so while doing that is a good time to relube the drive pins in the differential hub. Anyhow try lubing that fitting and if the noise is still there then pull that shaft. Larry
  12. Totally typical with not only bike dealers but car part stores as well. Larry
  13. Can't help on that master cyclinder but wanted ya to know you'll be missed once your bikes are gone. Sometimes we need to step back and regroup in our lives. I've done that a couple times over the years as my family has grown and ended up full circle with riding. Good luck in whatever you do. Larry
  14. Ya that too. Awesome view there. Check out Lake of the Clouds in the Porcupine Moutains Wilderness State Park off of highway 107 as well . That view is as good or better as Brockway Mountain and getting there is a fun ride too. Larry
  15. May be time for one of those new foam type beds?? Larry
  16. I would rechase those threads with the proper sized "metric" tap or thread chaser and then use new bolts. Yamaha list the bolts at $1.33 each and the stay at $132.71 (ouch). I will have to check on the size later. Larry
  17. Happy belated B-Day Alan. Hope you see many more of them. Larry
  18. Best of luck for you & the Docs in your upcoming surgery. Larry
  19. Not a problem Bob. Certainly taking care of Tina's health was much more important than meeting a few biker hooligan's. Hope she's feeling better now that your home. Beides we needed an excuse to gather around. Larry
  20. I'm down by the Metro-Airort area and have an independant shop that does good work. Probably won't open till Tomorrow thou as most everyone is closed till then. We also have member MiCarl nearby who owns his own shop and does excelent work at reasonable prices. He's probably 15-20 minutes from my home. Here's a link to his webpage -- http://www.thundervalleypower.com/ Larry
  21. No problem Cort. Hope your big trip is the International Rally. If so I'll see ya there. Larry
  22. Well we had a decent turn out tonight. Not everyone was able to make it thou. Still it was good seeing old friends and new ones too. I forgot to take my camera so will have to depend on someone else to post pics. Larry
  23. Victory Cross Country would be my pick
  24. Welcome to another triker. Enjoy the ride. Larry
  25. Ok Sunday it is. Leon's in Dearborn and meet between 5:30-6 pm. Here's the address: Leon's Family Dining 23830 Michigan Ave., Dearborn, MI, 48124 It's on the north side of (12) Michigan Ave & just east of Telegraph (M24) Let me get a headcount so I can forewarn management we'll be invading them. Larry
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