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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Besides what's already been mentioned improperly adjusted clutch & brake levers can trip the cruise control off as well. I would check the freeplay in the cables 1st then, the levers. Larry
  2. My vote is for whatever is easiest for Don to implement into the system. Would there be a way to use the old system yet have a "stickie" for the member vendors like myself at the top that didn't expire? Larry
  3. My thought on repositioning the tire as well. I had run some Dynabeads in my bike and had bad results on the rear car tires. After taking the beads out and doing a conventional wheelweight balance job they were good to go. Still have the beads in the front tire and haven't decided if I'll use them again on my next tire change or not. Larry
  4. Awesome trip and one that's on my bucket list of rides to do. It's the only lake circle trip I haven't done yet. When did you go and other then running into some rain what sort of temps did you encounter for the most part? Larry
  5. Before buttoning up check that white plug behind the ceter coverin front of the battery. That plug gets pretty dirty and can cause charging failures when it gets burnt/hot. Larry
  6. Sorry to hear this news. I do hope the Docs can find and fix the problems you are having without much trouble. I'll keep you in thoughts and prayers as long as needed. Larry
  7. That's one nice 1st gen you have there. Enjoy the ride. Larry
  8. I was about to post the same thing. Generally the International Rally is either the 1st or 2nd week of July. If the IR is the 2nd week like it was this year going to Charlies may be a deal breaker for me depending on where the next Int. rally is held at. Just a thought here and I'm sure we'll work out a time to getr done. Larry
  9. "I never take anything for granted in life. And I'm glad Mike and I found the site. "quote" The site is all the richer for folks like you who do step up and offer whatever they can in the way of help. Be it a word of encouragement or some physical thing like you guys did with Tom. Either visiting him in the hospital or getting his stuff home for him. Thanks to all who do their part no matter how small or big it ends up being when we have a member in need. Larry
  10. We'll keep an eye on ya. Be safe & enjoy your trip. Larry
  11. Do the f4's collect as well? and the clearviews? The Cleaview would let rain settle on it thus the reason I picked up a F4 which is supposed to do a better job of shedding rain drops. My shields are tall (gives the better half more protection) so I look thru them. I'll find out eventualy I guess. One of the other guys here who have used one for a while can give you a better idea on what to expect. All reports I've read gave favorable remarks thou. Larry
  12. The trikes are about 12ft long and 5 ft wide. Hannigans a bit wider(don't know the exact size) Make sure you have the roof clearance for the windshield when driving on & off. Other than that I don't think the trailer is overkill. The extra space will allow you to add storage compartments or whatever. Larry
  13. I just recieved my F4 yesterday and got it installed. Will be doing some riding over the week/weekend. It's about a 1/2" shorter then the Clearview I took off so don't think there'll be any real differences with buffetting or whatever. After using the tinted Clearview for the last 3 years and looking through the F4 it sure has a crystal clear view from the seat. One thing I noticed between the two while installing it was that the F4 has a much more flexable nature to it compared to the Clearview which is very rigid. Does the F4 flex any while going down the road? Larry
  14. He got it some time before the International Rally at Cody,Wy this past July. I think he's been keeping a tight lip on this so he won't catch flack from the rest of you antique riders. Got some pics somewhere and will post em later. Larry
  15. 2nd that. Now we don't give the sand & gravel as much as a second thought. Of course that depends on speed and curves. Normally all I do now is just drive on thru. Yep being on three does have it's advantages. Larry
  16. I'd love to see the N.E. area as having never been there. Finger lakes sounds great too. Larry
  17. Time sure flies now eh? Scratch off another year come & gone. Hope it was a good day for ya. Larry
  18. Maybe join ya all there or ride up from the Sarnia or Windsor area for me. Also would depend when this was done but I'm game Larry
  19. Well Charlie the Fishman what can we add to this? You were, and still are, a member of note here last I looked. Whether that's good or bad I know not but rest assuered the site would not be the same without you. I for one will never forget you as we did have some great times together sharing stories and rides over the years. Yep we laughed and cried tears of joy & sorrow a few times but you know what? That's called life. It's too bad you won't be able to ride anymore but at some point in life we all will reach this same situation. Regardless life does go on. You've returned to doing what you liked a lot in the past and that's being on water with a great boat and a fishing pole in your hands. Enjoy that as well for as long as possible. Whatever your health issuses are I do hope that you can overcome them. Peace to you Charlie. Larry
  20. OK what does BRP stand for? And where that might be? Never was very good at these abbreviations. Larry
  21. but do use stainless steel washers. Larry
  22. Why the bar clamps on the footrests? Larry
  23. So who visited ya today? Larry
  24. Good to hear some positive news around here. Glad things are looking up for you Ben. Larry
  25. Prayers offered up for all of family & friends Raymond.
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