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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. It'll be a nice fall Michigan type ride weather wise. Larry
  2. Hopefully for the better too. Getting in some nice riding today in west Tennessee. More tomorrow when we head to St. Jude's. Larry
  3. Sure hope this all works out in your favor Randy. Larry
  4. Ya I've seen that place on the web while looking for local resaurants. Looks like a cool place to go for ice cream. http://www.houseofflavors.com/restaurant/ Larry
  5. OK folks looks like we have finally ironed out the main stops. Leaving my house at 9am. Riding with whoever comes to the house. Meet more riders at the Sunoco gas station on US-23 & N.Territorial rd. Leave there at 9:30. Pickup a rider or two going thru to Stockbridge and meet the rest of the riders at the Westown Shell at 1/2 mile west of M52 & M21. From there we head west to Greenville and have lunch at the Ponderosa restaurant - http://www.ponderosasteakhouses.com/ponderosa/ . Next we head on to Ludington with a rest stop or two along the way as needed. Joe & I have made arrangements for Saturday evenings dinner at the Old Hamlin restaurant - http://www.oldhamlin.com/ While there are many restaurants around Ludington only a few are able to handle our groups size. Some that could, needed an advanced schedule booked & prepaid. Sorry not on my dime. LOL On Sunday mornings breakfast we also decided to again go to the Old Hamlin restaurant. $7.29 for a breakfast bar. Discounts for seniors 55 & over apply both days too. We felt that their prices and service would be very good. Anyhow the owner is looking to be of service us all. On our way home we'll be stopping in Chesaning for lunch at Riverfront Grille - http://www.riverfront-grille.com/ . They too are looking forward to us being there. Check out the menus from the restaurants. After we leave Chesaning the riders will start heading their seperate ways to home. Pretty much like we did coming up I would think. Of course if some prefer different places to eat etc they're more then welcome to go where they wish, especialy in Ludington for dinner. Oh the title of this being the Little River Casino Fall ride Manistee was that in the past we did go to the casino so anyone wanting to go there Saturday after we get into Ludington can still do so if they wish. It's just under 30 miles to get there. Can't think of anything else at the moment but if we didn't cover something so far let us know. I know Joe & I are really looking forward to this fall ride and hope all those who go with us have a great time too. Larry
  6. You'll be missed Ian. Enjoy your game. Larry
  7. It does look like a long time heh. According to my Streets & Trips program it's 48 1/2 miles from N. Territioral Rd & M52 to the Westown Shell. Take in consideration we'll be meeting Sach57 in Stockbridge plus getting thru town the time will be closer then you think. We'll have I think 8 -10 bikes in tow as well. All of this is speculative on how well we get off to a good start etc. Could be a bit early or late accordingly. On another note Joe & I have chosen our lunch stops for Saturday near Greenville and another in Chesaning for Sunday on the way home. Still looking for a suitable location for Saturday evenings dinner. I did have a place picked but our group was too big for them. Later, Larry
  8. send me a PM. Got the stocker collecting dust
  9. Great pics and ya thanks for sharing them. We were out that 2 years ago, but in the cage. :-( Going to have to get back that way on the bike one of these years. Larry
  10. For those on the fence about whether to attend or not due to weather concerns here's a link for that weekends forecast. http://www.accuweather.com/us/mi/ludington/49431/forecast-details.asp?fday=11 This is going to be a great weekend to ride. Larry
  11. Awesome pics Annie & Al. They'll be sure to bring back many wonderfull memories of your vist here in Canada & the USA. Bet ya got tons more too? Larry
  12. I have a running list of those who plan on attending. If I missed someone let me know so I can be sure to add them on the list. This includes those who have said "maybe". we need to keep the list somewhat current so if more rooms are needed we can add them. The hotel has been wonderfull in granting extensions on the number of rooms requested to be blocked so far. Remember that the $42 rate only is good till Oct 1st. After that their regular rates apply. Thanks, Larry
  13. So you've managed to survive another year with NaughT. You must be staying outta trouble better this year. Better enjoy this day while you can.
  14. You'll be missed but you know where we're staying at Saturday nite so maybe our paths will cross. PM sent Darrin Larry
  15. Hey Dan if you have to do it yourslep you might contact the local high school for some hired labor. Lots of kids don't have jobs after school so you just might get a couple that's willing to work and maybe learn something in the process. You'll get help needed, they'll get some spending money and maybe learn a trade. Or post something for hired help on a local want ad board? You already know how the job has to be done. Just a thought here to help you getr done. Larry
  16. Who says you couldn't join us the following weekend? The room is cheap, gas prices are falling, you eat regardless of where you go. Of course eating at home is the cheapest way to go. Where else can you go and have this much fun on a budget? Larry
  17. We should be coming to M52 at N. Territorial about 10-10:15. You're more then welcome to ride with us even if not going all the way. Wait at the stop sign and we won't miss you. LOL larry
  18. My mistake. It is $42 I corrected the post to show the right amount. Larry
  19. Ok due to the extra folks planning on attending this rally we have added another block of 10 rooms. The price will still be $42 per room If reservations are made by Oct 1st. So far we are supprised by the attention this ride rally is getting and we couldn't be any more happier then to sharing it with those who plan on joining us. Joe will update the 1st post when he gets a chance to reflect the info we have scattered thru this post. Larry
  20. Cool welcome to the group. Where will you be meeting us? Larry
  21. We have a running list on page 2 so far. Post # 25. Gonna join in? Larry
  22. Sounds good. Rest rooms and gas for those who need it will be good wherever we met you guys. Goggle shows a Clark, Westown Shell Food mart, & a Sunoco west of M52 in a short distance. And a bit further west is a Mobil and a Dean's Deli & Party Store Larry
  23. Will post more info as stuff gets decided on here. PM sent to you as well. Larry
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