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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Prayers for you and family. May God bless her upon her arrival in heaven. Larry
  2. Well we know it's not the Muffinman. He don't ride a 2nd gen. Looks like a 09 Shell/Raven pain on the bike. Larry
  3. Just plain awesome. Thanks for sharing and thanks for your service to both of you. You'll get many while riding that bike. Larry
  4. Well it was I who had this failure. We've eliminated all of the usual suspects and end back up with a failed TCI unit. Checked the spark plug boots and even swapped fronts to rears. Same results, dead rears. Checked coils and they were very close to specs as well. We have power at the coils on the red/black wire so that pretty much eliminates the cut off relay and kill switch part of the circuit. Which all comes back to the tci having failed. Fortunately the bike still has warranty left so tomorrow I'll be contacting the local dealers about getting it in the shop. I'll take it to whoever can get it in and out the quickest. I may even end up getting a used unit if its going to be down very long. Larry
  5. If using my hitch you remove four 5/16" sized (metrics thou) bolts , pull off the cross bar, insert the hitch, and replace the bolts. It's that simple & probably takes 15-20 minutes at most. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3919&title=rsv26amp-3b-rstd-trailer-hitch&cat=24 Larry
  6. Can't help too much with info but you just might have some company on the way home. All good places to stop and see along the way. Been a while since getting into the western end of the UP. Larry
  7. Dan I sent you a e-mail reply. Larry
  8. Loved your report on the car. Sorry you have to do/redo some things but better now then later. Pics of the car would be cool too. Larry
  9. One of our members bike on the cover? just the same. Larry
  10. Ground is white outside here too but not that much snow. More like a dusting to cover the grass, but flurries still falling so that could change. Like Eddie says enjoy it while its there. Larry UPDATE: by 10 am it was all melted and gone
  11. Cool gift and thanks for sharing the pics. Larry
  12. Me too but I can assure NOT enough if going by the title. and comparing it with Eck's post http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=76812 Larry
  13. Good one Gary. :rotf:
  14. Don't need no snow. Spring is here you know. Just gotta get the temps up where they should be. Still in the 30's here dipping below freezing at night and here its supposed to be spring. Ya right. Larry
  15. No problem Eddie I know you can take it as well as shovel it. I did check out other trucks but for one reason or other liked the Nissan. Made in the US too down in Mississippi. Cost was a major factor as well. Initially was going to go with a Frontier like Cougar has but had trouble finding one I liked plus wife liked the ride better on the big boy. So after adding the incentives it wasn't very from from the 2013 Frontiers cost wise. Larry
  16. It was time to replace my 01 Dodge tuck so have been doing some shopping, tire kicking, and gathering info. Yesterday I brought home a 2012 Nissan Titan crew cab 4x4. Looked at some 2013 year models but couldn't pass up the great rebates and incentives I got with this truck, $7500 worth. :mo money: Boy I was completely taken back on costs of all the different companies trucks in this category. Certainly not cheap anymore. Even the mid sized trucks were right up there but didn't fit my needs so...... Larry
  17. Looks like you have a solid truck to start with so it should turn out great. What if any modern changes will you be making to it or is this going to be an original restoration project? Years back I had a 49 Chevy 3 window cab truck. I did a complete off frame rebuild and had a 350 Chevy Vette engine with a Muncie 4 speed on the floor. It would move too. 60 mph in 2nd gear anytime. LOL Lots of fun in that machine. Anyhow have fun with your project Hog and keep us informed on progress. Larry
  18. Get well soon Al so you can live up to your handle, Quickstep. Take care Annie & Al Larry
  19. Hate to hear news like this but pray & hope Art recovers. Good on you Owen for trying to help what you could. That's good info TZ and something that I'm going to do before the next time I ride the bike. Larry
  20. No wrench came with my trike. As I said above the installer turned the adjuster by hand. New style shocks? Larry
  21. Did this woodchuck chuck enough wood? Anyhow hope some of this was of some help to you and anyone else. All info was taken from the booklet I got from Hannigan when I picked up the coverted bike. Larry
  22. I'll have a similar set up on lighting as well sans the blinking marker lights on the trunk. Good job Jeff. Larry BTW: NO RELAYS. bet that disapointed you?
  23. I found this one during an internet search and it appears to be a direct copy of the one recieved from Tri-Wing - http://jintay.en.alibaba.com/product/229919722-215341401/Zinc_Alloy_Furniture_Cabinet_T_Handle_Lock.html I sent the company a request for costs and you'd be supprised how liitle the per unit cost was. The return e-mail said minumin order was 2000 units at a cost of (ready for this?) $2.80 each. Just no way one of us could invest that much for so many. Grainger has one very close to this one too at a cost of $54. Way too much IMHO. Larry
  24. Yea but first you have to have a ride to get in the wind. Sorry Joe but bragging about nice weather to us in the frozen north isn't good you know. Larry
  25. Looking great. Looking forward to seeing it in person. Larry
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