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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. That's Brad and Diane. John is the hubby and has a white rsv.
  2. My 05 had a set of air bags over the axle. Tri-Wing also utilizes the factory shock and swing arm assembly. Thus the entire axle goes up and down over bumps. The air bags allowed one to adjust the pressure in them to soften or stiffen the ride as needed. To answer you question on fuel mileage, you'll get on average 32-34 mpg. Less if pulling a trailer or loaded while in hilly areas. Which also brings up anther item to consider. Axle ratio's. At the time I ordered my Tri-Wing kit I had the option of going with either a 3:42 or 3:73 gear ratio. I ordered the 3:42 one but in hind site while it was OK and gave slightly better gas mileage I've found that the 3:73 ratio to be a better suited for the trikes. Easier towing a trailer with less down shifting. The difference in fuel consumption is negligible with the 3:73 ratio compared to the 3:42 one. Larry
  3. Larry PM sent
  4. What ya getting ? tach or meter? Either way you'll be satisfied. Larry
  5. On the tach seller, I never even looked at the their e-bay rating. It was a reasonable price, they shipped it in a timely matter, and works great so no complaints from my end of the transaction. For the voltmeter gauge a couple others have asked where I got it so here's the following info on that: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0041QJQNQ/?tag=googhydr-20&hvadid=53463800489&hvpos=1t2&hvexid=&hvnetw=s&hvrand=11675153993203974341&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_1q412ul70y_e A search on digital voltmeters on the web and e-bay show a few other choices but this one looks great and seems to be water proof as it's been on the bike for a while now. The handle bar clamp I made out of some stainless sheet metal. I added a couple steel spacers under it that fits into the recessed cap holes. That allows the plate to lay flat. Larry
  6. I had the 05 RSV/Tri-Wing kit and put that on myself. It's not that bad to build but you do need to be somewhat mechanically inclined. I now have the Hannigan on a 09 and ride quality is way better then the Tri-Wing I had. The price difference you pay is in quality, options, and labor. If funds were a concern & still wanted a trike the Tri-Wing would get the job done. OR to save even more consider a side car rig I was thisclose to going with a side car on the 05 Midnight before going with Tri-Wings kit. From what I've read and seen on the add-on kits I would definitely go with a side car before using one of those. Just MHO . http://www.texassidecars.com/yamaha.html I had picked out a Ranger model if I had gone that route. with whatever decision you choose. Larry
  7. I had a Baron's tach like yours given to me. Didn't use it due to where my GPS is mounted and wouldn't of been able to see the tach mounted on the reservoir. As to the bouncing needle I've heard others commenting on that too and as far as I know one just deals with it. Larry
  8. I thought about the set up you have but decided all I really needed (wanted) was a tach & voltmeter. I already had the voltmeter that I had on the previous trike so used it again.. Between these two gauges I know almost all there is needed to know what's going on with the engine and electrical system. The gauge pods do look awesome thou. Larry
  9. Ya it'd be nice to see the two of them again . As you say it's been a while. Hope they can make it, bike or car, don't matter. Larry
  10. My guess is that the locking tab is only engaging the tip of the tab. With flexing of the bag going down the road it works loose and pops open. As Eck says, adjust the mechanism to get full engagement. Do NOT use any thread locking sealant unless specifically made for ABS applications. You'll ruin your lid and/or bags when they get softened up with the stuff. I don't use any Loctite type stuff no where near plastic just to be on the safe side. Larry
  11. When I did mine I sent Hannigan the front fender as a paint and pin stripping sample. Wasn't ridding anyhow being in winter time. Larry
  12. They would be Evan on the left and Wayne on the right. Just a couple Canuk's enjoining what short summer they have on the water in the Great North
  13. That's a Cavalcade Yammer. Velour red and vinyl on the sides. It's a very comfy seat too. Also had the stock seat. Larry Travelcade is the proper name on the seat. Sorry if it caused some confusion.
  14. Congrads on your triking decision Mike. All of your options will be well worth the cost IMO. Especially reverse with the running boards. . Love mine. Oh sure I still generally park the bike so it can be moved with out the reverse, unless I'm wanting to show off. Anyhow welcome to the third wheel world. Larry
  15. Finally uploaded the pics I took after my test run. Larry
  16. Thanks for that bit of info Condor.
  17. Today I finished my tach install. Here's the link to the one I used -- http://www.ebay.com/itm/281251433529?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 There's no name on it so can't say for sure who makes it but it looks and functions exactly like the Drag Specilities tach I had on my 05 trike. I used a Kuryakyn "P" clamp to mount it to the handle bar rather than the one provided. I did that the get the gauge in the spot where I wanted it, as well as the angle needed for viewing better. Wiring it was very simple. The four wires, red power, yellow - lighting, black - ground, and green negative post of the #4 cylinder coil (white wire). The light in the tach was a nice shade of blue. Tach accuracy was good with no bouncing needle. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjU1WDYwMA==/z/DYcAAMXQEgpTEQwu/$_1.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTM4WDYwMA==/z/Uu8AAOxy4fVTEQwy/$_1.JPG
  18. l like your thinking Scott. Way less hassle if it works too. Larry
  19. After getting side lined a couple of years I finally got my 83 back on the road. Took it out yesterday for a shake down run and everything is working good. I initially had put a couple hundred miles on it after getting the bike in late summer of 2012, Then got "T" boned by a cage on the 05 trike in September. While healing up from that I purchased another 2nd gen, 09, and proceeded to get that bike to where I wanted it including triking it during the winter. I had done some work on it off and on the 83 this summer, namely removing the carbs and giving them a good cleaning, fresh spark plugs, a syn, and rebuilding the rear master cylinder and flush the system, new thermostat with fresh "O" rings. Also cleaned up a nest of wires & updated the fuse box. Anyhow this week after returning from BongoBob's BBQ weekend I jumped back into the project finishing up the 83. Oh there's more to be done but for now I'll enjoy it as is. Next winter I'll rebuild the front forks and whatever else needs doing after evaluating it till it's parked for winter. Larry PS: Pics later
  20. Good luck Bob. My 09 had both rear coils go out last year when I first got it ready for the road after having it triked. Whether both went out at the same time or not I have no idea but once they were replaced the bike ran fine. And still does today at a year and a half later. Ma Yamaha questioned two going out together but eventually replaced them under warranty. Anyhow hope you find a simple & cheap fix. Larry
  21. Good for her and you too. Nothing like having your partner enjoying the ride with you. Larry
  22. It's a great magazine and have subscribed to it for a number of years now. Rider is the only other magazine I receive. Larry
  23. Rick. Hope the docs find a problem and get you back to normal as can be. Larry
  24. Currently don't have any and don't know just when they'll be available again thus no listing for them in classified. Sorry Larry
  25. Yep no problem with not keeping those arm rests. In fact your passenger will benefit even more with them in place once or if you decide to convert to 3 wheels. The guys here who have already triked their rides are spot on with their input. Like many my wife rides a whole lot more now that we have the trike opposed to when the bike was on two wheels. Larry
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