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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. I'll send one to some deserving member here as well. Who's up next? Larry
  2. My project is getting the bike back together and as good as new. I'm also installing a Tri-Wing trike kit to the bike. Lots of work to do as there's some home remodeling going on here at home as well. Once I get the house squared away I'll be living in the garage to or so it may seem. Hipshot I'm going to send you a pm or e-mail concering your project. Larry
  3. If you buy a "V" nose trailer you can use an 8 footer. Denden & Al both have them. Plenty of rear end room. Do go with a 6' or some are 6 1/2" wide. Larry
  4. That might be stepping into copy right infringement there. I'm still in thou. Even embroidery shops have a fee up front for logo/pattern work. Larry
  5. 1. As Dray says hit set and tap accel button right after . It'll lock up the cruise much sooner witk little or no lag. 2. One of our members makes and sells an aluminum block to solve that problem. Have to check on who but I have one and it works great. 3. That's about right and normal in fact. Mine comes on with about 2 gal left in tank as well. Reserve usually needs turned on between 15 and 20 miles thereafter. after you've ridden the bike enough to know what you MPG's are you can estimate how far you can go after the low fuel trip meter activates. Larry
  6. I'm interested in a couple or three myself. Has the order process been started yet or are they still in the R & D phase Don? Larry
  7. Buy it. You won't regret it one bit. That's a very good deal too, especially with taxes tossed onto that figure. But you know how it goes. Once you get it someone else will come along and say they seen another for X number of $$$$ 's beating this deal all to hell. Larry
  8. I like Skids W.V. law. Wonder how many other states have one like that? I think it's needed by all of them. Certainly any law on the books will not stop accidents or loss of life while engaged in driving whatever you or the others are driving/riding but just maybe if the whole country had such a law people would take a bit more care in their driving habits. Just knowing there will be serious consequences like madatory jail time may save a few lives. More importantly I feel states do need to improve the standards for one to earn a driving license as well as limits on new drivers until either further testing proves one road worthy or time behind the wheel gains new drivers experince. AS to the above petition I don't think it'll do much good Larry
  9. Sorry to see this happening to you Ruffrider. As Don noted John had called my house to verify my order. I wasn't available at the time so he left a message. We called back later and verified my order so all is good on my order. I do have to admit the hold up on my order was my fault as I typed in a wrong part number, John requested a corrected number but I let it fall thru the cracks so to speak. After not getting my order is when I sent off the e-mail as stated earlier. I do hope that DGY does get their problems ironed out. But as Don and Ruffrider says poor service is no excuse for any business. Not when there's so many others willing to serve you. Larry
  10. I totally agree with Margaret here too. I know that eventually we all must make that one decision on whether we continue riding or not. Only you can make that decision thou. Once you feel there's no fun left in riding or you become to fearful to ride then I think it's time to sell the bike. Life has enough problems without contributing to them. Till then I pray we all ride as safe as possible Larry
  11. Joyce and I have met and ridden with Gary & Leslie many times over the last couple of years. You won't find a much better couple. Our heart aches to hear of this tragic happening. Prayers for Gary, Leslie, and family in these trying times. May God be with you. Just know that your extended family here will be with you Gary Larry
  12. Same here too Larry
  13. I had previously ordered a pretty big amount to DGY thru Rod (I think was his name. The fellow Don is refering to anyhow) a while back. $2600 worth in fact. I did have to go thru personal at the time in order to get the Venture Riders 18% discount. That order was recieved in a timely manner I might add and did save me just over $1200. I placed a second order recently and hadn't heard back from them so sent off a e-mail earlier today. I did make one mistake with a part number so I'm at fault possibly there. Today I corrected it thou. Still waiting for a response but if it's not forth coming soon I'll call them. If the order hasn't even been processed yet I'm cancelling it and ordering elsewhere. Larry
  14. You'll be getting one nice rig there, Bob If I hadn't made the decision to convert to a trike I would have bought the Ranger model myself. I was very impressed with them and the company. Larry
  15. CONGRATULATIONS On getting the job Clay. No doubt you'll pass the physhical with flying colors too Larry
  16. Well folks as much as I hate to do this I am raising prices of the lift adapters by $10 per model. The new prices will go into effect Oct 14, 07. I've already updated the ad in the classified section reflecting the price increase. If you order before the deadline subtract $10 when placing the order. I've held out as long as possible avoiding this issuse but between shipping and raw material costs going up I have no choice. I have bought steel in a larger quanity to help offset that cost but shipping cost is nothing that I can control. Hopefully it'll be another year before I have to do this again. Thanks to everyone who have already bought an adapter from me Larry
  17. It was no problem there Brad. Like the others here say what goes around comes around. Considering how much you've done here at the VR site you are deserving of a break now and again. If Frank hadn't already donated the parts mine would of been as well. Larry
  18. Carbon_One

    Sad News

    Sad news indeed . Prayers for all the family and close friends dealing with his passing. Larry
  19. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends. Enjoy your holiday and more importantly be safe when out and about. Larry
  20. I read somewhere a guy is doing mods using Road Glide/King bags and fairings for the V-Rods. Looks pretty good too but don't know what the conversion costs. I imagine quite a bit once you factor in the mods and bikes initial costs. Larry
  21. Good luck on your project. I had a VW trike back in the early 70's myself. Awesome machine. Had a 1 piece body with a Harley front end on it. Need any help or suggestions doing the build let me know. I'll be glad to lend what knowledge I have on them Larry http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/21651/VWTrike-mail.jpg?t=1191505961
  22. I've already stripped the entire front end off of my bike. Just plain didn't think about a tech article either. Most of what gets taken off is pretty straight forward as there's only 1 way to hook up most of the electrical connections. I did use a paint pen and numbered the big plugs for the radio and amplifier. I also took a few pics during dis-assembly. I'll post a couple below. Monsta any auto 30 amp relay will work fine for what you're wanting to do with the spot lights. On wiring up a relay you use battery power for #30 terminal of the relay, Key on power for the #86 terminal, #87 is you're output line to either the headlight or spots or any accessory for that matter, and last is #85 which goes to ground. On that ground circuit I installed a on/off switch to activeate the relay once the key is turned on. Doing that won't have any power going thru the electrical contacts in the switch thus a long life for the switches. The switch box I used was one from JCWhitney that fits our bikes and the Honda Wings above the clutch or brake resvior. I have had a seperate relay for both my spot lights and the low beam of my bike for over a year now. High beam is unaffected wiring the lights up this way so if by chance your relay goes bad or the inline fuse blows to the power circuit (#30 terminal) you'll still have a headlight. The beauty of this is you still have running lights on but aren't draining power from the battery either while starting up or just idling when parked or getting ready to leave. Feel free to use these in your tech article if you want. Larry
  23. Rick there's two ways of solving this. One is to bend over the tabs as far as they'll go with the connected wires in place or two is to solder the wires directly to the terminals. On my bike I just bent the tabs over. Haven't had any issuses yet with wires getting hot or melted. I did pull up the wires and zip tied then so as they couldn'y fall or relax and then get in touch with the exhaust. I'm sure there's other ways of doing this too. Larry
  24. Nice find Todd. Looks very solid for the year too. You're going to love it once you drop in a 350. I had a 49 pickup that I did just that, along with a Muncie 4 speed. That truck would move. Kinda wish I still had it Keep us in the loop as your project progresses Larry
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