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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Nice pics Dray Today's review -- 2 hour drive to the restaurant 3 hours of eat and BS'ing 2 + hours getting home with a short stop at Rocky's. They were closing within 15 minutes of getting there. Next time Sum of the total -- Priceless cause where else can you share good times with new & old friends. Tip of the hat to Mike and Jim for braving these temps. Hope you both made it hope safely. Larry
  2. Nice for you to get the recognition there Jerry. But where does one get the mag at? I've never seen one around here. Larry
  3. Ya I know I'm being wishfull here. Like that 18-20" of snow we got the last weekend of April in I think it was "03". Ok I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed till we see so 60* temps Larry
  4. Had all of our snow gone till last night too. Then like Don we get 6-8" of the stuff. Sure hope it's the last of it for a while too. OOPS forgot we're supposed to get anther 1" or so on Sunday. THEN temps will be in mid/upper 40's. Bye bye snow then Larry
  5. Just saw your post here. try again with my e-mail -- lskeels@wowway.com or use the PM feature on this site. Larry
  6. Nice bike Gary. One of my favorite colors too. Having that at home now will be even more incentative to getting into riding shape. Hope to see you before too long. Larry
  7. Good going there Steve. Like you I've been doing some of the same stuff due to an accident wife and I had at Vogal last August. My project is taking a bit longer since I decided to trike the bike since I was doing some major repairs. I'd like to hear what your thoughts are with the Sonic springs and Flander bar combination once you put a few miles on the bike. I changed out my springs for the Sonic's as well plus added the Flander bars while I had the front end torn apart. i'm looking at another week or two before my bike is road worthy again. Waiting on the body work to be finished at the paint shop now. Larry
  8. I'd check all of your hose clamps first to be sure there's no seepage there. Then go from there. Larry
  9. Congrats on getting a new son-in -law. Maybe he'll become a biker too. May they both have a long and happy marriage. Larry PS: Nice ride ya took too
  10. On Arcs & Sparks drawing I like to do it a bit differently. Accomplishes the same thing thou. My preference is using the switch as a ground for #85 and the for #86 I use a "key on" fused line to activate the relay once the switch grounds the circuit. Doing it this way there no power going thru the switch so they last a long time. I've never had to replace a switch due to arcing of the contacts. Joopster55 here's a suggestion too to insulate that terminal- put some liquid tape on it. You may need a couple coats with drying time between coats but you won't be worrying about the tape coming off and repeating this problem again. Anyhow just a couple tips here for what they're worth. Probably only . Glad you found the problem thou. Larry
  11. Prayers for Mark's family and all his friends who are saddened by his passing. May Meandog ride with us in spirit and help watch over us. God speed Mark. Larry
  12. Well that just sucks as I won't get mine till Sept according to the chart. And here I was thinking spending money for trips and rallys. Silly me. Should of known better, after all it's the goverment. Larry
  13. You will when the goverment gives us that one time economic stimulus check in May. Yea I know it's our money they giving but I'm cool with that too. Larry
  14. Yea I used the brackets that come with the light. Only had to drill out the mounting hole a bit larger is all. You will need slightly longer bolts as well Don't forget to drill and put a screw on the lens cover. Some folks have lost the lens rings. I used the wiring that came with it as well . Used shrink tubing over it all for a neater look. Put a relay under the fairing with a 16 ga fused line from the battery. Triggering the relay with one of the switches from a resvoir switch box. Larry
  15. That could be the one he wants. Only lights I found on a fender. Actually mine are on the forks using the front fender bolts to attach them Larry
  16. Good riding abilities there for sure. Lots and lots of practice time for the whole group. I'm with mmmouse here. No desire to learn any of this stuff either. At my age it takes too long to heal. Nuff said Larry
  17. That's a great write up Gregory. I'm glad you're making the effort now to get the help you need to improve your hearing. Looks like you're on the right path here. As a long time hearing deficient person myself I can relate to what you're going thru. I've worn aids of various types from 19 years of age to present. I just had a Cochlear implant done last fall and still working on getting the unit fine tuned. Anyhow good luck in your quest to get the most out of those hearing aids. Larry
  18. Retired eh? Now you be so busy you'll wonder how anything got done when you worked. Enjoy your time Cindy. Larry
  19. Anytime soon? Inquiring minds here ya know. Larry
  20. Jerry we'll be at Skids WV rally as well. Booked our room last weenkend. Probably see you first at Don's maintance day, if you're there to that is. As to putting down that kickstand when parked That's just plain funny. Too late for me to do that it's off and ain't going back on. Larry
  21. Send me a e-mail at lskeels@wowway.com. Make sure you let me know who you are as e-mail addys don't always match online names. Larry
  22. Thanks for your report Ken. Prayers for Mark, Nancy, and family Larry
  23. Well if you planning on ordering a lift adapter then I can send that sidestand in the same box. It'll save on shipping then Larry
  24. Sorry just messing with ya bit here. BTW If you want that side stand I took off to shorten it up or for a spare if you mess up yours let me know. Yours for cost of shipping. Larry
  25. I just took off the side-stand on my bike. Didn't take off the exhaust or shift linkage. just cut through the bolt with a cit off wheel. BUT Don't do that if you want to put the stand back on. No way can you get that bolt out without removing those parts. I cut it off as I don't need a sidestand anymore. Trikes don't require one ya know. Larry
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