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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Definitely have you & Mike in my thoughts and prayers. We're with you all the way Patricia. Larry
  2. Congrads Craig (& Kim). LOL Once you get a few miles on it you'll be like most folks who have gone to the third wheel wondering why you didn't do it sooner. Larry
  3. Great info Eck. Good to know there's other less costly lodging for us poor retired folks out there in the area.
  4. Finally getting on here and thanking Puc & his crew for setting up the meet. Well Puc I gotta say you & the crew did right well with this M & G. I can't believe I've missed out on the other "hot dog" runs this past summer but you can be sure I'll be making a lot more effort to attend future outings. Larry
  5. If your concerned about the amps going thru a mini switch you could run the setup by just using the switch on the ground side of the wiring. Probably don't need a relay either with such low amps but for peace of mind you could add one. Larry
  6. My favorite guns are short bolt actions in 7mm-08 (preferred) or 308. Most of my hunting was mostly done under 75yards with long shots out to maybe 150yds due to being in woodlands. Long action guns I have & use have 30-06 stamped on the barrel. All 3 calibers get the job done quite well on deer when using proper bullet weights. I've also have used a number of lever guns in 30-30 & 35Rem. Larry
  7. Well said Don. Like Dick said the times I've been pulled over it was deserved. Some times I got a ticket, other times a warning. Most all Leo's & 1st responders have my respect for the jobs they do for us. Larry
  8. Great that she's beating this dreadful disease. Continue prayers for y'all. Larry
  9. Jay I don't have any "extra" reloading equipment but will offer any knowledge I have gained over the years rolling my own ammo. Larry
  10. A great loss for sure TJ. So sad to have seen the news on TV firstly and even more now knowing you were close to him and his family. Prayers for all. Larry
  11. Dan Happy Birthday buddy
  12. Geez Jay they never try busting ya when I've been with you doing boarder crossings. You looking guilty or what. Be glad you leave the iron home. Larry
  13. So glad you are okay but sorry about you bike. Hope to see you again sometime. Joyce
  14. Miss you guys already. Safe journey in your travels. Larry & Joyce
  15. We got home about 7 after stopping for dinner and then the sky opened up. Just pouring rain here now. As for the WNY it's what's already been said. Great event, greater people. This rally can be truly listed as an international rally too. Annie & Al from Australia, Jonas & Kristjan (spelling?) from Iceland, then a whole lot of our Canadian friends. Looking forward to next year already. Larry
  16. Dan most folks I've talked to or have seen their posts online wish they had switched to a trike long ago . Larry
  17. A lot of pros & cons between independent suspension & solid axel trikes. After having one of each I would prefer independent suspension. You can't beat the ride quality of them over solid axles. Independent suspensions are generally wider as well, offering better road handling. Good luck Dan with whatever choices you make. Larry
  18. Heading out in the morning. Looks like weather will be chasing us getting there thou. Larry
  19. Chick magnet. The Slingshot not me. LOL
  20. I've always left my bike in gear when on the trailer. Hardly unlikely it'd come out of the wheel chock so there's 0 movement to begin with . Once strapped down fore and aft it ain't going anywhere. If the bike has to move enough to cause gear damage you've got bigger problems. Like a loose bike on your trailer. Larry
  21. Good trip and hope you enjoy a many a mile touring with your bike. Larry
  22. Dan you'd be looking at 12-16k depending on options. For info check with Hannigan, http://www.hannigantrikes.com/ you can't find a better trike combo than RSV/Hannigan
  23. You're on the right path. My 09 had to have two of the coils replaced. Fortunately my 09 was still under warranty but still cost me $100 at the dealership. They charged me extra labor for it being a trike. Bummer but after them having it a month I wanted it back yesterday. LOL Larry
  24. As with any new product there's things that could be improved on. Lots of aftermarket companies are starting to address the needs & wants of the owners. Corbin just announced storage units that will help to increase storage capacity a lot. A bit pricey but this is what happens sometimes with new products. Add a hitch like I did and tow just about any trailer you want. With 170 HP on tap and good gearing you're good to go. I agree it's more roadster than bike but you'd be surprised how bike like it feels like when driving it. Like anything its what appeals to you, be it cars, trucks, street rods, mc's. Larry
  25. Since I already made that choice it was hands down the Slingshot. Both for the extra safety built in and comfort. Didn't hurt to be cheaper than the Can Am either. I do realize it don't replace a motorcycle nor is it for everyone. I will say they've a blast to drive thou. Larry
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