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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Well I guess this means you've given up beer drinking? Larry
  2. Best opf luck to you Jeff over in the Sandbox. We'll see you eventually somewhere down lifes road. Be safe. Larry
  3. Bob you're doing this all wrong. You're supposed to be saving these sick days for summer when you can sneak out for a day ride. Larry
  4. Haven't gotten into the - digits yet here but that's as cold as I want to see anyhow. Saw on TV last night somewhere in Canada a lady pitching boiling hot water out of a pan into the air and it was turning to either ice or snow before it hit the ground. Now that's COLD Larry
  5. Thanks for all the well wishes folks. At my age today is mostly just another day but one does get to reflect back some on their life and think wow "Where did all that time go?" LOL Oh big Tom no candles here. Didn't want to have to call out the fire department, besides I doubt I could of blew that many out. Larry
  6. Sorry to hear you dad is still suffering. Prayers for Dad, you, & family. Larry
  7. Pertaining to most vehicles today they not only have become more complicated to work on but more expensive to repair as well. It won't get any better either as technology advances. Goodbye shadetree wrench. Do what the guys suggested Charlie. Larry
  8. OK Charlie what's confusing you now? Come on spit it out. Consider it theraphy. Larry
  9. Donation sent
  10. I did something similar to my bike long ago. Instead of flat metal I used a washer under the respective screws and brazed a rod to connect them.
  11. Either way I think it's all good for the Beav and his friend. Obiviously she thinks very highly of him and enjoys his company & rides together. Will this saga go to another level or not? Time shall tell. Larry
  12. The e z steer set up will add another 6" to the rake. Take a look at the distance from the back of the front fender on the trike and then compare it to a stock Venture. You'll see the difference in how much the front is kicked out if you already have a raked front. If not it'll be the same as your other 99. Larry
  13. Here's the pics I took. Larry
  14. I'm with Don on soldering and shrink wraping wire connections. Eventually the splice types will either become loose or corrode and then you loose the power of whatever they go for. It really doesn't take much more time to solder the connections and doing so you know it'll last. I will add using them say inside a car they work fine if you want to use them there. I still prefer soldering all my connections and terminals. Putting tape over the spliced connector help but tape in the long run breaks down too, especialy when used where the elements and water could get to them. Larry
  15. Don the gear rations on the Hannigans are 3:73 whic is about the same as a V-Max differential. Tri-Wing uses a 3:42 gear ratio wich adds about 250 rpms at 70mph. hannigans add approximately 500 rpms at the same speed. I think the factory gearing for the Venture is 3:21. Yea gas milage will suck on the trike. If you're getting 25 mpg that's probably going to be about average. mine varies between 25 and 30 depending on speed and how much I'm using my right wrist. I've even gotten 21 -22 when pulling a trailer in hill country. I was normally looking for a gas station around 125 miles and decided that just wasn't enough range so I added an auxliarlly fuel tank last winter. It measured out at 4 gallons but in real life capicity is about 3 3/4 gals of useable fuel. Adding that tank was one of the best things I did to this bike after triking it. Larry
  16. Don I've seen a couple of the Motor Trike RSV's but don't know who they were as I saw them on trips. Also know nothing on how they're set up in comparison to the Tri-Wing & Hannigan trikes. Other than older machines Tri-Wing and Hannigan are currently the only choices available for triking a Venture or RSTD. Larry
  17. When I did my trike conversion I automaticly included a raked tree in my plans. I used the EZ steer system which I think has 6*. Could be wrong there thou. I also went with the longer Flanders handle bars & all stainless steel brake lines. My thinking was the additional leverage of the longer bars (wider too) would ease steering efforts. Anyhow with the setup I have I really have no steering problems. Adding risers in your case would probably accomplish the same thing I'd think. I know a couple of trikers who still use the stock rake on their trikes and they do have to excert more effort steering in twisties plus tire sooner. The shoulders get a good workout. Those guys are generally in flat country so it's not a big deal for them. I do feel that having a raked front end keeps the bike tracking straight easier. Larry
  18. Totally insane is what that is. Whatever happened to common sense? Larry
  19. Great memories there. You just know the Tweetybird loves this stuff. I mean look at the record. Water buckets, pie in the face and a jacket dumped from bucket. What's next?? We'll find out come MD in June. Larry
  20. Like you said it's a love/hate relationship for paint like that. I'm not a fan of these type graphics either but can appreciate the amount of work and time put into doing this paint job. Your cousin is the one who has to be happy with the finished paint. Larry
  21. Joyce booked our rooms this evening as well, Friday thru Sunday. See ya all there. Larry
  22. Good job Smely. I'v been thinking of doing that mod for a while myself, just hadn't gotten around to doing it. Seeing your post now reminds me to getr done. Larry
  23. Good for you Joe. nNow maybe we'll see ya around a bit more. You going to the M&E Sat in Flint? Larry
  24. Wow 2 days and it's on my doorstep. Great service there. Not only that but the quality of the choke pull is top drawer.:thumbsup2: Larry
  25. I want to go but have a lot on my plate Friday and thru the weekend. If I can make it then it'll have to be Sunday. Maybe sneak in a couple hours early Sunday. I'll know more later in the week. Larry
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