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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Me too BUT I'm watching just the same. Larry
  2. Well if you chose the last two weeks of July then you could attend the International Rally as well. Just saying friend. Larry
  3. I did the By-Pass procedure today and really it didn't take long or was it hard to do. My switch is working good now but I did find that the two wire plug had gotten hot before. You could see where the plastic of the male connector had melted a bit. So hopefully there'll be no future issues. Larry
  4. Wasn't Eddy the person doing these at one time? Don't know if he still has any but it wouldn't hurt to check. Larry
  5. Yep and it's very much like the Harley sidecar in styling. If you're really lucky you may find one someone who had taken one off a Harley. Larry
  6. WOW Is it really that cost effective for these guys rebuilding this trailer. Even after they went and done just about everything inside & out they still have an old rusty frame & probably need axle work (brakes & bearings) as well. They did do a great job thou so maybe it's more a labor of love there. Larry
  7. This one is really nice --- http://www.texassidecars.com/ Go to the gallery and you'll see what the car looks like attached to a RSV. The Ranger model. I was thisclose to getting one before deciding on a conventional trike. Larry
  8. Me too. Gary at least you know now not to accecpt any more of their ride offers. Larry
  9. Anytime the temps are high enough that snow can melt theres a chance for running into black ice on cold or shaded roads. Larry
  10. With that type of increase I'd guess they didn't want the bikers there anymore. Larry
  11. Ya me too. That's why I was looking for the thread. Larry
  12. Here ya go --- http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=512
  13. Crash & burn baby. Gonna be staying grounded. Larry
  14. I have a friend from Green Bay who has his bike painted Packer style as well. Here's the pics. This was on a Suzuki Volusia. Since these pics were taken he aqyired a Honda VTX and did that up as well in Packer styling. The VTX is even more detailed. I'll see if I can find those pics too. Larry
  15. For those adventureious souls who like hiking. http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/scariest_path.html Myself I'll pass. Larry
  16. Check these out. http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/album/569670518sItffL http://www.hubgarage.com/mygarage/roaddawg/blogs/17736 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=140448&d=1133367412
  17. No problem Swifty. I'm eating crow on this one. Larry
  18. I would say pic 1 is the correct one. The parts book shows the washer as the 1st part slide on, followed by the "O" ring and then the spring. there's also a spring between the filter and cover. Gary could be right too. Guess it's a toss up eh? Larry
  19. We could use that method around here. Sure would weed out a bunch of speeders going 10-15 over all the time. Especially on the freeways. Larry
  20. Bet he won't do that again for a while and I'm sure if he does he'll case the place out better. making there's no Marines to trip over.
  21. Come to either Don's MD or the International rally and you'll see several of them. Larry
  22. Gotta love them Marines. To bad that robber fell down. Larry
  23. Yep there's already been a post on it. Our VR site even got some honorable mention.
  24. I'll 2nd that as well. I too had a VW trike back in the early 70's. Caught all the same crap so know where of you're coming from there. Personaly I think it's awesome that Don is willing to convert his bike into whatever configuration so that he can take his son riding. Larry
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