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Carbon_One last won the day on May 21 2022

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599 Excellent

About Carbon_One

  • Birthday January 21

Personal Information

  • Name
    Larry Skeels


  • Location
    Wayne, MI, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Archery, Motorcycling, fabricating stuff
  • Bike Year and Model
    "15" Polaris SL Slingshot

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  1. Happy Birthday Don. Hope you have a great day.
  2. This is Bushwacker just purchased trike from RagTop with your fuel system need help how to contact you?

  3. Larry good luck on your proposed build. I had a 05 RSV I converted myself using a Tri-Wing kit. I also had a 09 Hannigan triked conversion. The Tri-Wing used a solid axle system while the Hannigan uses an independent axle. The Hannigan has a longer wheelbase as well as being wider which will provide a better ride for both rider & passenger. The Hannigan was a safer trike due to those features IMO. Personally, if it was me with your skills I'd build an independent axle system. You won't regret it. Larry
  4. Interesting article pertaining to this topic. Ethanol is poison for the environment (msn.com)
  5. I have used both types of gauges and for me the 4 gauge was easier and more accurate to use. For me the carb tune model slides would hang up causing frustrations in using it. But it is better than nothing. Fuel Vacuum Carburetor Synchronizer Carb Sync Gauge Set Tool Tuner Accuracy | eBay
  6. Great post Don. I've been to most of the rallies you've mentioned at one time or other. We've enjoyed and attended almost all of them at one time or other with some being yearly. I believe the biggest, attendance wise, was Fort Collins, Colorado with well over a 100 bikes there. We really can't say which ones are our favorites as several rallies have been attended multiple times over the years. Meeting folks here from this site is what has drawn us to these rallies as much as touring the country. While I no long own a RSV I still try to attend 1 or 2 rallies per year just to touch base with people I've met over the years. A couple rallies not mentioned we've attend was Don & Patti's (B2Dad & B2Mom) meet & great and the Root Beer Run put on by Mike & Cheri Eykamp.
  7. Don I'm happy to hear you're on the mend now that the worst of this is over. God Bless you and Eileen.
  8. Send me an e-mail at ljskeels@att.net
  9. Send me an e-mail at ljskeels@att.net
  10. Ok if you bought my lift adapter without legs then you could add the legs at a later date. You'll need to weld on the receiver part to the main frame. If you need further info send me a PM for converting what you now have. If you bought the adapter you now have from off e-bay I may not be able to convert your adapter due to different size & measurements.
  11. $30 including shipping to either USA or Canada
  12. Can't use a center stand with my jack adapter due to both using the frame tabs below the engine. You would need to remove the center stand 1st , attach the adapter then reinstall the center stand when done.
  13. Reiny I do have a couple brackets that have been started but need finishing Polishing mostly. If Don has one to offer you fine if not send me a message. Squidley I do offer some of my products but don't advertise then so only build what is asked for. Being the 2nd gens are no longer made by Mom Yamaha demand is quite low so it don't make sense to tie up material and storage space.
  14. Hi there,

    Horn bracket/kits for 2018+ Star Ventures?

    Someone on the star venture Facebook page mentioned that you might have kits available for installing aftermarket horns.  That would be cool if you did because I have zero technical skills.  😁




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