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Everything posted by Mr_D

  1. I have something that puzzles me. My bike will run after you drop it into gear with the kick stand down. But one thing I learned tonite puzzles me. I had to set the bike down on its side after I lost my fotting. After standing it back up it had drooped the bike into gear. Even when I pulled in the cllutch it would still not start. I either had to pull the kick stand up to get the starter to engage with it in gear or else put the bike in nuetral to get the starter to engage, what am I missing
  2. Can some one tell me if the Venture and the Venture royale take the same cover. I have a 1983 royale but the cover has the hole for the air fitting but my bike has on board computer air suspension and compressor Is there different covers or just a plug to fill in the hole.
  3. Will a heel toe shifter fllor boards from an 86 mk2 fit on an 83 MK 1 Found a set locally but not sure if they are the same?
  4. That has been done
  5. Yes it rolls over he has checked all the plug wires with an ohms meter for resistance and gets the same readings on all of them has checked all fuses. Just no spark
  6. It is an 84 Venture He broke the main metal strip fuse Yes the bike rolls over and yes has the glass metal tube fuses
  7. Trying to help a freind He has got a bike given to him. It was running but was tidying up serious wiring issues ans somehow how shorted out the battery on the frame and blew out the main fuse. He now has no spark. Any ideas where to look Thinking TCI Ignition unit
  8. I have a new Battery that I have installed in my 83 Venture. I had a good battery but was stupid and drilled a hole in it and installed the probe to shut the flashing light out and the Battery indicator on the dash. The battery didn't like that and went for the ****s. I have bought a new battery . I was told there is a resister you can install and i have the resister from another Venture ride but cant find the thread to install the Resister. I would be grateful if some fine individual could explain to me the process
  9. Yes have had the same opinion said to me as well. Thankyou for responding.
  10. Yes the kick stand down light on the dash comes on
  11. I have removed the relay and I can start the bike and can drop it into gear and it still runs
  12. I have a 1983 Venture Royalle With the kick stand down I can put the bike in gear and drive away. I have checked the kick stand switch as well as a spare Kick stand switch with and Ohms meter. Both switches when compressed the current is disconnected but when open or kick stand down the current flows. Any idea what to look at next
  13. Hi there. I am up here in Guelph Ontario Canada. I have a parts bike with a good one in it and have a spare one in my parts pile. Please feel free to send me an email at noisymr_d at hotmail.com and we will work something out if your still in need. Darryl
  14. Thanks guys for your input. I am very fortunate to have a Left side fairing that has never actually seen sun. It was replaced in the spring of 1983 after the dealer put a serious mark in the customers bike . The dealer ship ordered him a new left side fairing and then gave him the old one. It sat in his garage from the spring of 1983 till the summer of 2013 when I got it from him
  15. After soaking it with a penetrating fluid called Fluid Film and letting it sit for a week or so. I put a pair of vice grips on the sleeve that goes through the left side motor mount and got the bolt to release off it. Then just had to tap the bolt out with another bolt form my parts bin. So pleased the 84 Side cover rail mounts are now installed on my 83.
  16. Does anyone have any sugestions on how to break the front engine mount bolt free of the sleeve that goes between the 2 engine mounts on the front of the engine. I am trying to put 84 side cover mount rails on my 83. I cant get the bolt to slide out, I can see the sleeve turn with the bolt,
  17. I am seeking the paint codes for the 2 tone blue in the Royalle Version My bike was gold when new. I have a 2 tone Blue fairing half in 2 tone blue and would like the codes for it.
  18. Mr_D comes from one of my Co workers that used to always Call me Mr Lennox when we would meet at Functions and one day it got Shrotened to Mr_D since my first Name is Darryl. It just stuck and has then since been used regular.
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