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Everything posted by sgn

  1. Welocme home to family and prayers keep going! Steve Neal
  2. A few years ago my family visited Arlington Cemetary and watched in silence the changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown. A visitor in the crowd had a few very quiet but disrespectful comments and the ceremony and the Commander of the Guard with his eyes locked on the man approached hime and very quitely ask for him to exit the area and said he would meet the man at the end os the sidewalk to hear his complaints. The Commander was polite and very quiet in his instructions at the end of the guard change. The complainer started to move away and a girl that looked to be maybe 12 or 13 started walking behind him she started singing The National Anthem in a very soft voice and before long the entire crowd was singing and walking a few steps behind the man. Letting him know how they felt as we got down the sidewalk I looked back and the Commander was standing at the top of the hill saluting and did not move until everything fell dead quiet. The Commander turned and disappered, later we where taking amily fpictuers beneath a Cherry Tree in full bloom and I saw him coming down the sidewalk. He was holding in his hand a single red rose, walking by us He moved on down the hill and walked up behind the young lady, addressing her she turned and he presented the rose to her. Without another word spoken He turn and walked back up the hill. Staight and true in that measured step and once again dissappeared over the rise. Those standing on the sidewalk with us where in tears and the young lady had a smile a mile wide. What really made this so special was we had a 15 year old female Russian exchange student with living with us and even she was crying. Never been in any branch of service but I do have 4 first cousins on the Vietnam Wall. Steve
  3. sgn

    Hey RandyA

    I can bring over a bag of oil dry .... you forgot the puddle in the garage Man I should really learn to keep my mouth shut ! SGN
  4. sgn

    Hey RandyA

    Just think - if you try real hard you could write a book and make some real $$$! I'll let you tell the rest about the driveway "adventure". Steve
  5. sgn

    History test

    Try this one: http://usgovinfo.about.com/blinstst.htm INS Citizenship Test Questions SGN
  6. I'm lost to find words to comfort you but I do know that we are not "punished". The Creator that made us has a plan that HE is in charge of. At my work we also "lost" a great person Wednesday. The father of our owner. I have never worked for a person I feel such loyalty to. I have asked him many times how he became the person he is and he gives all the crddit to his father for teaching him how to be fair and honest with those he employes and those that pay for his services. Always says his Dad taught him by the "rules of God", not by the rules of man. When trying to express my thoughts in his time of sorrow at the loss of his father, he referred me to the book of Hebrews in God's word: We are to run fast to the throne of Grace, it is at that throne that man finds peace. Remember your friends, the good and bad. They had been placed your life to make a difference for you. Value what they gave you and pay it forward. Rest at the foot of the throne. Steve Neal As a side note: I know some here may not have the same feelings as I and Thank you for allowing me the freedom to express them. Your respect for my thoughts will always allow me to do the same for you.
  7. He even called me to ask about activity on the site ..... Of course my internet was down to ..... I guess we had our first meeting ... Hi, I'm Steve and I have a VR addiction .....
  8. Know it doesn't help much but you can also void that number from your check book ! Now a truly Merry Christmas to you and yours !! Steve Neal
  9. Everyone KNOWS the real Muffinman would have been working on a motorcycle if he was there That's my story and I'm sticking to it !!!! Steve
  10. sgn

    Garage Heater

    My shop is in my basement. I just go downstairs from the main level of the house and go to work. Summer or winter same temp as house.(until you open the garage door) To really show how lucky - tv, radio, cd player, frig with cold drinks, coffee pot, bathroom w/ shower, utility sink (hot and cold water), full set of tools from screwdriver to wielder. Yes, I'm very lucky - even great friend with knowledge about the bike to call on (RandyA) Now if I just had some "extra" cash! Steve
  11. You are squecky clean on the inside Now if the rest of your pains in the donkey would go away:bang head: Steve
  12. You know those crazy Brits .... But then again we call it a flashlight ... mine only flashes when I'm shaking it to see it I can get one more minute of use from the batteries Steve
  13. UK site but interesting reading : http://www.bg-44k.co.uk/ Steve
  14. Good call RandyA - never know what the cage driver may have done ! And I'm out of tent pegs Steve
  15. Used it on Yamaha to have them build new 1st Gens with new vmax performance. That worked so good I used it on my wife as we approached the Yamaha Dealer .... Christmas is going to be really good this year! How do I know - - - - my inventions always work
  16. My 83 had cold joints in the CMU - same repair type as CLASS system. Redid the joints and now I have Hi-Beam again. As a side note the previous "butcher made a mess for a work around to even get the low beam to work. Steve
  17. and it looks good on "Tent Peg" Hey George, does my turn signal work? Yes ... No ..... Yes ...... No ...... Yes ......
  18. This is what I just replaced my IPOD with and for the price it is a "keeper" [ame=http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Sansa-Fuze-Video-Player/dp/B0015L451I]Amazon.com: SanDisk Sansa Fuze 4 GB Video MP3 Player (Red): Electronics[/ame] Steve
  19. sgn

    Safety ad...

    Where does he put his toll pass ......
  20. A will setup a paypal account to handle the donations tonight. Thanks Bubber - your donation is more than enough. SGN
  21. see post: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=42086 A chance to name your price - call around and see what the charge would be to print on 36"x24" sheet. Then donate what you feel is right. I will and have not set a price range - all proceeds for charity. I cover the print cost and mailing cost. SGN
  22. We - and most of the world - have undergone a major shift. Once most employment was based on the industries - people worked with their hands and backs, you had plumbers, electricians, ditch diggers and mechanics. Now most of employment is in the service sector, we work with our "brains". This shift causes people to stop the "love" of machines, as that is lost we shift interest. Notice the primary use of computers to "surf the web" away from producing products. Education is geared to feed the shift - why be a plumber when you can be a doctor. Until the "common" worker relearns to work, the future really doesn't look so bright. I speak not from any great research just my own life. I went from repairing home appliances to computer drafting. Now my body is refreshed but my brain is tired. Just the thoughts of an old fat guy ....... SGN
  23. I came up with idea - help others with our money instead of "giving" it away. The Kinko's price was crazy and Office Max was still to much in my opinon That's why I didn't set a price. Let each decide, I have seen the way this family reacts and I know that each one will do what they think is fair. SGN
  24. This is just for an idea - I am NOT suggesting this rate Kinko's/FedEX Office Johnson City,TN $7.25 per sq.ft. (3'x2' = six sq.ft.) Price to print $43.50 I TOLD YOU IT WAS A RIPOFF !!!!! I didn't even want to post that price - but because you asked .... sgn
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