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Everything posted by sgn

  1. The reason I keep pushing is the outside chance if we get enough to order the price may be cheaper .... oh excuse me .... less expensive Steve
  2. If we get four more sets we can get this started. Some of you that are active with the VMAX groups please let them know. My source says after 20 he can make as many as needed. Steve BUMP in progress
  3. see this post: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=41507 there is more to the story ... but isn't there always Steve p.s. works for bump also
  4. I count 13 need 7 more to proceed SGN
  5. I have a source for the solid motor mounts for the 1st Gen and Vmax. Made from 6061 Aluminum, all six pieces as 1 set. At this time I would like to see if there is an interest from folks. Pricing is $50.00 for each set including shipping to 48 states, I will need to check on shipping to our Canadian members. All orders would be shipped from me and a Paypal account setup to receive funds, those that wish not to use Paypal arrangements can be made accommodate you. AT THIS TIME this is just an offer, if there is enough interest (20 sets) I will get things moving forward. My plan is to offer these to be delivered in time for a great winter project. If you have priced these you know this is a good deal. I am not interested in making a personal profit from the group buy. All of you have offered me plenty of support and knowledge that can never be repaid. So if interested please respond by sending a personal message via the forum. If you need more info my telephone number is listed in my profile. Thanks to all of you. Steve Neal
  6. Got the brake light fixed and time for "road test". Called RandyA and ask him if his purple beast didn't look lonely sitting out in the garage. So arrangements were made and I was out the door and gone. Great weather, no place to be and no time to be there. How much better can life be! Thanks Randy for leading the way. Wiping the grin from my face my take more than Plexus !! SGN Just had to share, now please somebody pass the biscuits ....
  7. Got it out and found the break in the wire - a little repair - a little heat shrink and a ride should take care of it
  8. I have determined by testing and using a jumper wire that my 83 VR has a bad wire from the switch to the first junction behind the headlight. Running a second wire is no big deal but wanting to do a good job of it, how do you get the switch out of the casting for the master cylinder/lever. I have taken the "bracket" loose and everything is good to pull the little section of old wires out but it appears that the wires do not unplug from the switch and I need to get the swith out to have a better look (switch shows as part number four on the parts breakdown and is part number 26H-83980-00-00 - sells for about $35.00) Any help? Steve Neal
  9. I use BB Storm and Tapatalk ... I asked Freebird to install the BerryBlab reader on the forum which he did almost as soon as I ask but I have never gotten it to work. Using myBB now Sgn
  10. put the drink in the frig and get a big straw diameter (Mcdonalds) put the straw as far to the back in the mouth as possible, grab a big breath and suck as much of the vile stuff as you can swallow. DO NOT open your mouth between breaths, use your nose to breath. Suck down the whole glass without stopping. After a few glasses clinch butt cheeks tight and run to the throne, Because you will be "king". At least for the real work you will be sound asleep !!!! Hi, I'm Steve and my colon is clean as a whistle ....
  11. Hi, I'm Steve and my 83 was in about the same condition as yours. Now lets look at your list ... New tires front and rear This is easy, just takes $ for tires. I have the changer and live in Kingsport TN. A day of fellowship and tire changing will cure that. Best case pull the wheels and bring the tires. Worse case if you have some way to get the bike over here bring it on Brakes front and rear Time and someone to "hold your hand". Parts may be needed but not to much $ unless disc are shot. Replace all fluids on bike Once you get the brakes under control your home free on this one, again a little hand holding goes a long way Repair fuse panel and get turn signals working This one might be the "biggy" hard to tell until you start. Skydoc upgrade for sure and we can use mine as a guide to help sort it out. (and upgrade mine at the same time) Grease splines on drive shaft So simple that even I can do this one - thanks to RandyA "holding my hand" on mine. When the rear tire is off just a few more steps Inspect and repair any other items to make bike safe and reliable Take care of the above and I just bet this one is done .... plastics are in real good shape and the bike looks amazing. Linda and I both fit comfortable on this bike, .... So learn to do all this "stuff" and really know your bike. Bring Linda with you - we are a family you know! I would prefer someone that is in a 250 mile radius of Greenville/Spartanburg, SC (upper northwest corner of SC). I am located in your mileage range I have about $1800-$2000 total to spend on this, .... With that budget we can have a meet, eat, repair party in my driveway. If one or two others want to jump in and make a day of it I'm open. I have tools, shop, and plenty of place to camp. even have room for some in the house. Come on Ventureriders lets make a new guy happy! We can set this up and still get a good ride in. Steve Neal
  12. This is from my BB Storm. Via Tapatalk. So yes it does work. I get my best results when using wireless instead of3G Steve
  13. hey just a test
  14. Anyone going?
  15. What happened in Asheville ..... stays in Asheville! Wine and Cheese - should have gotten there sooner ...
  16. Going to be a long work week .... Really just a shameless bump ...
  17. Let me stress how easy "greasin the splines" are. This is a job I was really putting off, sounded like a lot of work and just more than I wanted to get into. RandyA had been after me to "get it done" so last night was the time. Off work about five and a call to Randy, yes we had everything we needed and he would be on his way. About six I was in the shop taking off the saddle bags and getting tools out. Off with the rear caliper and muffler, out with the cotter pin and off with the castle nut on the rear axle, even had to fight the rear light bar but not bad. With the help of Randy and the center stand, lean the bike over and out comes the rear wheel and tire. 4 bolts and washers and the rear end is removed, a pull and I'm holding the drive shaft. So good so far, a little cleaning and grease application and re-assembly starts. Now the part that had me worried - putting the drive shaft back in - the horror stories about how difficult it was to get it reseated! My first attempt doing it "my way" was a wash out. Laying on the floor I look up and see the sly grin of Randy staring down at me, he says "Want me to show you the trick", I reply "Well it's evident my way didn't work". He hands me a small pair of needle nose vise grip pliers and tells me clamp onto the gear end of the shaft, will not damage the gear, just tight enough to hold on to it. Slide the shaft in until it stops, now push down and the rear of the shaft, lifting the nose end with the splines and push it in. :wow:the things goes right in !!! My attempt and his took all of two minutes !!! Put it all back togeather, put the luggage back on talk about Asheville Rally, drink some water, compare light bars, talk about life and solve all the worlds problems. Hey, we got motorcycles what are we standing around talking for. lets gear up and ride. 8:00 PM ride with a good friend - what more can you ask for.... Thanks, Randy for all the help with "Tent Peg" Steve Neal P.S. Grease those splines NOW the drive shaft you save may be your own !
  18. Will arrive sometime Friday evening, wife and kids will come over for Friday night dinner (it's our Wedding Anniversary - married the greatest woman around) then I will camp for the weekend and leave out sometime Sunday. See ya at the lilly pond ! Steve
  19. I had the high but no low beam headlight ... New bulb same thing .... Digging through the wiring diagram I was also led to the reserve lighting unit ... RandyA had one and lived near by so quick change out and .... same problem. Digging deeper I found the CMS had bad joints in it, a cleanup and resoilder and wow ... problem gone (and its still gone) Just throwing my 2 cents in
  20. You must really be working out if you "picked up a friend" :group cheers: Steve
  21. Now you have a plan of attack. Fighting MS is tough, but with someone to watch over him it will be easier. Look around on the internet and find a MS support group, while some may say they are a waste of time, knowing others that are fighting the same battle does bring some order to it and also provides much needed information. Seems to me you do not have to win the war, just enough battles to not be losing. This is the way my dad used to survive two valve replacements and 4 bypasses in the same heart surgery in 1974. Doctor's told him 5 years at best, he made fools of them and lived until 2004. The mind is a powerful thing. Steve
  22. Diane, What a great thing for you to take the time to let us know how Old Goat is doing! As you can see we are a "family" here. I spent about an hour late one evening talking to Old Goat about the brakes on his bike and really came to like him. We talked about much more than motorcycles that evening. It always amazes me how people can come togeather over one thing and then find so much in common. You have posted now so welcome into the "fold" Prayes sent upward not just for Old Goat but for you also. SGN Steve Neal
  23. If you are coming up I-81 and need a place to rest near the VA/TN line give me a shout. Cell Number is in my profile. Steve
  24. But can you do that nude and in a rain storm? Then you would be talking some "real" trick riding
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