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Everything posted by sgn

  1. How long will it take to "buff" that to a mirror shine
  2. sgn


    Some helpful info: Free books at : http://www.gutenberg.org " Project Gutenberg is the place where you can download over 33,000 free ebooks to read on your PC, iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone, Android or other portable device. We carry high quality ebooks: Our ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers and digitized by us with the help of thousands of volunteers. All our ebooks can be freely downloaded: Choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. " free software that will change ebook to a different format (mobi to epun, etc.) also convert html to format of choice (you can save any Word document to html): http://calibre-ebook.com/ "calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It has a cornucopia of features divided into the following main categories: Library Management calibre manages your e-book collection for you. It is designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e., a single entry in your library that may correspond to actual e-book files in several formats. calibre can sort the books in your library by: Title, Author, Date added, Date published, Size, Rating, Series, etc. In addition, it supports extra searchable metadata: Tags: A flexible system for categorizing your collection however you like Comments: A long form entry that you can use for book description, notes, reviews, etc. You can easily search your book collection for a particular book. calibre supports searching any and all of the fields mentioned above. You can construct advanced search queries by clicking the helpful "Advanced search" button to the left of the search bar. You can export arbitrary subsets of your collection to your hard disk arranged in a fully customizable folder structure. Finally, calibre will even go out onto the internet to find book metadata based on existing title/author or ISBN information. It can download various types of metadata and covers for your books, automatically. The metadata system is written using plugins so that different types of metadata sources can be supported in the future. [*]E-book conversion calibre can convert from a huge number of formats to a huge number of formats. It supports all the major e-book formats. The full list of formats can be found here. The conversion engine has lots of powerful features. It can rescale all font sizes, ensuring the output e-book is readable no matter what font sizes the input document uses. It can automatically detect/create book structure, like chapters and Table of Contents. It can insert the book metadata into a "Book Jacket" at the start of the book. [*]Syncing to e-book reader devices calibre has a modular device driver design that makes adding support for different e-reader devices easy. At the moment, it has support for a large number of devices, the complete list of which is here. Syncing supports updating metadata on the device from metadata in the library and creation of collections on the device based on the tags defined in the library. If a book has more than one format available, calibre automatically chooses the best format when uploading to the device. If none of the formats is suitable, calibre will automatically convert the e-book to a format suitable for the device before sending it. [*]Downloading news from the web and converting it into e-book form calibre can automatically fetch news from websites or RSS feeds, format the news into a ebook and upload to a connected device. The ebooks include the full versions of the articles, not just the summaries. Examples of supported news sites include: The New York Times The Wall Street Journal The Economist Time Newsweek The Guardian ESPN and many, many more… calibre has over three hundred news sources and the news system is plugin based, allowing users to easily create and contribute new sources to calibre. As a result the collection of news sources keeps on growing! If you are interested in adding support for a news site, read the User Manual. Once you have successfully created a new recipe, you can share it with other users by posting it in the calibre forum http://calibre-ebook.com/site_media//img/external.png or sending it to the calibre developers for inclusion in calibre. [*]Comprehensive e-book viewer calibre has a built-in ebook viewer that can display all the major ebook formats. It has full support for Table of Contents, bookmarks, CSS, a reference mode, printing, searching, copying, customizing the rendering via a user style sheet, embedded fonts, etc. [*]Content server for online access to your book collection calibre has a built-in web server that allows you to access your ebook collection using a simple browser from any computer anywhere in the world. It can also email your books and downloaded news to you automatically. It has support for mobile devices, so you can browse your collection and download books from your smartphone, Kindle, etc. I have the Nook e-reader and use these two links all the time.
  3. I really like my Barnes & Noble Nook. I have the b&w with wi-fi. (have wifi everywhere I am and didn't need 3G) For $149.00 it works very well - the e-ink display is a little fragile so it can stand a drop if in a case but a "Flex" or twist stress is a big no-no. If getting Nook also plan for case and the extended protection for about $40 and its covered for everything for 2 years. Nook does have a web browser and I have been able to check this forum on it but is a little "strange" to use. At any rate for all the above mentioned and most anything else like phones check this site for cases: http://www.javoedge.com/reflexeshop/productCatalog/home.do Also check these sites for useful stuff: http://calibre-ebook.com/ software to convert formats and read on computer http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page thousands of free books (most classics) Happy Reading !
  4. Still trying to get it done - my contact is dragging with a date that I could expect delivery to let everyone know. When I first proposed this he said "no problem" now he is saying still no problem but the is having problems working out the time to deliver. I did get two sets from him and they look good and to spec. (RandyA has one set for him to check over also - he had nothing to do with the offer so please do not "bug" him. He lives close and was used as my second set of eyes to check them out) I still want to do it - he says he does - just really slow get a firm commitment. To all that have shown interest if I can still get this bird to fly, I will start a new post with information.
  5. Have on of them and the motorcycle adapter - works well. You just need to remember to lube everthing well and to also fasten the thing down because you do apply a good of amount of twist to it when mounting tires. Okay, RandyA how was that for chiming in Merry Christmas to all,
  6. Do they flip a coin to see who gets to go back and get the forgotten screwdriver ! A trip down a guy wire would make a wild "zipline" ride !
  7. Not the prayers .... This - needing foot protection on construction site I have been wearing this manufactures shoes for years - a little high priced but last forever seems like They have shoes of every style that have nail penatration protection - and some are very light weight. Hard to find a dealer but just order off the web. Check them out : http://www.scandiastores.com/product/cargo/footwear
  8. A slap in the face ...
  9. SKUNK - middle of my lane - tail up legs spread ..... Second gear my be an issue in the 1st gens it makes a great get-away gear ! The car behind me took the full blast !! So bad they stopped and got out of the car a little way down the road, I went back to check on them and the smell was so bad the driver said she was going to park it on the side of the road and let her husband deal with it. Hope he really loves her .... Steve
  10. Annie, Some of my have used these folks and report great service, and they DO ship to anywhere. Also have a price match - see their FAQ section. http://www.kneeshop.com/ Steve Neal
  11. My source has injured his hand and arm and the process is going to be a few days away from making the final call for those who want to order. At that time I will start a new thread and have all the information such as expected delivery date to me and expected ship date to those that order. Hang in there guys and we will get this done ... Steve
  12. Mac - pcs Ford - Chevy 1st Gen - 2nd Gen red - blue They are all choices and I for one am glad that I have that freedom. If I choose different from you, it doesn't make you wrong or me right. It is a choice and we all can make them. After we do, we live with the consequences, good are bad. It's part of who we are. To all that have made the ability for me to have choices - Thank you!
  13. try the link below for your answers and some really good use tips: http://www.pbase.com/fredharmon/tirechange SGN
  14. Could not find much for really inexpensive lodging but this list on the hospital website. See the attached file I'm 2 hours away SGN
  15. at least one responce ..... Great now I'm talking to myself ....
  16. Weather must be great all over the world ....... Nothing stirring in this place ..... Ride safe my friends ....... Stuck at home doing child care ...... Really hurts too, bike is full of gas and pointed towards the door ..... Going to take my 4th nap now ...... To make it worse, three bikes just went slowly by the house - riders laughing like crazy! Hey you bikers, quit riding by, you hurting me!
  17. At 6'2 and 300+ the centerstand was hard to use. When met RandyA the first time he told me about cutting his off and putting the wheel on it. Of course may next thing was show me. So he did, now Randy is not the tallest guy you ever met so I watch him very closely, after seeing him put is bike on the centerstand I knew my problem ... I "chickened" out at the very moment it was ready to "jump" up on the stand. So the way taht works for me is very similar to the video. Side stand down, center of right foot facing front of bike on center of stand extension, "wobble to get both legs of stand in contact, right hand grabbing "bag rail" (back of hand to side of seat), left hand on handle bar and facing front of bike, begin lifting action with hand not hard just "firm" at this point. Now with a hard push to extend the leg, firm grasp on the bar, pull up, push down and lean back. When it comes up it is going to be noisy and jump like crazy (show in the video also) It is now easy (with practice) and everytime I park my bike it goes on the centerstand - I know some say not to but old experiences are hard to let go of - long ago had a Suzuki 750 impale the asphalt on a hot Georigia day until it looked like the bike had just gotten tired and laid itself down for a nap, took 3 of us to get it "back on its feet". Before you beat me up I have had the centerstand sink in asphalt also, my wife thinks I am crazy for getting drink cans out of the trash and flattening them to put under the stand. Bought plenty of those stand pads, drove off without them and the teathered ones really beat the bike up flopping along beside you. My 2 cents ....
  18. Hey you gotta eat sometime ! Sunday Afternoon/Evening might work for me also. How long you going to be in town? Steve
  19. We can make this happen Call and we will work out something Steve
  20. Please give me a call .... my cell number is in my profile. Would love to get meet and share a meal and maybe some ride time. Steve Neal
  21. I am waiting on the final weight of the package to get the details .... These are light but better to "know" than guess ... Info soon. Steve
  22. Now that I have enough lined up I hope to have an exact time frame within a few days. I was promised a very quick turn around when we reach the number needed and with yours WE ARE THERE ! Stand by all for more news in a new thread Thanks Guys Steve Neal
  23. About 20 of you should be installing solid motor mounts !
  24. The number needed was 25 (I am covering 5 sets - these will be given to some folks that have been a special help and they have been told) So yes 1 more to go. If you are on the edge of this I will NOT be ordering more to have for later, unless there is a huge demand (25 sets) this will be a ONE TIME deal. No pressure but $$$$ are tight right now and I cannot afford to "sit" on extra sets. Steve BUMP!
  25. If someone wants to go ahead but they would need to be prepared to coordinate for them. Steve
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