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Everything posted by sgn

  1. Will be grabbing a room somewhere close by. If you guys are going give a shout and we will get together for lying and eating (two things we know we can do!).
  2. Well I'm going anyway, and will be enjoying myself.
  3. I called at 7:45 AM to see what I could do to help and got the most crazy answering machine message. Hope she is getting the help she needs and is okay
  4. Maintaining one of the greatest motorcycles ever built is easy .... My 83 VR is running great and just needs to have the "hound" rode out of her which I plan to do ... Just live "love"
  5. Marking June 10 - 12 on the calendar. Hope others will be there! Randy, let me know what I can do to help. You KNOW how to find me!
  6. Badges - we don't need no stinking badges!
  7. But ... If you have a septic tank it would not be a good idea!
  8. Just wondering what the "metal plate" you mentioned looks like, getting ready to "strip out" the oem radio and replace with something newer, any ideas I get from others will make it easier. Thanks SGN
  9. She had been located and is back at my home. She is fine, had to make a trip to Gulfport, Mississippi to get her home but that's okay. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and thoughts. Now to get everything back to level. Will be making some changes in her life but nothing that can't be handled. Again Thanks. Oh, by the way it was a Facebook sighting that let us make contact.
  10. To all of you, Your thoughts and prayers show how impressive this group is! I wish I could tell you that this nightmare is over but I can't. Keep your prayers flowing and never think for a minute there is nothing you can do, you doing it and I know it will be fruitfull. Thank you, is not enough!
  11. Those of you posting on your Facebook pages is wonderful the more eyes we have looking the greater the chance of finding her. The Deputy from Carter County Tennessee discovered that she left her Facebook page up and posted on her own page a brief missing person statement. We felt like that has been the biggest help. Having her friends know she was missing was the best start. We than began posting on every Facebook page owner we could think of. A simple Thank you does not seem enough, you folks are the greatest. Even though you make think you can't "do anything" just knowing her picture has spread so quick gives hope.
  12. You folks are the greatest and I come asking for your prayers and eyes. We have no idea what has happen. As this vast network is out and about on your days please be watching: See the link: http://www.wcyb.com/news/27133306/detail.html Thanks to all,
  13. All motor mount orders that have been paid for have been shipped! I have a few sets left if others are interested. Thanks one and all.
  14. The motor mounts for 1st Generations have been delivered to me and I will be shipping them no later than Friday, March 4, 2011. Each of you that have purchased a set have been sent an email to the address shown on your PayPal payment asking for verification of your shipping addresses. Please respond to the email address that sent the request and not to the private email here on the forum. I thank each and everyone of you who made a purchase and contributed to the discussion. If some would like to order at this time I do have "extras". For more information see : http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=55960 Again, Thank you all
  15. Living in the area of the Great Smoky Mts. of Tennessee be prepared for driveways at blind spots. (curves and crest of hills) Not only can there be cars pulling into roadway but gravel/sand washed onto the roadbed. IF you think that no one could be living in an area then be REAL careful. If we can get one corner of a house on "solid" ground then we build. Many homes have gravel drives because in the winter asphalt/concrete will freeze over and make access impossible. I put my 83VR (Tent Peg) in the ditch and did a flip, back over the front because of just such a condition. (amazing how little damage to the bike and me - even rode it home) While not a danger make sure you pack a camera - take pictures - and show us all the great riding!
  16. With the way gas is going up there will be even more motorcycles on the road, many of these will be "new" riders who have never had the "thrill" of a machine that has the power to weight ratio of a motorcycle and (while may be a few) will present to the non-motorcycle public an image that is not a true representation of most motorcyclist. So take a "newbie" under your "wings" and encourage them to be safe, sensible and seen. Just my random thoughts from a random mind.
  17. The answer to the question might be found by comparing where your department is and where you would like to see it go. Let me show some age here - in 1974 I was one year out of high school and signed on to volunteer for our county fire department, at that time being one of the youngest most thought I wouldn't make the "grade" not to brag but I did and for 20 years served with pride - not for me but for what our little group of volunteers became, and is still growing (check this link - look around the pages related to the fire department: http://www.coweta.ga.us/Index.aspx?page=139 ) So if you have a "vision" for where your department "needs" to go to serve it's community - go ahead and take another step and apply your skills to leadership. While I do not live, nor have ever been in you community, let me say thanks for ALL your service. What made me volunteer - at 15 our home burnt to the ground - totaled. My dad had taken us all out to dinner and when we returned all that was left was "smoke, fire and ashes".
  18. singing - in the shower and church praise team
  19. But some of us still know where you live !!!!!!!!!
  20. OK Brian .... payup the $12.00 or I'm not coming over to the shop and "Help" you anymore. I only say this because everbody knows RandyA is a lttle on the cheap side. By the Randy, thanks for lunch!
  21. I'm in with you Randy. I think it would be great, this area has everything that you could dream of. Maybe even start a "Ride into History Event". Not sure how this post will come out _ done from my blackberry using TapaTalk Sgn
  22. A girl was riding in her Mustang when she sees a Harley rider about to jump off a bridge so she stops. "What are you doing?" she asks. I'm going to commit a suicide," he says. While she did not want to appear insensitive, she didn't want to miss an opportunity she asked "Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a Kiss?" So, he does. After he's finished, the girl says, "Wow! That was the best Kiss I have ever had. That's a real talent you are wasting. You could be famous! Why are you committing suicide?" "My parents don't like me dressing up like a Harley rider......"
  23. I tell everyone - there is no finer group of people than the folks here !!!
  24. SGN: can you hear the fuel pump click? RandyA : Yes - checked to hear it several times. SGN: You sure it's working RandyA: yes My oh my .... Sorry Randy could NOT resist .....
  25. Spirit of Atlanta here ... Drum Line (notice drum comes before bugle!)
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