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Everything posted by sgn

  1. Seems you have nothing to do so I guess my radio housing is ready for pickup ....
  2. sgn

    Clean and Sober

    Hog, With family in recovery I am concened about those I surround myself with and here is my impressions. While some of the group my indulge, never have I felt pressured at a meet and eat. I have also found this group to be supportive of an individuals rights to make their own chose. This group will also go the "extra mile" to help any way it can. From helping to get a bike running to offering a listening ear at the passing of a beloved pet. Not been there myself but from watching family move from a life of slavery to freedom let me say this, If you have chosen to live clean you have gained my respect and I welcome a new friend!
  3. Check for cold solder joint inside the cmu (center of dash that has warning lights) there or four places that seem to turn loose and will stop headlight from working. Took me awhile to find in my 83 ... more information on this in the forum Good luck
  4. Come south for awhile, I know a few more good places to eat ...
  5. But we must remember the many women who worked to support our military during that time. My grandmother worked in a factory and I heard her tell of coworkers that would get the news of husbands killed in action while at work and continue to work their shift as the tears flowed and them saying they would do anything to end the war and not have theirs friends feel the hurt they were feeling. The United States of America, many problems but still the greatest country on earth!
  6. I know I was screaming .... Nail down a date and count us in ..... Ann and I will be there!
  7. Ann and I had a great time with good friends and wonderful food.
  8. Checking into motel and then out to dinner! Going to be a great evening!
  9. Sounds like fun will be there for sure:group cheers:
  10. When I realized the two of us are about the same age ....
  11. Most Orthopaedic Surgeons work at multiple hospitals and it is usaully the hospital that decides use of operating rooms. If you are willing to try a different hospital than your first choice you might get a closer date. Same doctor just different location. The surgeons "buy" facility time and that drives when they operate. Not sure if this is your case, just and idea. Some of my family had the same issue and by going to another hospital in the area got it worked out.
  12. Stop messing around with the duck and think about my project !!!!!!!
  13. Don't worry about it the project will grow to new cabinets, new sink, new facuet, new light fixtures, new paint, new floors .... and on and on! Heck, buy a new house with granite countertops or as option two just forget it all and go with what you have ....
  14. http://www.redflex.com/html/usa/solutions Notice the paragraph above video - they pay for every thing .... for a fee
  15. What the question was .....
  16. Here for you in whatever I can do and whenever you need it .... Hang in there buddy !!
  17. See the attached file - pages from manuel ...
  18. sgn

    Hands Up!

    You meet the nicest people on motorcycles .....
  19. Remember - what happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas !!!
  20. Bet you have your helmet on too ..... Well said Jeff and please listen to Mini - she's not always crazy ...
  21. Same thing with my Dad, and if he was still with us I would take the "hit" all over again just to see him "smile" ....... Thanks for the memories
  22. Eye don't know but Eye am sure Eye will find out ....
  23. · 997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam . First Cousin, helicopter pilot, first mission out, 14 hours and about 20 minutes in country .....
  24. As Muffinman said, I used a piece of pvc pipe and came at mine from underneath, a tap with the rubber hammer on the bottom of the pipe pushed them up and then the forks will slide down. Getting them back on just slide them down with a firm push ...
  25. Take time and heal, and while you are healing I'll come over about midnight and pickup a few parts for Tent Peg! At least I know I have a good chance you will not be able to shoot me! (sorry - couldn't resist)
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