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Expired Membership
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Everything posted by sgn

  1. If needed the stop date can be extended SGN
  2. As we know Dingy has made an excellent contribution to the site in the form of the color wiring diagrams. I have printed the wiring diagrams for my 83 VR in a size of 36”x24”, full color and put them up on my workshop wall. It has been great to be able to work on the bike and be able to just look up and “see” the wiring without finding my place again on a small black and white page. This got me to thinking, which RandyA will tell you is very dangerous! How many of the members would like to have large size color prints of the diagrams for their bikes? I called the local Kinko’s to see what the charge would be to print them and was quoted way too much money. (at least for me) So to cut to the chase what I am proposing is this: Each member that would like a large size print would donate to a common fund what they thought the prints would be worth to them. All cost for printing and United States Postal service would be at my expense. ALL of the money donated for the prints would be divided by the number of our members serving us in the military. It would be my intent that the money be used by them to help pay for the cost of phone calls home over the Christmas/New Year holidays. (If this plan is not to your favor then a substitute donation to St. Judes will be made.) I have spoken with Dingy and he has given his okay to go ahead with the idea. I will be setting up a Paypal account later today or you can send checks/money orders. Many of you do not know me but you can check with RandyA and I am sure he will tell you that the money collected will go for the intended purpose. So let’s begin, tell which diagram you want, where to send the diagram to, the amount of your donation and the benefactor of choice. (I will keep records and supply those upon request.) I will print each week from now to the end of November, mailings will go out Mondays, last mailing on November 30. Contact me via private message or my home email and phone number is listed in my profile. Thanks all – working together we can make the Holidays a little brighter for each other. Steve Neal (sgn)
  3. Rocket Muffinman Clay 18 anymore? SGN
  4. But somebody has to what the chickens .....
  5. So would that be a BongoRooster ??? By the way thanks for the clutch lever SGN
  6. Cooking something up here .... Yes a shamless bump in progress !!!! Wish I knew how to make it a sticky so it would stay on top SGN
  7. Anyone have an idea about how many of our members are serving in the military? Active duty of any country that we have members in. I have something I want to do but need an estimate of the number of people we are talking about. So if you know of someone post their user name and lets see if we can get a head count. I think that I would like to include those working as private contracts that might be in "harms" way also. What I am thinking of needs to be done by December 1st, so lets get the list rolling! Thanks everyone for your help - now who's going to be first? SGN
  8. Get you order made? SGN
  9. To Annie and All, I called AirRider on Annie's problem and spoke with Mr. Tracy Rogers. He was very interested in helping and replied that AirRider will ship worldwide. He even gave me his email and said I could share with the group. So if you need their products you can contact Mr Tracy Rogers: tracy@airrider.com Air Rider 5722 Main Street P.O.Box 587 Ooltewah, TN 37363 Toll Free: 1-800-251-6040 Ext.12 Fax: 423-238-5387 Email: customerservice@airrider.com
  10. pay the 12 bucks for membership ... We should meet up. We do have several on the board from Tri-Cities Steve Neal
  11. After a small mishap I needed to make numerous repairs to my 83. I used the 2 part epoxy for plastic found at Walmart and as backing material (here is the funny part) those good old, stup your toe on em yellow tent stakes. The stakes are made of abs and very durable if you have the room to leave the "T" shape intact. They cut easy and can even be heated with a heat gun and formed slightly. Ask RandyA, he tell you all about my repairs to the bike now known as "Tent Peg" Happy gluing, Steve
  12. Tent Peg wants to know ... did you go by the scene of the "crime"? Steve
  13. Hey Randy is that light working .................... Yes ..................No ..................... Yes ....................... No leave the blinkin name alone !! your okay the way you are Steve N
  14. I'm sure you have tried all the really common stuff. (Clean and tighten, etc.) So my only suggestion is stick a tent peg in it and go on. Now if we can start at the beginning - when you changed switched the controller did you make any modifications to the wiring harness? or was it a direct swap. Still have the "old" unit - maybe a reinstall and ride for a while would narrow it down to the "new" unit or if the problem is still there it would be "outside" the unit and go from there. SGN
  15. Have it wrapped .... make it any color you want - when you get ready to sell or change it will pull off and be good as new! Plus the wrap will save it from the little dings ans scratches . start here: http://www.skinzwraps.com/motorcycle-graphics-wrap.html Steve
  16. POD-IUM™ Trailers 312-A, Water Street, P.O. Box 390 Danville (Quebec) J0A 1A0 CANADA Toll free: 1.877.3PODIUM Tel: 819.839.3773 Fax: 819.839.1172 Email: http://www.pod-ium.com/img_upload/info.jpg http://www.pod-ium.com/gallery.aspx?Lang=en
  17. 81 degress in Upper East Tennessee ..... wonderful outside ! and it could have been ..... yours Best of luck on the job front - wherever you are hope it works well I was so hoping for a really good Venture mechanic in the area - RandyA keeps breaking his (poke, poke) Steve Neal
  18. Randy might you have gotten the wrong springs - buying off Ebay? From Progressive website: Front Suspension Product TypeFork SpringFork Spring11-1112 [url="http://javascript:GotoDlrSearch()"]http://www.progressivesuspension.com/images/dlrpurchase.jpg[/url] additonal info : #11-1112 springs with 20.75 " Length and which are 1.19" OD with 45/70 Lbs/In. variable compression rate
  19. Don't take credit for it Randy .... now lets talk about 500 ways to use a tent peg !
  20. IF someone has been in the dash - can you see the temp needle? I resoildered the connections on my CMS and in putting it all back to geather the needle was behind the resting peg. I CANNOT believe I just admitted that ! Steve Neal
  21. sgn


    http://www.jcwhitney.com/PLEXUS-PLASTIC-CLEANER-PROTECTANT-AND-POLISH/GP_2000740_N_111+10211+600014934_10111.jcw my bad - posted twice
  22. sgn


    http://www.jcwhitney.com/wcsstore/jcwhitney/images/imagecache/G_10740G_SW_1.jpg;pv0afed99634c9100e if not local can get it here: http://www.jcwhitney.com/PLEXUS-PLASTIC-CLEANER-PROTECTANT-AND-POLISH/GP_2000740_N_111+10211+600014934_10111.jcw
  23. I too have battled the headlight issue on my 83... The connections in the computer can and will stop the headlight, so a really good redo of the soilder joints is just good practice - even if they look okay. My next step was that I would get it all working and then all of the sudden nothing, no headlight, dash lights - nothing. So my next step was to tear into it all again, clean the connectors at the computer to the wiring harness well - a small nail file worked well get both the male and female ends. Then I took a pair of small neddle nose and applied a slight twist to the female (computer) side of the connector, it was enough that the male end was difficult to get connected. Then once I made sure that the connector was in all the way I pulled enough wire harness up to allow a soild wire tie around it and the metal support. Next I worked may way out to the headlight - cleaning and tightning connections. At the headlight I made sure that the wires to it where clean and very tight, I even replaced one of the terminals because it would not stay tight when connecting. So far it is working and even survived a little over the handle bar mishap. Another thing I did that seemed to help the light output ( at least I THINK it did) was to remove the glass from the rubber black boot that goes from the headlight to the fairing, get some uphosltery paint and paint it white. I masked off the portion of the rubber boot that is showing from the front (around the outside edge of the glass). This leaves the black edge and makes the inside white, it really does seem to improve the daytime visiblity of the bike from head on and my wife said the light appears brighter when I have fopllowed her at night. I think it also improves the over all "look" of the front end. So get the connections in the computer soild, clean and tighten everything everwhere and then road test it (the last part is the most fun) Steve Neal
  24. I have found that Plexus does a good job of making the water roll off, plus it really does a great job of keeping the sheild clear. Most cycle shops will have it in stock, not cheap but good stuff. Others will tell you Pledge does a good job and I have tried it also, works good but the Plexus seems better for me. Steve
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