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Everything posted by gaj1917

  1. Same experience on my '84. Replaced the original starter with a used 4-brush from a '06 that I picked up on eBay. Huge difference! Lots of good used 4-brush starters for sale on eBay. Any starter from '91 to '13 Ventures of Vmaxs will be 4-brush.
  2. Roger. At least in Canada, one can generally get ethanol-free gas when buying Premium (High Test). Always was in the habit of burning that anyway. Get right around 40 mpg
  3. Good advice and it ensures any moisture that settles out in the tank gets drained away to the gas filter. I'm on my 2nd tank as the bottom rusted out of the original.
  4. Agreed. Canadian Tire has a pretty good collection of metric nuts and bolts, but that's it. I've been able to track down other metric hardware online, mostly at Amazon.
  5. I've also heard that dreaded ping a few times. I think a 10 mm clip should do it, but can't swear to it.
  6. I guess if it was a problem the arse would have come out of'er a long time ago.
  7. Glad I'm not the only one whose rear drive runs hot. Does exactly that on my '84. Sort of bothered me.
  8. How long has it been since valve shimming was checked on your mc? Had the exhaust popping on decel on my '84 a few years ago. Checked valve shims. Had to pretty much replace all shims - most singing tight. I doubt that they had been checked since the bike was new. Subsequently, exhaust poping stoped.
  9. If you're referring to the parts #11 through 16, then yes you'll have to drop the collector chamber. If on the other hand, you're referring to the front exhaust pipes then just loosen the collector mounting nuts enough to drop the collector an inch or so. That will give you some wiggle room to remove the exhaust pipe.
  10. Snyper, 2nd gear started to disappear on my '84 a few years ago at around 80,000 km (50,000 miles). As pointed out previously, it happens gradually. I drove for another 5,000+ km, nursing 2nd gear, and experimenting with skipping it altogether. I decided to do the repair over the winter months. Not a small undertaking, but educational. And, it's a great opportunity to have a look at a whole bunch of other stuff that might need fixin' when that engine and other parts are out on a table. Here's a link that details my experiences, for what they're worth. Couldn't have done it without info I found here on the forum. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?120493-Second-gear-repair-redux&highlight=redux
  11. Ya, me too. The ones with the white lettering.
  12. In addition to getting the correct sizes as BlueSky indicates, investigate radial vs bias ply tires. Bias generally better for the big touring bikes. See the following link for a discussion: https://www.bikebandit.com/blog/bias-ply-vs-radial-which-one-is-best-for-you I run Dunlop Elite 3 tires, front and rear, on my '83.
  13. I added those to my 84 a while ago. No problem, but you will need mufflers from an 86+.
  14. I know you won't be disappointed with the Barnett clutch. Might suggest new clutch springs as well if they don't come with your Barnett kit.
  15. All kinds of 1300 clutch covers on eBay for around $30, and gaskets. Just a matter of finding a cover that's in decent shape. A 1200 cover won't work as they aren't deep enough to accommodate a 1300 clutch basket.
  16. Yes, lots of options. I installed a Barnett clutch kit in my '84 and am very pleased with it. These can be found on eBay - not cheap mind you (see link following). The gasket you can get from any of the online Yamaha parts sellers - I use PartShark. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Barnett-Clutch-Plate-Kit-Yamaha-VMX1200-V-Max-XVZ1200-XVZ1300-/302350155121
  17. Long,right-angle nose, snap ring pliers are available. I have a pair but can't recall now where I got them. Do a Google search, and I'm sure you'll find some. Here's a link to a set on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Motion-Pro-08-0279-Master-Cylinder/dp/B000WJJ4U6/ref=sr_1_37?s=power-hand-tools&ie=UTF8&qid=1528070799&sr=1-37&keywords=snap+ring+pliers
  18. Just got the old Venture out of storage this week. I've been struck with the slow tach syndrome! Glad to have found this thread, as I wasn't looking forward to the alternative solutions. Mind you getting at the tach mechanism isn't a fun job either. A job for next winter.
  19. All above good advice zoom. I use a plastic squeeze bottle to add fluid into the reservoir. Otherwise, it's tricky to get fluid poured in. They are commonly available - on Amazon for example: https://www.amazon.com/Plastic-Squeeze-Bottles-Stainless-Applicators/dp/B07943VXRR/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1526585102&sr=8-2&keywords=car+oil+squeeze+bottle
  20. Any chance you missed installing or incorrectly installed #20 or #23 (see attached diagram)?
  21. If the crack does cause a leak, you can find used covers on eBay. As far as gaskets go, I simply cover both sides with a light grease. I've had good luck doing that, and if you ever need to take a cover off you can probably reuse the gasket on the reinstall.
  22. Dye works wonderfully. I've used Tracerline TP34000601 dye on a couple of ocassions.
  23. I've used Permatex High Tack Gasket Sealant. Wonderful stuff. Just to be safe, I add it throughout the entire valve cover groove. If nothing else, that lessens the likelihood of a gasket rollover on install. Mighty tight quarters if you're doing this with the engine in the frame.[h=1][/h]
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