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Everything posted by PAVenture

  1. I'm in Sellersville Pa about 20 miles N/W of Buckingham
  2. Did you install 12.2.0 after the map update?
  3. I had the same problem with a 16 GB staples thumb drive.. Turns out the system is picky with thumb drives. I purchased from staples a Lexar 16 GB thumb drive... this is a basic thumb drive, unlike other brands there are no files on this drive and this is where the issue lies with some brands. I created a new thumb print on the Lexar then connected to the tool box and downloaded the map again. This time the update installed without issue. Also I used a different thumb drive for the Infotainment update, I use the thumb drive with the fingerprint for the Toolbox Nav updates only. Hope this helps
  4. Well so far I do not see any difference with the Infotainment system, menus they are the same. With both Intercom and CB on when pressing the PTT CB transmits, so no private com with passenger remains. As for the GPS I noticed that all surrounding streets names now show, however while riding, the approaching cross road name shows sometimes. I have not tried to upload a custom Route, will try this for a trip we have planned for next week. Spoke with CS, they could not tell me anything about the update other than it fixed a few bugs, of course CS has no idea what bugs were fixed. No surprise here considering we have heard nothing but crickets from Yamaha for the past two and half years. This is a shame, as this motorcycle (a few infotainment systems quirks aside) is an awesome machine.
  5. The map update cost is $99.00.. You must install the map update prior to installing 12.2.0 per Yamaha's web site and CS. I installed both last night, however did not get a chance to go thru the system to see what changes, IF ANY to the infotainment system. The map update took about 40 minutes to upload to the bike and the system update about 20 minutes or so. both installed without issue. Will review the system tonight.
  6. Sierra Electronics sells the headsets and lower cords at a lower cost https://www.sierra-mc.com/ I purchased the below ( 2 sets) they work fine, the extension can only be purchased from Yamaha. Hope this helps. [TABLE=class: MsoNormalTable, width: 100] [TR] [TD] JM-HC-ZYH [/TD] [TD] J&M Z-Series Lower 8-pin Headset Cord for 1998-2019 Harley 7-pin Audio Systems - J&M Elite 801 ONLY [/TD] [TD] $58.50 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] JM-HS-EHI801-UNV-XHO [/TD] [TD] J&M Elite 801 Series Helmet Headset Universal-Style for most Open/Flip-up/Full-Face Style Helmets [/TD] [TD] $154.99 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  7. Attached, is a workaround for the limited way points issue another SVT owner came up with. Hope this helps NAVIGATION SYSTEMS GREATER THAN 6 WAYPOINTS SOLVED.docx
  8. Hopefully they will resolve this issue for you. I stayed with the corded set, it's simple and works. I've used the cord setup on my Gen 2 Venture's and have gotten use to the cord hanging from my helmet.
  9. I have the wired set, no issues, when on the phone, the caller voice is clear, in fact most don't realize I'm on the bike.
  10. It is located under the plate you need to release the tab under #1 lift the plate located far right under the plate. It's a 3 pin connector. I have attached the instruction.. showing # 1 and #2 where the connector is located under the plate. Did mine last year and this what I remember. 7693 Instructions.pdf
  11. No issues, the hitch is well made and the Ball and tongue are chrome plated. Last year I towed the trailer Across Rt 6 in Pa and then to Stowe Vermont with no issues. BTW the Venture pulled the trailer thru the mountains with ease and that's two up riding. So if you go with the Rivco product I think you will be happy. Just an fyi I purchased the harness, converter (my trailer is a 4 wire setup) and isolator from Electrical Connections, all three components are plug and play and easy to install.
  12. I purchased the Rivco Hitch, easy install as only the saddle bags need to be removed. With the ball removed the receiver is hidden behind the license plate. https://www.rivcoproducts.com/shop/yamaha/hitches-yamaha/trailer-hitch-for-2018-and-newer-yamaha-star-venture-transcontinental-and-eluder-2/ CAUTION!!!!! The frame is aluminum, do not over Tighten the upper bolts, the threads will strip (ask me how I know).. use a good torque wrench. Also Electrical Connections has a complete plug & play harness for the Venture. https://electricalconnection.com/index.php/product/isolator-yamaha-venture-eluder/ Very happy with this hitch. Hope this helps...
  13. Electrical Connections has a plug and play system see link below. I installed the Isolator and the 5 to 4 wire converter as well, all components are P&P About a two hour job.. works well. Happy with it. https://electricalconnection.com/index.php/product/isolator-yamaha-venture-eluder/
  14. Picked up the Bike this past Saturday, fender replacement only! Dealer removed the forks and checked for damage as well a checking all other front end components, no other damage. 20 mile ride home felt like it was never hit. Back in the saddle, ye ha!
  15. The J&M headsets will work. I had the IMC also and they do NOT work. The J&M set is a 8 wire setup 7 pins plus the outer ring makes an 8 wire connection. IMC headsets do not have enough wires to use all of the features of the Venture system. The Elite 801 series is what Yamaha offers for the Venture. https://shopyamaha.com/product/details/elite-801-series-helmet-headset-system-and-connect?b=Transcontinental+Touring+Accessories&d=50|50&ls=yamaha-motor-company&dealernumber=
  16. Below are the items I purchased from Sierra Electronics the headset is for an open face helmet fits most brands https://www.sierra-mc.com/ [TABLE=class: MsoNormalTable, width: 100] [TR] [TD=width: 15%] Details [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] Name [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] JM-HC-ZYH [/TD] [TD] J&M Z-Series Lower 8-pin Headset Cord for 1998-2019 Harley 7-pin Audio Systems - J&M Elite 801 ONLY [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] JM-HS-EHI801-UNV-XHO [/TD] [TD] J&M Elite 801 Series Helmet Headset Universal-Style for most Open/Flip-up/Full-Face Style Helmets [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  17. Adjuster was out yesterday, so far $824 (visual inspection) of damage. My dealer will be removing the forks to check for damage, and inspect the front end assembly. Hopefully will have the final word by the end of the week..
  18. I replayed this in my head many times asking myself, what could I have done different to escape the impact. I always leave plenty of space between myself and the vehicle in front especially those without a rear window or in this case a van full of carpeting blocking the rear windows. However after thinking this thru, "in hindsight of course" I'm glad I did not try, the van backed up too quickly, if I had tried that would have put me in a close to broadside position and I would probably not be posting on this forum today. I'm amazed the front end did not collapse; the hit was hard enough to tear the steel from under the bolts. Anyway Adjuster will be out tomorrow and will go from there. Thanks for allowing me to vent a tad!
  19. Yes that is the case these day's. Just as it happened a local PO turned the corner and stopped to see what was going on. I did let the driver know of my displeasure over the incident and how he ruined my planned trip. I just finished installing and testing the trailer wiring kit from EC and riding home from where I have my trailer stored, just 4 miles away from home. I'm still steaming today.... The only bright side to all of this is I was not injured.
  20. At a T intersection this past Friday behind Van waiting to make a left turn. Van pulled forward then decided to back up.. wedged rear bumper between front tire and fender, tore fender from mounts on both sides, at this point not sure if forks or other parts damaged. The incident happened so fast it was like a blur . Called my dealer they arrived within an hour for pick up. Fortunately for me my dealer dealer is top notch and is totally dedicated to our sport. Now the fun begins with claims process. As for me no injuries.
  21. Congrats, You can disable the alarm (service mode) when working on bike. 1. turn key to on 2 turn key to off 3. open fuel door 4. wait for two beeps 5. close fuel door. 6 bike is now in service mode and will stay in this mode until key is turned on again, the system will reset to normal operation
  22. Hi Freebird, been awhile, you are correct, my bike after the crate was removed
  23. Hi Don, Congrats on your purchase awesome deal. Yes it's true with both intercom and CB turned on your private conversation will broadcast over the CB. This needs a fixing! Many owners are not happy with this setup. As for the VOX. I tried this setup as well and the issue remains, also the VOX setting are finicky, road noise will activate the VOX if the mic sensativity is set high and if its to low you will need to scream into the mic. I could not find a happy medium here. The VOX needs some work as well. Also note, unlike the rider PTT button, for the passenger, when the PTT button is pushed once the mic's will turn on and stay on until the passenger push's the PTT button again to turn off the mic's. Again if the CB is turned on as well ,the rider passenger conversation will broadcast over the CB. Myself as well as other owners have reported this issue to Yamaha.. Hopefully the next software update will address these issues... Unlike some other owners ( GPS related ) I have not had any other issues with the Infotainment system . Sat Radio works great, I have traffic and weather service added to my account and will receive weather alerts, traffic alerts and radar maps via the Sirius service. Also bluetooth phone connection works very well, answering a phone call is a breeze. Enjoy your new ride!
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