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RSV Angel

Expired Membership
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Everything posted by RSV Angel

  1. Glad to see she is somewhat better Skid. We will be keeping her in prayer.
  2. Prayers will be going up for Brad and the family during this sad and difficult time. I pray that they can feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit with them.
  3. That looks good! What scratches you talking about?
  4. I just emailed Brent for you. Mabey ya'll can get it figured out. Good luck.
  5. nothing wrong with the site there .I will contact Brent for you and see if he can look you up and see if your membership has expired. I got messages that mine was almost expiring early.
  6. I'll call Ken today and have him look at this thread. He can contact you and ya'll can work it out. He is a good guy. Craig
  7. Yes you can and I would 1st look for one there in Masilon Oh. At Pinwall salvage yard. If not there you could probly find one on ebay. Good luck
  8. Mine are mounted on the front saddlebag rails. Actually my wife uses them to store her sunglasses, chap stick,sunscreen and other stuff.
  9. What if IT is all there is?
  10. Mabey a little late but I'll chime in here. I have the Starkey BTE aids myself.They are nearly invisible and they did okay when I 1st got them. But the "audiologist" where I purchased mine went out of business about 6 mo. after I bought mine.At least I already had mine unlike so many folks I heard about that got stiffed out of their down payments,or had already paid up front and never received anything. I went to a place in Atlanta last year and they adjusted them for me but they are not exactly right.I still put them in but they really amplify too much background noise, and I have to take one out if I am going to be on the phone a lot.I have been looking around for the possibility of getting a new pair but as has been said they are expensive. I paid in the upper 3k for mine and don't want to get another fly by night here today gone tomorrow company to buy from. Mine now basically help at home or somewhere in a quiet type setting where I can hear folks talking without saying huh so much. But once we get into say--a crowded restaurant--they have to come out or the background noise drowns out the conversation. whatever brand you decide on make sure it is a reputable company that wants to help --not just to pad their pocket book. Good luck. Craig
  11. Wes, You would be better off coming from Rome on 53,thru Calhoun,& Fairmont. Then pick up 515/76 in Talking Rock to go up thru Elijay,Blue Ridge,& on to Blairsville. Just trying to help. If you come thru Calhoun,you could stop off at the Autozone there and say hey to me since I can't get off. Anyway be careful and have fun. Craig
  12. Just paid myself. I have been busy and haven't been on a lot lately. I went to look at a pic. and got the gentle reminder that My free trial was up or my membership had expired--lol. I'm good to go again now tho!
  13. Here is a link to a place near Jasper Ga. that makes tank bibs. A few years ago I went over to his place and he got the measurements for his pattern from my bike. His bibs have 2 pouches on them and are of great quality. www.timberwolfleather.com Good luck in your search. Craig
  14. Hey buddy. I would like to have a set of these in smoke as well. I will be pay paling you my $35.00. And will email you my shipping. Thanks for what you do. Craig:2133:
  15. My daughter and son/n law both have iphones. They love the phone features but hate the carrier- AT&T sucks. Drop calls all the time. I had Cingular/AT&T for years but finally got tired of no signal in a lot of places & dropping calls as well. They have both said if Verizon ever gets the iphone they will be saying good bye to Ma bell. I am waiting to see if Verizon gets the Iphone before I change anything. Good luck on your decision:whistling:
  16. From the looks of your little map thingy-you haven't made it into any of the southern states. Thank you!I hope you keep your unsafe trailer rig off the road down here. Really it would be best if you kept it off all roads until you have enough common sense to use it in a safe and legal manner. Put on some safety chains and use them!
  17. Gunboat, The Fram Ph 7317 will work fine. And no Autozone doesn't carry the purolator filters. But they do carry a filter that will fit our bikes. STP S6607 short filter,Bosch 3300 is the short filter,and the Bosch 3323 is the number for the long filter. The STP is a good filter but the Bosch is a little better because it uses a synthetic fabric and has more pleats than the STP or the Fram. And here it is!
  18. RSV Angel


    God bless and give you comfort during this sad time in your life,Jeff. I have lost my mother to cancer and my dad to a brain tumor. It is one of the hardest things to face that you have to do. I will be sending up prayers from Ga. for you and your family. Craig
  19. A few yrs. ago my wife and I rode down US 41 down from Jonesboro all the way to Albany. Then across 82 thru Tifton and Waycross. Once you get south of Griffin it is mostley farmland in S.Ga. so any road is not too crowded.Good luck - be careful and have a great trip. Craig:thumbsup2:
  20. This is ------nope I ain't gonna say nuttin. Yeah I am---nope I am refraining----ohhh what the heck:buttkick: Squiddly poo This thread is worthless without :rotfl:
  21. did it work?
  22. Named mine "Angel" because of those angels watching over us. Those who have seen my bike know about the angel theme.
  23. Hey Jeff, I got this one and mounted it with 3m double side tape on top of the triple tree. It works great. Stinger SVMR Car Audio Accessory Voltage Meter Display Readout I don't ever want to go thru what I did sitting on the side of the road for 8 hrs. on the Cherohalla Parkway. And then having to replace all my electrical components,from the radio to the complete dash assembly. Good luck Craig
  24. This news came out on April 1st somrthing is fishey here!
  25. Thanks to all for the thoughts and we can always use more prayers. Ride safe, Craig:2132:
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