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Posts posted by Zzyzx

  1. Here is some light reading regarding some of the chemicals that can be found in OSB but what the heck, probably not much worse than a BigMac patty.


    1,2-Dichloroethane * BDL

    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene * BDL

    3-Carene BDL

    Acetaldehyde * BDL

    67-64-1 Acetone 0.0018 U

    Acrolein * BDL

    80-56-8 Alpha-pinene 0.064 U

    Benzene * BDL

    127-91-3 Beta-pinene 0.019 U

    Bromomethane * BDL

    Camphene BDL

    Chloroethane * BDL

    Chloroethene * BDL

    Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene BDL

    Cumene * BDL

    50-00-0 Formaldehyde * 0.0036 U

    Limonene BDL

    67-56-1 Methanol * 0.063 U

    Methyl ethyl ketone * BDL

    Methyl isobutyl ketone * BDL

    Methylene chloride * BDL

    m,p-Xylene * BDL

    o-Xylene * BDL

    p-Cymene BDL

    p-Mentha-1,5-diene BDL

    Phenol * BDL

    Propionaldehyde * BDL

    Styrene * BDL

    Toluene *

  2. 2015 Nevada county toy run was a great run this year

    Thom Staser, CEO and founder of this event said by last count there were 1,653 riders that took part in yesterdays run.


    It was 33 degrees when the four of us headed up the hill but by the time we got the kickstands up notice it had risen to around 45 degrees.

    Weird thing is we had rain most all day Friday and it started raining again this morning around 2:AM

    Yesterday turned out to be a great weather day for the event.





    Ready toRide


    Short Shirt pocket film - 1-1/2 minutes


    Downtown Nevada City - 2 minutes


    Touchdown productions video - 26 minutes

  3. Great News Puc,

    Glad to hear the good news Tip has finely found out what was wrong with her and got that nasty Gaul Bladder taken out.

    She will feel so much better real soon and once her strength is back and up for taking a ride get her to the old doctor and hand (or better yet throw) him the stones.


    Its odd how a doctor that has probably never met Tip before could do in 3 hours what your family doctor/s could not do for months.

    Guess that why the still call it a practice.

  4. That aint nothing brother. Ask anyone who has lived in southwest Oklahoma or northern Texas. If you dont get $1000 bucks of hail damage a year its been a good year. I have walked out to car before when there and it was like walking on marbles. It will scare heck out of you while driven, especially if you happen to get caught on the scoot in it. then your looking for cover.


    I know Oklahoma/Texas hail is large and in charge. I grew up in Blackwell and Ponca City, OK and experienced a lot of hail storms that were closely followed by a tornado a time or two.

    Just glad this hail was small.

  5. Marca would like to have some lights working on the front entry. She had picked up this setup sometime ago.

    Here's the issue: they flash and she wants them to stay on steady.

    It's charged with a photo cell, batteries are 1.2v parallel.

    It has an off\on switch, one charger input and two outputs.

    Is there someway to eliminate the flashing?

    Thanks for any input.


    How about just swinging by your local hardware store and pick up a set that does what you want.

    That's what I do because it is so much easier than having to think.


    And remember...DON'T cut the red wire :)

  6. What are you doing wasting water on laundry? California is in the middle of a drought you know. Of course having lived in the fools gold state most of my life, I do not remember a year when they were not in a drought. Just an excuse to raise the price of water.


    Since I am married and rarely do laundry myself I had to make the wife happy and my Christmas shipping is all done now too.

    Had it been up to me I would just taken all my dirty stuff to the daughters place like she did to us for many years :)

  7. Sorry to hear you got injured Lenny,


    Part of getting old is we start trying to do the crazy things we did as kids but without the speedy healing process to fall back on (no pun intended).


    You need to work the shoulder so it does not start to stiffen up.


    I suggest sitting on your bike, hold tightly to the handle bar, turn the front wheel back and forth for 10 minutes then rest for ten minutes. Continue this 4 times a day until the shoulder feels better.

    Last thing you need is to have a bun riding shoulder.


    All kidding aside, I hope you get to feeling better soon and don't have to have surgery.

  8. Back in the early 70's I had a Honda 305 Scrambler I had bought from a buddy.

    I had only had it about 3 weeks and liked to ride it to work.

    Heading home after work one day I went over a RR track and just beyond the last track was a lot of sand on the road.

    All of a sudden the car in front of me came to a very quick stop.

    I hit the brakes and slid on the sand right into the rear of the car braking his taillight lens

    The guy got out of his car and asked if I was OK.

    I told him I was, he got back in his car and turned left into a liquor store lot.

    Me and the bike were fine but I guess his thirst just couldn't wait.


    Moral of the story, Don't ride to close behind a thirsty man.

  9. 20 years old riding home 3 hours after a long weekend at my girlfriends cottage. Yes it was a long weekend and yes I was tired. So after about an hour of riding at about 70mph on a long and boring highway I fell asleep. On the bike. At 70mph. I woke up somehow just in time to push off the drivers window of the car I was careening into. Drifted back into my lane and straight over to the shoulder. Needless to say I got off at the first exit, shaking like a leaf, and downed a couple of coffees. I always wondered how the driver of that car felt. Probably the most dangerous situation I've ever put myself into on a bike.


    WOW! Good you are still around to share that one with us

  10. I have never put a tape in the cassette player and don't even know if it works and since I can't sing like Cowpuc I just use an I-Pod connected to the accessory port.

    I made a face plate to cover the cassette door and then used 2 handlebar phone/GPS mounts.

    Took the holders apart and placed them where the attaching holes aligned the holes in the face plate with the cover screw holes inside the cassette door.

    Used longer screws, spacers and mounted the holders.

    This set up allows me to use one for my phone or for connecting my GPS if needed and the other for phone or I-Pod.

    Since I rarely use GPS I usually have my phone and I-pod mounted and charging.

    I use a power plug with a built in USB plug splitter that allows me to plug 2 power cables at a time in the cig lighter/acc port.


    A fastest way to get music playing using the accessory port is to use a long double male earphone jack cord and put the I-Pod or MP3 player in your jacket pocket.

    Just remember to charge it from time to time.



  11. I looked all thru those pictures of the bikes people have donated for Santa to give away as presents and didnt notice even one Harley Heritage Springer like I had asked for :95:,,, I did however notice what may be an Indian Roadmaster in there though and THAT happens to be my second choice in the letter I sent him :fingers-crossed-emo:big-grin-emoticon:



    GREAT turnout for a GREAT cause Z!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:

    Gonna be some smiling kids come Christmas morning because of thoughtful bikers like you - way to go Zzz!! :thumbsup:


    PS,, I think I located your scoot in the pics = in the first pic, guy with the red hat with his back to the camera - your scoot is on his right shoulder with a red package on its trunk (thinking that is a 99 2nd Gen?).. Also noticed what looks like a 2nd Gen in front of the one I am talking about - belong to a member here?


    You are correct Puc, that is my ride and he one in front is my buddies 06.

    Sorry about the springer. Didn't see a single one today.

  12. While living in Georgia we would pull over or just stop, if safe to do so, when a procession approached us on most roads but rarely on a major highway/freeway.

    If we approached a procession on a major highway, 3 lanes or more, we would turn on our emergency flashers, pull to the far right lane, pass slowly, and not pull back to the right until we were far pass the front of the procession.

    Here in California hardly anyone has the respect to pull over or even stay stopped at a 4 way until everyone passes. Everyone always seems to be in to much of a hurry.

  13. Was out in the garage this afternoon working on the 83 when the wife hollered at me and said, "The washing machine isn't draining". Well I had to ask if she had pulled to knob all the way out in which she replied, "I've done this a few times before so if you would, get in here and see if you can find out what's wrong...Please"


    I did a little checking to see what was wrong and found the drain pump made lots of noise but that was about it, no draining. Found after taking it off the motor worked but the impeller just sat there.


    Well of course the tub was full of dirty water and two small wet blankets that had to now weigh 40 pounds each.

    I took the blankets out of the tub trying to keep as much water in the tub so I could remove the standing water then remove the pump. Of course I got water all over the laundry room floor and me, and it took nearly an hour to get everything cleaned up.


    Jumped on line and ordered a new pump but its not arriving for a few days so I guess its off to the Laundromat tonight.


    Thank goodness she did my underwear first.. :)

  14. Dan,

    Next time you have a doctor visit have them do a thyroid blood panel to check if you might have hypothyroidism.

    I started having some off and on leg cramping about a year ago then 3 months ago during a routine blood test my doc discovered my thyroid was not working properly.

    She said it could be a cause of many things including a cause of cramps.

    She put me on the lowest dose of thyroid meds and the cramps have disappeared.

    Had another blood test done 4 weeks ago and everything is back to normal but will need to be on the meds from now on.


    Hope you get over them.

  15. Okay, I was 13 and my brother was11. Pop's got us (yep just one) Honda Mini Trail 90 for Christmas. I got on and road around the block then it was my brothers turn. He road to the end of the block and ran into the back of a pickup with the tailgate down. Took dad 2 weeks to get the parts replaced.

    I decided I needed my own bike so I found a 1964Trail 90 for $25.00 that looks much like the one pictured. Little brother never got on that one.


    honda mini.jpg001[1].jpg

  16. 40 views and 1 reply? Come on folks, did you miss the part where I asked for your input? :confused24:

    Sorry I missed the beginning of the thread Don but I wasn't up at 2:42 this morning. A west coast time thing you know:)


    Here's My 2 cents...I've been a member of the VR.O for a little over a year now and have found the site to be very informative when it comes to looking up tech stuff for both on Gen-1 and Gen-2's and hopefully someday in the near future a Gen-3, Yea right, but to me it's more than that. It is a place where we can share a lot of the stuff life hands us, a place to learn and discuss what is happening in other parts of the world, a place to get help on other important things we sometimes run into, not just Venture stuff but most of all, it's a great place to make friends with like minded people who we may never get the chance to meet otherwise.


    Since joining this group I have ridden to the 2015 Venture west rally and the international rally and met some great people. I've have also had the pleasure of communicating, over the site, with many of the other "lop eared varmints" (thanks Puc) that hang here.


    There are a lot of other brand riders on the site who still like being a part of the group. I feel thou adding other brand pages as part of the overall mix may not work very well. Maybe consider adding other Yamaha cruiser/road models to the site which would add another dimension of tech stuff plus possibly bring in some new members. Had my last purchase been a Goldwing or Ultra I would have gone to the Honda or Harley sites but since I purchased a Yamaha Venture, enough said.


    I don't think spending $12 bucks a year is to much to ask for all we get from the site and probably not much of a deciding factor for wanting to be a part of such a great group. I can spend that much on a good burger and a beer. My guess is we just need to keep having as much fun as we can since there will always be members coming in and going out but, my vote is for to keeping this thing going as long as possible.


    Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ― C.S. Lewis

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