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About Pete1952

  • Birthday 10/20/1952

Personal Information

  • Name
    Pete Pomeroy


  • Location
    Front Royal, Va., VA, United States


  • City
    Front Royal, Va.


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1988 venture
  1. I have found that my CDI or TDI is no good, any suggestions??
  2. What is Dingys' TCI upgrade?
  3. Nothing has changed since Saturday, I shut it off Saturday when I left the shop and today I tried to start it to move it outside.
  4. I have questions as to why my 88 venture will not start, it cranks, backfires and pops but not running. This is the same bike that the carbs were just rebuilt, it ran well Saturday but not today, any known fixes.
  5. JYA1NLE0XJA022790;JYA1NL001GA002766;JYA1NLE00JA022541; and JYA2lWE06JA003178!
  6. OK, I found a 88 venture royale for sale, good engine be t sitting for years to quote the seller. Drove 3 hours and it would not start. Bike was complete wit 20,000 miles. It was a good solid bike with all plastic intac with no cracks. So I bought it for $350.00 and brought it home for a donor bike, since I need an engine. Got it running after rebuilding carbs, sounds good, but too good to strip. So now I have 3 complete ventures and still need an engine. I have decided to rebuild the existing engine with new case halves.
  7. Ok, I have just updated my profile for the 6th time, I still do not see the change to show my year of the royale.
  8. Ok, it seems that the vote is to not rebuild but use the engine I have. It does turn freely, it has compression, so I guess I pull the pan.
  9. Ok I joined or paid the $12.00, unlock the info!
  10. It has a lot of miles , more than one oil leak
  11. Ok, bought an engine that must be overhauled. I understand that you can improve the performance by doing vmax cams, rejetting the carb, what are the facts and what do I need.
  12. I bid several times, but was not quick enough
  13. That did not work either.
  14. OK i am high bidder and watching.
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