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Everything posted by Gypsygirl

  1. Sweet! Thanks. I will be doing this.
  2. Yes this one has a couple 90's and is made to snake under the tank.
  3. Thanks for the offer Marcarl. I have the one that came off this 89 and could probably be used, but I just wanted to replace with new. Anybody have a source?
  4. Trying to find a source for the OEM fuel line for a 1989. Part # 41R-24314-00-00 This is the one from the Petcock to the fuel filter. Everywhere I look they are out of stock.
  5. Thanks Karaboo. That's what I needed to know. One other thing. Where do you get your OEM gas lines? I need the one from the pet cock to the fuel filter. Every where I have checked they are out of stock. Again this is for a 1989.
  6. Always carry when you are with your family. You never know when you will encounter an issue. This world is changing fast. If you are by your self there are a several options. If you are not, protecting your family is all that matters. The high road is always the first step. If it goes south from there, at least you gave that jackass the chance to do the right thing and you didn't teach your kids to over react to an uncomfortable situation. Stay safe my friend. On a lighter note, 20 years ago traveling to Disney World I get frustrated on I95 South with a soccer mom in the left lane holding up everyone. When I finally was able to pass this lady I leaned over far enough for her to see me give her the middle finger. I am driving a Dodge mini van. When I glance in the back of the van all three of my daughters are doing the exactly same thing. My youngest could not get her fingers to work properly and was using her other hand to hold down all but one finger. You don't want to be that guy...
  7. Okay, I have the gas tank cleaned up and I am ready to Cream the tank. I have a few questions. I have searched the library and the internet forum search but can not find instructions for the following. 1) How do I drill out the neck of my tank if that is in fact necessary, 1989 model, and 2)How do I prevent the Cream from clogging up this vent? 3) I need new fuel lines and would like to use OEM lines. Where do I order these? Every where I have searched did not have them in stock. Thank you for your replies. I am very close to getting this beast fired up. I have removed the plugs and put sea foam in and let that soak. Charged up my new battery and this thing turns over nice. Carb slide all are working. Hope all that I need is this tank hooked back up to get this thing to fire over and start. Love this site!!!
  8. OR, You could use your existing damaged petcock without issue and if you are concerned about debris passing through the torn screen on the reserve standpipe, don't use the reserve. Thanks, Prairiehammer. You just saved me some cash. Never even considered simply not using the reserve. Brilliant!
  9. I am trying this get this 1989 gas tank back in shape. The screen on the reserve stem of the pet cock pick up is torn and part of it is missing. My question is, do I need to replace this pet cock with a stock one from ebay, or can I match up one with the same bolt pattern spacing and the same, or close to the same length of pick up on a new cheaper one. Thank for your replies.
  10. Thanks Brenner, great tip. Called the radiator shop this morning and they want $100 to boil the tank. Before I do that I will try your method using the CLR. I got a sending unit off ebay for $18.
  11. Thanks for all the help guys. I will call the radiator shop tomorrow and get it boiled out first, then go with the Kreem system. I should be able to find a sending unit on ebay.
  12. Here are pics of my 1989 gas tank and what I found when I removed it. This bike has been sitting since 2004 and the owner thought he had removed all of the gas from the tank when he stopped using it. Not the case. There was almost a half of a gallon left in the tank. First pic is the sending unit. It is toast. Second pic is the coating that is flaking off of the inside of the gas tank. Third pic the tank. Outside is in good shape. Fourth pic is the inside of the tank. Huge blisters from the old coating. I know about the product that will coat the inside when you get it cleaned. My question is, what would be the best method to address the inside of this tank? Thank you very much for your help.
  13. Thanks Camos. That sounds simple enough.
  14. Those Cree look nice. I would like to try a couple. How would you connect the wiring? Thanks or your response.
  15. Would someone please re post the instructions to do an internet search of the forums? I have some very basic questions and would like to read what has already been posted, rather than asking questions that have been answered many times over. I am starting a help file for a new to me 1989 Venture. What a wealth of info on this site. Thanks for your help.
  16. BlueSky, Looking forward to riding with you. This is my first real bike. I have never been on one this large. I have a 1973 Honda 350 Scrambler that I ride now. This thing is a beast compared to the 350. I will be taking a safety course this month with the police where they ride along with you and after a short ride they tell you all the things you are doing incorrectly. Yes I have read about the starter issue. Will try the larger cables first if i have that problem. Smily, I work with lots of transplanted folks from Ohio. They all love it here. Just had a buddy from Cincinnati take a trip to Napa valley Big Sur, San Fran area, and he said the best thing about his trip was when his plane broke through the clouds to land back here in Wilmington. It truly is a very nice place to live.
  17. Yes BlueSky he is. Also happens to be a very good mechanic. He is going to help me with the clutch kit and get the fluids changed out and new tires put on. He bought this bike new and put all 85000 miles on it, but now due to a nerve issue in his leg he no longer rides. He is afraid of his leg giving out on him. I see from your profile you live here in Wilmington. We moved here in 1968. I love it here this time of year with all the Dogwoods and Azaleas in bloom.
  18. My neighbor just hooked me up with this 1989 Venture. For free! It has been sitting in his garage for the past ten years. He did drain the gas out of the tank. It needs a clutch kit and a little TLC. It has 85,000 miles, but looks very nice. he said everything works but the CB. Looking forward to getting this thing back up and running.
  19. That is a lot of style points right there. Well done!
  20. Two old guys were playing golf when they came to a hole with water along the side of the course. One guy hits his ball near the water and both guys go over to look for the ball. They get near the water and there is a frog sitting on the bank of the pond. As the golfers approach the frog they hear him say, hey buddy come here. They both walk over. The frog says hey buddy pick me up and give me a kiss and I will grant you all the sex you want for the rest of your life. Old guy reaches down and picks up the frog and puts him in his pocket. His golfing buddy says didn't you hear what that frog said. Give him a kiss and you can have all the sex you want. Old guy says at this point in my life I believe I would rather have me a talking frog.
  21. Hope every one has a special day with family and friends. It has been a frog strangler here today. Must have gotten 4 to 5" inches of rain. More coming. Ride safe. Arrive alive!
  22. Two air horns. Do you need two? Is one not loud enough?
  23. Has anyone tried the Wolo Bad Boy Air Horn? Northern Tool has them for $40. $60 for the chrome ones. Comes with a relay so you can use your horn button.
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